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Lv 7

Christians: Should we consider...?

...that Martin Luther is directly responsible for deaths like these?

He was the first to remove the Book of Sirach from the bible. Book of Sirach says not to fear the physician because God gave him his wisdom, also that God put all the medicine we will ever need in the earth. Chapter 38


Whoovian, did you even read the question? The question is not about Lutheranism.

The complete bible says not to fear doctors. Luther pulled Sirach as well as other books. He also edited entire passages. Other Protestants, who for years used the same bible we Catholics do, later followed suit. Thereby leaving having an incomplete bible which opened the door for idiotic faith healers.

4 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Nice one; can you try asking an easier question next time?

    Unless I can be argued off of it, I have to come down on both sides of this. On the one hand, I would defend their rights as citizens to not seek an MD (whereas seeking an abortion is not a right ever).

    On the other hand, I was not familiar with Sirach. It is reasonable in the face of that evidence to assume that Luther deserves an extra warm spot in hell.


    @mt: Since we are the original, then the terms "revisionists" and "cultists," etc would properly be used to describe you. Please pass along our regards to Luther, as you are sure to meet him.

    And by the way, Mister Scholarly Tester, "It wasn't necessary for you to say you were a Catholic ~ it was pretty obvious"??? Did you think the letters OFS indicate she won a pie baking contest at a local baptist church?

  • 9 years ago

    It wasn't necessary for you to say you were a Catholic ~ it was pretty obvious. You guys believe every bit of history revision that Rome makes. The truth is, there are many reasons why a lot of books weren't allowed to be put in The Bible, and all of them have to do with whether they were divinely inspired or not. There is a scholarly test for this, and The Book of Sirach fails.

    Did you even read the article? This is a story about a couple who belongs to a fringe religious group. They took a verse out of context, and clung to their misunderstanding ~ to the point of their son's death. I don't know what's worse ~ this or people like you who pounce on the misfortunes of others in order to assert their own cult-like beliefs.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    No- primarily because the heretical nonsense that medicine is evil is not found in Lutheranism.

    There are a lot of other heresies - like they don't pray for the dead, and don't ask for the intersessions of the Saints. We can though blame the Ultimate father of all lies and Heresies- which would be Satan.

    edit I did read the question and that is should you hold Martin Luther DIRECTLY responsible and again I say no because the Lutheran Church which he was DIRECTLY responsible for did and dose not teach medicine is evil. you can hold him INDIRECTLY responsible though for removing the books.

  • You know you have asked a good question when they wont answer!

    God Bless.

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