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Anonymous asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 9 years ago

Why do liberals refuse to accept Obama's "you didn't build that" quote?

I would just like to understand why they will refuse to accept it, and why they keep calling it a "misquote". Here's Romney talking about the 47% that don't play income tax, and the media pisses all over it. Here's Obama insulting business owners across America, and it's swept under the rug. Here it is in full context. It holds the same meaning, with or without the context.


Well gee, I guess im a moron for not understanding that the sentence "you have a business" is referring to roads, and IS IN NO WAY related to businesses.

Update 2:

You people are saying that all Obama was saying is that many people are involved in building a business, which is true. But Obama's quote "you didn't build that, somebody else made that happen" is suggesting that the business owner was in no way responsible for his/hers success and hard work. It is a rather insulting remark. One person had the idea, they payed contractors, workers, etc., and started their business. It wasn't "someone else that made that happen."

Update 3:

Shay: don't you think that telling business owners that they were not responsible for their business, the business they worked hard for, the business that feeds their family, the business they built their life around is at least a LITTLE bit insulting?

Update 4:

Lenny The Strawman: well, this argument can go two ways, as you are refusing to hear my point because of your loyalty to your party. I can say its astounding that you will refuse to hear what I have to say.

you |yo͞o|

pronoun [ second person singular or pl. ]

1 used to refer to the person or people that the speaker is addressing: are you listening? | I love you.

• used to refer to the person being addressed together with other people regarded in the same class: you Australians.

• used in exclamations to address one or more people: you fools | hey, you!

2 used to refer to any person in general: after a while, you get used to it.

didn't |ˈdidnt|


did not.

build |bild|

verb ( past and past participle built |bilt| ) [ with obj. ]

construct (something, typically something large) by putting parts or material together over a period of time: the factory was built in 1936.

that |T͟Hat, T͟Hət|

pronoun ( pl. those |T͟Hōz| )

1 used to identify a specific person or thing observe

Update 5:


business |ˈbiznis|


1 a person's regular occupation, profession, or trade: she had to do a lot of smiling in her business | are you here on business ?

• an activity that someone is engaged in: what is your business here?

• a person's concern: this is none of your business | the neighbors make it their business to know all about you.

• work that has to be done or matters that have to be attended to: government business | let's get down to business.

2 the practice of making one's living by engaging in commerce: the world of business | whom do you do business with in Manila? | the jewelry business | [ as modifier ] : the business community.

• trade considered in terms of its volume or profitability: how's business?

• a commercial house or firm: a catering business.

3 [ in sing. ] informal an affair or series of events, typically a scandalous or discreditable one: they must be told about this blackmailing business.

• informal a group of related or previou

Update 6:

road |rōd|


1 a wide way leading from one place to another, esp. one with a specially prepared surface that vehicles can use.

• the part of such a way intended for vehicles, esp. in contrast to a shoulder or sidewalk.

• [ with modifier ] historical a regular trade route for a particular commodity: the Silk Road across Asia to the West.

• Mining an underground passage or gallery in a mine.

• a railroad.

• Brit.a railroad track, esp. as clear (or otherwise) for a train to proceed: they waited for a clear road at Hellifield Junction.

2 a series of events or a course of action that will lead to a particular outcome: he's well on the road to recovery.

• a particular course or direction taken or followed: the low road of apathy and alienation.

3 (usu. roads) (often in place names) another term for roadstead: Boston Roads.

See the difference? And honestly, name calling doesn't justify your point any more. It shows weakness, that you have no justifiable response, and your basicall

Update 7:

thesaurus: I honestly don't know how I can make it any more clearer for you that businesses and roads are two very different things. If you say "Im going to turn right on that road" would it mean the same thing as saying "Im going to turn right on that business"? To be honest, I think you're the one that needs an English degree.

Update 8:

That is despicable. I don't care if a liberal media source says so, the words business and road both have different definitions. Why don't we start calling roads businesses? Why don't we start calling businesses roads? This is like saying apples are oranges and denying the fact that apples are apples. Im sorry, but in reality, the dictionary beats The Huffington Post on any day. I should really go now, I have to go to the local food road and buy some more milk and coffee grounds.

13 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    The "Borg society" concept has been running around progressive literature for a very long time. It is the one of the basic tenets for their drive to redistribute wealth. If you truly believe a businessman didn't earn his wealth. If you truly believe he got wealth by exploiting others. You can feel perfectly justified and even morally obligated to confiscate that wealth, and give it to those who also helped produce it. It appears Obama believes it. This wasn't an accident or taken out of context. It was one of the rare moments of clarity in which we are able to see into Obama's soul.

    "If you own a business, you didn't build that" Oh really?! All wealth is produced by sales. All jobs are created through profits from sales. All federal revenue comes from those profits as well. With that revenue the government can build infrastructure. So, YES business did build that! Furthermore, since government sells nothing, government produces no wealth. Since government makes no profits from sales, government produces zero jobs. Government can, and has hired people to build infrastructure, but every dollar used to pay them comes from business profits.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    He was referring to the roads and bridges. I am amazed how republicans cannot understand it.

    "If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business — you didn’t build that (referring to the roads and bridges)."

    Please think.


    mo·ron [mawr-on]


    1. Informal . a person who is notably stupid or lacking in good judgment.

    I suggest you go to your local community college and enroll in English Composition. You then might be able to grasp the basics of the English language.

    Edit 2: All I'm saying is that you don't need a English degree to understand that he was referring to the roads and bridges.

    Edit 3: The sentence before provides context for the "you didn't build that line." Read these.

    "Obama was referring to the roads and bridges — not businesses — as having been built by government."

    "But the quote in context, rather than a snippet of the quote as a sound bite, reveals that the president never denigrated small businesses owners.

    Rather, he acknowledges the importance of a safe and sound infrastructure, which includes roads and bridges, to business’ growth. The “that” that somebody else built is the infrastructure, not the business."

    Edit 4: You conservatives are too predictable. There was a reason I chose The Wall Street Journal and The Dallas Morning News. They are both conservative news sources. Can you see it now? Anybody with an education can comprehend his quote.

    Also, why did you bring up The Huffington Post? Was that your failed attempt at disproving my sources? As I said before, education is a valuable thing. Community Colleges are both affordable and effective. Start there and you might make it into a 4 year school. But beware! The more educated you are, the more likely you will vote democratic.

    But please, continue replying. You are only showing your ignorance.

  • 9 years ago

    Obama's "you didn't build that" quote was NOT swept over the rug. The republicans jumped all over that like rabid dogs, or do you not watch Fox news?

    The reason the 47% quote is getting more negative attention than the "you didn't build that" quote is because it's a cruel thing to say. Romney is basically calling half of America lazy moochers, and he's doing it maliciously. Obama had no malice or hatred intended in his quote. He was simply saying that if you are at the top, you didn't get there alone, you had people to help you along the way. Teachers molded your mind and taught you how to think, construction workers built roads for you to drive on so you could get to your business, etc.

    Oh, and I'm an independent but I lean liberal on most issues, & I vehemently agree with Obama's quote. You DIDN'T build that, at least not alone you didn't.


    Steve, Obama was not saying that you did not build your BUSINESS, that would be taking the quote out of context. He said you didn't build the roads you drove on to get to your business. Yes, roads don't exactly equal out to being a business, as you so stated, but you are missing the point here. You wouldn't have been able to build your business without help from other people. The roads are a metaphor, look at the bigger picture. If you are successful, someone helped you out. I'm not sure what you aren't understanding here, it really can't be put into simpler terms than that.

    Obama isn't trying to take away or diminish your credit for your successful business, he's just trying to make you understand that more people deserve credit for it than just you. Sure, you deserve the most credit, but certainly not all of it. To think that you built your own buisness 100% alone with no help from ANYONE else is, well, fukcing retarded.

  • 9 years ago

    Because we listened to the whole speech and know the context. The GOP latched on to one sentence and ignored what Obama said both before and after that sentence. Government did build the infrastructure without which the business would have had either no way or a lot harder way to get products to markets. Financial institutions made the loans of other people's money. A workforce made the product. Middlemen marketed it.

    You didn't build those things that allowed you to bring your idea to fruition. As Obama says in the speech, yes, you had initiative and drive . . . but that alone did not create the system within which your success was enabled.

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  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    Yes, it would seem to hold the same meaning with or without context, just so long as you assume that he abruptly shifted gears mid-paragraph and decided to make a patently ludicrous statement designed to offend business owners, rather than continue to talk about various useful things that the government spends tax revenue on.


    Nobody's saying you're a moron. Or at least I'm not. My take is that you simply have an astounding ability to disregard any interpretation of reality that doesn't suit your dogmatic commitment to your chosen political party. Here, your possible interpretations are either that the president said, against all political wisdom and basic common sense, that people didn't build their own businesses, or that the president used the word "that" with reference to the subjects of several previous sentences. The degree to which you must have to buy into all the hyperbole and partisan hatred in order to not only presume the first interpretation of his meaning to be correct, but in fact seem to deny that there is any other possible interpretation, is really quite impressive.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    What Obama basically said was if you own a business somebody built the roads that your company uses or the mail route that your company uses or someone built the hydro infrastructure that supplies your company with electricity. Romney accused the elderly, military families, the middle class, the working poor , blacks and hispanics of all being deadbeats when in reality most of them pay more in taxes than he does because his entire revenue stream was created with one goal in particular which is the evasion of taxes so people think he is a hypocrite and a tax felon.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    LOL, because we don't live in a right wing fantasy land where Obama is Kenyan who lied about being born in Hawaii and somehow had a fake birth certificate made, where Obama is a muslim and the antichrist, where the is no evolution, and where everything is fine with the climate.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Because he stole it from Romney's Olympic Opening Ceremony speech, maybe?

    "You Olympians, however, know you didn't get here solely on your own power,” said Romney, who on Friday will attend the Opening Ceremonies of this year’s Summer Olympics. “For most of you, loving parents, sisters or brothers, encouraged your hopes, coaches guided, communities built venues in order to organize competitions. All Olympians stand on the shoulders of those who lifted them. We’ve already cheered the Olympians, let’s also cheer the parents, coaches, and communities. All right! [pumps fist].”

  • 9 years ago

    Heck, Obama is running an ad where he is promising to reduce the deficit.

    Been there, done that. Got the $16 Trillion deficit.

  • 9 years ago

    I could explain it but I get the impression you wouldn't be able to grasp it. But hey in a free society everyone gets a voice even if you just use it to repeat ignorance that you were not well enough equipped to see thru.

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