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Lv 6
Cat asked in PetsDogs · 9 years ago

A psychological question concerning our dogs and us?

One of my dogs died today. He was old and we had him for over 12 years. I understand the bond that grows between a dog and a human. It's a bond that is as strong as the bond between mother and child . At least it's the way I feel toward my dogs. I'd take a bullet for any of my dogs living or dead. They get into your heart and never let go. Their deaths are so devastating. They break my heart and leave this huge hole in my life where they used to live. Throughout my life I have had around 20 dogs. My parents were big dog lovers and they raised me to honor and treat dogs well. There were very few times in my life that did not include a canine companion. Usually there is a small pack of dogs living with me. What I would like to know is if my dogs deaths cause me so much pain why do I keep subjecting myself to loving and losing them?

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Studies have shown that when dog owners look at their dogs there is a release of the bonding hormone oxytocin into the blood. Oxytocin is a powerful hormone that is released when a mother feeds or looks lovingly at her baby and helps cement the bond between them. Research has demonstrated that when owners pet their dogs, both dog and owner experience a release of oxytocin. This promotes feelings of love and attachment as well as soothing pain and lowering heart rate and blood pressure

    Same reason any animal does anything, the good we feel far out weighs the bad we feel when they pass. Like the dog that enjoys chasing bikes, it doesn't matter how many times he's kicked. The chase is fun. :)

  • 9 years ago

    First, you've chosen the wrong forum for your question. You should be asking this in the "health" category or, better yet, seeing a psychiatrist.

    Second, as one who has owned dogs since childhood and bred and trained them for close to 40 years, your feelings are NOT normal! First, no human being should EVER "take a bullet" or otherwise place their lives in danger for the sake of a dog or any other animal, particularly if they have children -- and I hope you do not have children.

    In my business, I come into contact with all sorts of dog-owners and quite frankly, if you came to me with a dog for training and I learned of your illness -- and that's what it is -- I would refuse to train the dog and I would have serious concerns about any dog you owned. People who lavish such attention on dogs usually have serious problems forming and maintaining human relationships and I wish there were rules that such people could not own pets because the pets belonging to such individuals are untrained and maladjusted.

    As for why you keep lavishing such unnatural attention on an animal as short-lived as a dog, no one knows, but my guess is that you're a control freak and dogs -- unlike humans -- do not question your authority. My suggestion is that you see a mental health care professional and attempt to start interacting with your own kind. Your obsessiveness is detrimental both to yourself and your dogs and they would be much better off with a normal, well-adjusted person who allows them to be the animals they are and doesn't try to turn them into human substitutes!

    Source(s): Almost 40 years breeding and training dogs.
  • Leele
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    You know the joy of having them is worth the heart ache. Just like children. My father did get to a place he would not get another dog. I am old and have dogs that will out live me. I have arranged to have them taken care of by a trusted friend.

    Source(s): old Chihuahua lover me
  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    i had a dog too..which died..i tried to keep myself calm but i couldn't because i felt the fun of him missing...try to take another dog it may help you overcome your feelings..and satisfies you that you have someone and it has someone too.i did the same nd i really feel a lot better now!

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  • 9 years ago

    Because you love the dogs and they love you. here is a web site that can help you get over your loose. When you are ready find and new dog and accept the love it will give you, THAT is why you do it.

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