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Hog Wild asked in SportsFootball (American) · 9 years ago

What good does icing the kicker do? Please someone explain this to me?

I don't even care who wins the Jets/Dolphins game, but it always confuses me when a coach does the icing the kicker trick. Especially when they try to wait until the very last second. I have seen more often than not that when they do that the kicker misses, or it is blocked, BUT they are given a 2nd chance.

If the kick is blocked then you just screwed your own team out of a great play, that will most likely not happen again.

If the guy makes it all he has to do is kick it the same as before. He knows he can make it, and he knows how to kick it.

If he misses, well again you just screwed your team, and the guy now knows what not to do for his next kick.

What advantage do you get out of this????

10 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Years ago it was more effective due to it being a new concept. Nowadays teams practice this as part of a routine so the odds of it working are very slim.

  • 9 years ago

    The theory is it makes the kicker think too much about what he's doing and he might miss it. Whether there's any proof this works or not, I don't know. I think it might work with an inexperienced kicker but for those who've made it to the NFL it's probably not a big deal. Whether it actually works or not is probably hard to figure out, since pretty much everybody who has a timeout to use does it these days, and for whatever reason, the referees apparently allow the coaches to say "hey, call a timeout as soon as the ball is snapped," which shouldn't be allowed in the first place.

    A blocked kick likely wouldn't have happened in the first place if the play had just been allowed to run, as some players likely heard the whistle and quit playing hard.

    Wikipedia has links to a few studies about it, which seem to indicate there's no real difference in kicking percentages.

  • 9 years ago

    The kicker is out on the field with the offense ready to kick the field goal. The defense will call a time out just before the play goes off before the kicker has a chance to go for the field goal. The defense call the time out because it is suppose to throw the kicker's "game" off and gives him a lesser chance to make the field goal as what it is meant to do.

  • 9 years ago

    Because they could kick the game winning field goal while running down the clock, it happens a lot in college football, you will see the clock running down and a team about to win the game with a 3 point FG so icing the kicker it stops the clock and gives the other team a chance to score on a kickoff or something else.

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  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    i've got faith it relies upon at the kicker. for assorted kickers, you does not desire to ice them via the actual fact it purely supplies them extra time to calm themselves down and discuss making the kick. assorted game enthusiasts use the time and over-imagine it and pass over. it is all about composure, as with each position. So on some kickers, certain, it quite works. Others, it would finally end up hurting you. anything it does not make a distinction the two way.

  • Supposedly it is supposed to mess with the kickers' head and throw them off but it doesn't work very often. It's stupid if anything and Joe Philbin cost his team the game doing that as the Jets kicker had his first attempt blocked.

  • 9 years ago

    I don't have any stats, but I'm sure it backfires more often than it works. If the kicker fails you give him a second chance to make it.

  • 9 years ago

    It's to throw the kicker off or maybe make him overthink

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Hey... worked for Rex with Dan Carpenter, failed badly with the Dolphins coach.

    It's just a superstition.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    It worked last year for Tom Coughlin, remember that?

    Lol, but besides that I've never seen it work.

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