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Anonymous asked in SportsOutdoor RecreationFishing · 9 years ago

Pond issues. plenty of life, alot of algae, but no bites from fish?

so theres this man-made pond by my house, it's been there longer than i've been alive. i remember when i was younger this pond was full of fish, clean around it and you could see the water. so many fish you could dip a bucket in the water and pull out fish. but now 10 yrs later, the pond is overgrown with trees, covered in algae, and seems to have no fish. my neighbor said he caught a fish 2 yrs agos but no more after. theres turtles, deers, snakes, and frogs the size of my hand around this pond. could there still be fish? if so, whats the best way to catch'em


yea im fishing for bass. only thing i ever seen caught was bream and bass. im using senko worms. and the pond is in the woods. nobody goes there because they are convinced theres no fish. im the only person who try's to fish there (seriously).

5 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    It's very hard to "fish out" a pond that already has an established fish population & ecosystem. Unless, the pond is very small (like 50 yards X 50 yards) and people are ALWAYS taking fish and NEVER throwing back a single fish- which would be rare.

    Realize- most ponds are VERY high in mercury and PCB levels. Whomever eats pond fish on a consistent basis would eventually get pretty sick. And the smaller the pond (usually) the higher the contaminants. Why??

    Most ponds are either dug (to meet wetlands laws) OR are natural. But, in most cases, they all drain roads and sewer systems in one way or another. Hopefully, if people have "fished it out" they aren't "glowing" somewhere! (lol)

    More than likely, due to massive fishing pressure, the Bass (and possibly other fish) are staying offshore more. I've seen this many times in urban ponds. Fishing pressure causes the fish to adopt a "night bite" or "early morning bite" only OR they just move to a section of the pond where humans are least at. Fishing pressure can ruin a pond quicker than people actually TAKING fish out for consumption.

    The other possible culprit?? A kill off due to pollution, drought/draw-down conditions or COLD weather. Winter kill is VERY common through-out the US and can ruin a pond in 1 day. Do you notice ANY fish activity at all? A Winter kill/drought conditioned pond can appear as "alive" as ever and not have a single fish in it!

    IMHO, it's either a kill off, major fishing pressure or you just aren't where the fish can see your lures.

    Try the most remote area to fish in and use a FLUOROCARBON leader. Invisible line can make a difference in this type of situation.

    Hope this helps?

    Source(s): 'Ole Fisherman.
  • 9 years ago

    It is possible that it got fished out, in small eco systems like that if there aren't enough spawning pairs they could eventually die off. Remember bass will only defend there frye til they are about an inch long then they get abandoned, at which point they enter the food chain many times becoming food for there own parents so if the pond is small enpugh the offspring may just be too few to make a difference in repopulating. How deep is this pond? Maybe try n rig a live bait with a long leader and see if anything at the way bottom of the pond bites.

    Source(s): Personal experiance. Fish 5 days a week consistantly for a few hours to keep my sanity when I'm not home with my kids ;)
  • Andrew
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    If theres frogs then theres fish usually. Frogs are very very sensitive to water quality. They absorb the water through there skin which is why you should not hold them without wet hands. Im guessing your fishing for bass if theres deer around not deers lol. I would use a slower bait this time of year. A wacky rig senko seems to be every fishermens favorite these days. Its very easy to fish to. Maybe all the fish got eaten? Some people are inconsiderate Ive seen it happen to a medium sized pond.

  • 9 years ago

    I wish I could find a deer the size of my hand, that'd be so f'n awesome to have.

    Care to elaborate a little more in this pond? Where it's located, what kinda fish are/were in it, etc. etc.

    Whatever was in it, there's two possibilities; it's either been COMPLETELY fished out (what eventually happens to small impoundments when nobody practices Catch-&-Release) or the fish are pressured so hard by people, they just don't bite.

    Source(s): -B
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  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    There are fish but, I would still go and try to catch a fish since not many people go there anymore the fish are most likely catchable.

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