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For those supporting Obama who depend on government checks of any kind,?

what is your plan when those checks stop coming? It is a mathematical certainty that if we continue on our current course of spending and printing money under Obama, this country will fail, and as we go the world goes with us, as they look to us as the last beacon of hope for fiscal sanity...what is your plan then?


I have your heads in the sand and you are not you would expect those who are to still support you? And what if they won't?

Update 2: father is a retired vet also...he depends on those checks...but we are not obeying the laws of fiscal can't spend more than you bring in, you can't borrow your way into prosperity, you can't print money while borrowing money and have other nations trust your currency...history has shown us that countries that operate so stupidly don't continue to exist...period...what is coming...with or without a shift in the going to make the great depression look like a picnic in the is no longer a matter of is a matter of when and how long we can stay afloat until. People are stupid...they really really are...they know this doesn't work in their own budgets, but somehow think the country can run their finances differently and survive...they can't.

Update 3: really are as delusional as the rest of those who refuse to see...but your delusion won't save you when the crash comes...we are GREECE X TRILLIONS.

9 Answers

  • GUS
    Lv 4
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    For the next few years the checks will still come...only they won't buy as much as they used to. The poor idiot democrats do not have a clue what is being done to them by their own leaders. Rampant inflation is on the way and the poor and many in the middle class will be footing the bill. The rich will invest in gold and other precious metals and in other investments that do well in inflationary times so they will not suffer. The Fed has inflated the money supply 300% and inflation will soon follow.

    Source(s): History, common sense, Econ 101.
  • Tootoy
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    People who receive government checks have nothing to worry about. The checks will not stop coming for those who truly deserves them. Our country had always made it under all presidents, Republicans and Democrats alike, over many decades. I see no reason the country could just go down in flames. You are just one of many fear mongers the right uses to agitate otherwise tranquil people. Since I've started voting, I've heard this "country will fail, country will collapse" thing every election time.

    Hearing it because Obama, a Democrat, is in the White House doesn't surprise me anymore.

    @GOZ2FAST: Had the U.S. ever failed, collapsed , crashed?????????????

    It always comes from the Republicans. Listen to Mitt Romney's "the country is in trouble" if African Americans and Latinos" voted for Obama, and you'll get a sample of what I've said.

  • 9 years ago

    Really? You know most are from red states.

    So your premise is a guess on your part social welfare will continue but corporate welfare will end.

    A Little Debunking

    Myth: The poor receive the most welfare; Fact: Corporations receive the most welfare

    “Entitlement spending on households is surprisingly "flat" in the U.S. -- the spending is distributed proportionately among the various income groups. However, federal spending tilts in favor of the rich when you add corporate welfare to the mix. And this pro-wealthy favoritism becomes more pronounced when you consider who is paying for it: over the last few decades, the tax rates for the rich have sharply fallen, both in personal income and corporate taxes.”


    The Department of Sociology at Virginia Tech produced a study a few years back where, in part, they compared Corporate Subsidies (welfare) to social welfare:

    “The nation's largest corporations and richest citizens receive more welfare money than our social welfare programs.In 1994, the United States spent $104.3 billion on corporate welfare, while spending only $14.4 billion on Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC; now TANF). If we add together recent federal monies spent on AFDC/TANF, food stamps and Medicaid, it comes to about $85 billion annually. The total cost of the corporate tax breaks and subsidies is hundreds of billions of dollars.”

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    My husband spent 23 years serving our country in the US Army and gets a government check every month for the retirement pay he EARNED. No, that check isn't going to stop. Once we get the tax code fixed, stop paying companies to send jobs overseas,, we'll be fine. Republicans have blocked many of Obama's attempts to fix the spite of that, it's recovering. I expect tax revenues to go up, we aren't spending $millions every week in Iraq and Afghanistan is winding down. Personally, I expect things to get much better in 2013.

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  • Are you including military retirement checks in that category?

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Your idea of mathematical certainty is BS and the typical scare tactics of the political right.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    The "checks" are not going to stop coming. You cons forget one thing: the 47 percent yo are insuting VOTE.

    Your a** is grass, baby.

    That's all you need to know.

  • 9 years ago

    "Mathematically certain this country will fail"? By who, you? Cox News? Or is it the fact you don't like helping other people than yourself ?

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Why would you care????? You think we are all just lazy and irresponsible anyways.

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