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Anonymous asked in Arts & HumanitiesHistory · 9 years ago

Didn't Cyrus the Great, of Persia, liberat the Hebrew exiles to resettle and rebuild Jerusalem?


Didn't that earn Cyrus an honored place in Judaism?

Wasn't he addressed in the Jewish Tanakh as the "Lord's Messiah"?

Wasn't he glorified by Ezra, and by Isaiah, as the one to whom "Yahweh, the God of heaven" has given "all the Kingdoms of the earth"?

And NOW, the Jews/Hebrews and the Iranians/Persians are at each others' throats, threatening to kill each other off, AND in the process turning Human survival into a game, fraught with danger, for the rest of us, too?!

Dang it, why can't people just get along?!?



@ Yeremiahu Yonteff: I'm an atheist, and as such not particularly fond of God/gods and/or religions; especially those that promote and/or spiritually admit violence in the name of their deity and sacred beliefs. ... That said, how could Islam, an "Abrahamic religion" that originated with the Arabs---and following the same spiritual underpinnings as Judaism and Christianity, mind you---possibly be "anti-Semitic", when Arabs themselves belong to the Semitic race?!? ...

Update 2:

@ Yeremiahu Yonteff: I'm an atheist, and as such not particularly fond of God/gods and/or religions; especially those that promote and/or spiritually admit violence in the name of their deity and sacred beliefs. ... That said, how could Islam, an "Abrahamic religion" that originated with the Arabs---and following the same spiritual underpinnings as Judaism and Christianity, mind you---possibly be "anti-Semitic", when Arabs themselves belong to the Semitic race?!? ...

Update 3:

Arabs / Palestinians and Jews / Israelis may HATE each others' guts all they want---mostly based on ideological /religious rifts and seemingly incompatible and prevailing NICETIES of their ongoing Political Realities---but the FACT remains that racially-speaking they are essentially the SAME people/race. ... And although there is obviously no love lost between the modern Arabs/Palestinians and the Jews, I don't think any of that hatred is (or even could be) racially-motivated. I mean, I can see certain "Aryan supremacy" groups like the Neo-Nazi's and the members of the KKK, for instance, being openly anti-Semite, but Arabs and Islam being "virulently anti-Semitic"---solely based on racial and/or cultural grounds---just doesn't make any sense, at all. ...

Update 4:

Yes, you may CHOOSE to DEFINE and/or refer to "anti-Semitism" as any hostility or discrimination directed exclusively at Jews. ... But to callously label/incriminate a Semitic race (albeit a sworn political enemy), and its religion, as virulently anti-Semitic [an emotionally-charged and indefensible accusation, historically linked with the racial-impetus associated with the Holocaust and the Nazi war crimes] serves no purpose, but to further aggravate an ostensibly irreconcilable, though predominantly socio-political, conflict. ...

Update 5:

The FACT is that BOTH the Jews and the Palestinians have a legitimate and historical claim over the land that they regard as their home and sacred ground; whether they openly own up to the legitimacy of each other's claims or not. ... My reason for asking the question was to put that FACT in perspective, by citing the decisive historical event where the Persian/Aryan King Cyrus himself recognized the rights of the Jews thousands of years ago. ... So who is Ahmadinejad to claim otherwise? ...

Update 6:

The FACT is that BOTH the Jews and the Palestinians have a legitimate and historical claim over the land that they regard as their home and sacred ground; whether they openly own up to the legitimacy of each other's claims or not. ... My reason for asking the question was to put that FACT in perspective, by citing the decisive historical event where the Persian/Aryan King Cyrus himself recognized the rights of the Jews thousands of years ago. ... So who is Ahmadinejad to claim otherwise? ...

Update 7:

That said, I believe it's time for Israel (and Mr. Netanyahu's government) to officially recognize the rights of the Palestinian State/People, as well. ... Specially since the overwhelming "impressions" are that the Israeli-Palestinian clash is a lopsided and mismatched fight, where one of the parties to the conflict is being unilaterally aided by a superpower in its ongoing efforts to systematically crush the other. ... No, I don't have a workable solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, all I know is: although "there are two sides to every story", in the end "violence only begets more violence", and no-one ends up living in peace.


10 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Maybe, Once, we were Human...feeling others' pain.

    Now we are reduced to selfish, possessive Biped who refuse to share...

  • 6 years ago

    the problem here is that you are mistaking the land and territory which was then persia and is now partly iran for the actual people and descendants.

    they are not the same people who lived in relative peace under the rule of cyrus. those nice and peaceful people were conquered by and replaced by the war mongering muslims and are no longer the same people.

    the problems between israel or the jews and iran and other muslims date back to the book of genesis where abraham was told by God to cast out his first born son ishmael who was the son between him and the egyptian hand maid hagar. the reason was because God had planned to give abraham and sarah a child of their own even though sarah was 90 years old and way past child bearing age.

    that son was isaac. isaac is the child of promise while ishmael was the child of the manipulations of sarah when she asked her hand maid to be a surrogate mother for her because she doubted God's ability to give her a natural born child of her own.

    so, ever since this happened, there has been emnity between arab and jew. the very fact that both groups of people still exist should be proof to you that God is real and his word is true since God promise abraham that both of his sons would have descendants as numerous as the sands of the sea (not actually but as an allegory) and so they have both existed for nearly 6000 years.

    not many people have an unbroken linage like that. and further more, God also said they would always be enemies until Jesus comes again....and so it is that this is true.

  • 9 years ago

    well you are missing a rather huge development, this was about 1,000 years before Persia was conquered by Mohamadean armies and the fairly innocous national religion of persia was replaced by the war-mongering and virulently anti-Semitic religion of Islam.

    Although life for both muslims and jews in persia was made well by the pro-western and largely secular Shah under his rule, the "Iranian revolution" which was really an Islamic revolution, tossed Persians, and the relationship between Iran and the jewish people back into the dark ages.

  • dman63
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    You think they'd take a lesson from history...but noooo. A few days ago I read an article about the same thing. Israeli President Shimon Peres was using the story of Cyrus the Great to point out how ignorant Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is of history. Ahmadinejad seems to think Israel has no more than 70 years of history behind it. I'm astounded to no end that such a stupid and ignorant man became the president of a country and is now trying to get nuclear weapons....but in the end it's up to the Iranian people themselves to deal with him.

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  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    The difference being, one are far richer and more powerful than the other, and Iran are not in debt to the Israeli Bank of International settlements.

    So Palestine must get help otherwise they surely wouldn't still exist? I perhaps reckon Iran are keeping them there because its like a safety guard the ONLY thing between them and Israel invading is a Palestinian front and probably Syria, when you consider the U.S are surrounding them with bases in all other countries around Iran.

    Gaddafi wanted gold for oil not dollars and he wanted to liberate Africa from World banks using a gold standard and look what happened to him? A bounty on his head and murder without trial.

    Gaddafi got rid of royalty and never even taxed his people but it took them 40 yrs to complain?

    A clever well thought out question by the way <I> as I suspected of course you make valid points because you spot the floor in popular theory. I smell stinky floor too If Iran were to Nuke Israel it would not bode well with their allies in Palestine.

    I think Iran have Jews and Christians also living there, and I has seen him that there Muckydinnerjacket getting a visit from some Orthodox Jews on YouTube a friendly meating was had, they ate cake together, all smiles and everything not one American flag burning!


    Source(s): Because Iran won't enslave its people to their criminal bankers EDIT who are Zionist Jews and are different innit?
  • 9 years ago

    Don't look at me - I don't have a clue. Reminds me of that old ad - "My dog's better than your dog..."

    My family (the whole overall family) had a little of everything, it seemed. And no one cared. A great aunt was Jewish, there's a bunch of Jehovah's Witnesses (although I don't think the stripper-cousin is a Witness anymore - LOL)....I come from the Christo-Pagan line. And it was more like - here's what mom believes - here's what dad believes - make up your own mind one day - And it doesn't hurt to learn about other religions. (Although I am convinced that those couple hours of Mennonite bible school in the evenings for those couple weeks in the summer was more a break for them from me than anything to do with religion. LOL)

    (((((( < I > ))))))

    (((((eb))))) - I won't tell anyone I saw you at the scene. Here's some Floyd specially for you. ;P

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Yes to all of your ancient history statements. And yes, I'd love for everyone to get along.

    However, it's not the 6th century BC anymore, modern Iranians are not Cyrus and modern Israelis are not ancient Israelites. We have to deal with modern conflicts on modern terms and not pretend the last 2500 years didn't happen.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago


  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Maybe you could mention this to Netanyahoooo.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago


    it wasn't





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