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Lv 5
kanga asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 9 years ago

Is Allan Jones the ultimate radio douche?

His distasteful comments (on most subjects) but especially the death of Prime minister Julia Gillards father should lead to him being booted off the airways?


So "cap' n" you think that the Might of Population or Money or Military gives you the exclusive rights to freedom of speech by using this forum?

And you wonder why such insular arrogance and stupidity leaves even you friends disliking THAT America!

Most of us in the world are not Yanks nor want to be mate!

8 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 4
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    The only thing about which I agree with Mrs. Gillard is support for Western Bulldogs. That being said, if Mr. Jones actually mocked the death of her father, he does indeed qualify as a douche.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    Well Daza or Kanga,

    Just remember that the last person who was perfect ... was crucified.

    Alan Jones is not perfect and he made a mistake but hardly deserves to die as some wife of a labour politician has said on facebook.

    Nor should he lose his job because he made his stupid remarks to what was a closed gathering and was not meant for publication. In fact I believe that the MC asked if their were any jounalists in the room and the reporter who taped Jones said nothing and he taped it without permission which is illegal. So what do you say about that?

    Of course Alan Jones' comment was tactless and obviously said with a few drinks under his belt - he was unrestrained and allowed his inner thoughts to surface and he repeated what he had been told earlier. (I don't blame Gillard not accepting his apology incidentally)

    He may well have been right and Gillard's father did die of shame because of her being a lier AND if you are honest with yourself you would admit that she was a lier when she said there would be no Carbon Tax OR she may have meant it but the lure of Government clouded her eyes and she got into bed with the Greens at the price of her personal integrity (which is now zero).

    Jones was also wrong because his statement is unprovable - for no one literally 'no one' knows what another is really thinking, so his comment was stupid... plain stupid and tactless.

    However calling her a lier is correct - There is no doubt that the Carbon Tax will damage this country financially and it is rather stupid too when you consider Australia causes a fraction of 1% the world's carbon polution but the tax makes us uncompetitive on a world basis and we are paying for it because coal is being phased out in australia to provide Electricity and we are paying through the nose for it. YET ironically we sell our coal to China - what a joke and what hypocrisy!!!!!

    Alan Jones will not be booted off the airways for the simple reason he has and will continue to have an enormous following and all the sponsores will return in due course BECAUSE they cannot afford not to. In fact as a Psychologist and Media analysist said last night on TV - Jones' following will increase - a fact of life - people are fascinated with controversy.

    You may not have listened to him on 2GB this morning but he was remarkably subdued and welcomed anybody to make a comment - plus or minus - and he was inundated with support ... I kid you not and he was humble and apologetic - Australians love their tall poppes humble and he was that - .

    Unfortunately what I see as sad is that 2GB has the only people who are prepared to speak out against Coal seam Mining and the incredibly stupid Carbon Tax. The ABC especially 702 are gutless and wimps and lack any backbone but then why would they speak against the Labor party because they have been 'labor biased' for many years and who supports them financially? Why the Labor Govt right? -

    I suppose you are a supporter of the Gillard Government - well if you are then make the most of it because her days and that of this disfunctional, deceitful and inept government are almost over and it will be sometime before we see a credible opposition to combat the Liberals.

    AS for me I am ashamed I voted for Gillard because I was stupid enough to believe her when she said there would be no carbon Tax - but I won't make the same mistake twice.

    I only wish there was a a credible third force in Australian Politics because I am not overly wrapped in Tony Abbot either.



    PS - Re Capt's comments - it might be worth pointing out that there is a world outside of USA - but I suppose he has a point in that Australians should preface their Questions with "Australians only" unfortunately whilst you can ask to see the Australian section only (as I did) Maybe Captn is looking at "All English Questions" which is International questions and if so he should not complain


  • 9 years ago

    If Gillard had the guts, she should sue the crap out of Jones.

    Most disgraceful comments I have ever heard.

    Not that I would vote for Gillard.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    Who is Allan Jones?

    Do you mean Alex Jones?

    EDIT: OK now. It is Alan Jones not Allan Jones. I had to search "jones prime minister" to get this.

    Alan Jones appears to be an Australian Radio announcer. Maybe if you spelled the guys first name correctly we could have easily looked it up. Using "Allan Jones" as you spelled it in a search brought up mostly some tenor singer that died 20 years ago and a CEO of some Cash & Check company.

    Questioner FAILED us

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  • 9 years ago

    There is only a small amount of time you can stay on-air when your Sponsors are pulling out daily. Cap'n; There is an entire WORLD outside of the US! I know it sounds crazy, but its true!

  • 9 years ago

    Listen, this is pretty much an American forum, other than the occasional Brit that comes here to sling some cheap criticisms on American politics.

    We have no idea who you are talking about.

    Edit: No douche-nozzle, what I was obviously saying is that the overwhelming majority of users in the Politics section are American, and questions regarding non-US issues often go unanswered or simply trolled.

    *skeets on your grill* Gnnuh!

  • Louis
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    Sorry, but he's not the worst, even though he is terrible. Look up Rush Limbaugh.

  • 9 years ago

    No, you're thinking of Lollygag Limbo.

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