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Atheists, "IF" it turns out that God does exist...........?

Atheists, "IF" it turns out that God does exist and calls everyone into account, is there anything you know of now that could have been said in order to have helped you decide to have of listened, given you a better chance come that day?


@Narathzul Arantheal, if you notice I said “anything you know of” unless you have the evidence you speak of its not a fitting answer to the question asked.

@WL378, You clearly need to stop listening to false “Christians” without knowledge as nothing you said has anything to do with this question or scripture including this “hell” you talk of.

@Alan, Did the question actually mention “hell”?, the common idea of “hell” is completely make believe and does not originate in scripture, but what has this got to do with the question, did you actually have a relevant answer?

@tylertxanreborn, That's not answering the question asked, but thanks I've already made sure those gods are not real.

@EssexExMo, Which god is irrelevant to this question, which is why it was not mentioned, and you talk about “bright”, if you want to be better than dim next time answer the question asked, not rant on about nothing relevant.

@Simon T, I very much doubt you have bothered doing what you claim, a

Update 2:

s most have never come face to face with truth including the vast majority of those who claim to be theists.

@Mackey, Hey, If its to hard for you to understand, maybe better next time you just keep silent.

@punch, 50 years involved in false religion amount to zip, sorry but true.

@Nah, thanks for being honest, so far yours is the only answer to actually even address what was said.

The vast majority of people who gave an answer did not even address the actual question, maybe you misunderstood what was actually asked, overall a bit disappointing as this was a genuine question looking for genuine specific answers, and not just a chance to have a rant or make complaints, if you don't have an answer to the question asked why bother wasting your time?, who knows.

But thanks to everyone anyway, the general content of the answers was very telling and made clear nothing more could possibly be done to help, Thanks :)

Update 3:

s most have never come face to face with truth including the vast majority of those who claim to be theists.

@Mackey, Hey, If its to hard for you to understand, maybe better next time you just keep silent.

@punch, 50 years involved in false religion amount to zip, sorry but true.

@Nah, thanks for being honest, so far yours is the only answer to actually even address what was said.

The vast majority of people who gave an answer did not even address the actual question, maybe you misunderstood what was actually asked, overall a bit disappointing as this was a genuine question looking for genuine specific answers, and not just a chance to have a rant or make complaints, if you don't have an answer to the question asked why bother wasting your time?, who knows.

But thanks to everyone anyway, the general content of the answers was very telling and made clear nothing more could possibly be done to help, Thanks :)

Update 4:

@FatGoddess, Not sure what else may give you that idea, but if its anything to do with what you have said your idea of “hell” I can assure you you are misjudging God your vision of “hell” does not exist and has been made up to cause people to take your very reaction to it, you're no doubt being manipulated and not realising it.

19 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer


  • 9 years ago

    IF God does exist then God will know why I did not believe. He would know that I had listened to all the theists arguments and would also know that all those arguments were flawed and generally pathetic reasons to believe.

    Meanwhile it is far more likely that aliens will invade the planet and kill every theist on it because of the danger such irrational behaviour has on the rest of the galaxy. IF that happens is there anything that you know of know that could have been said to you that would give you a better chance of survival when the invasion occurs?

  • punch
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    No. Because I'm being true to myself. I really really truly don't have a belief in God or the fairy Tale associated with it. And you act like I closed my self off and didn't listen, well I did. For almost 50 years, so excuse me if I say, Why do you think we're just so stubborn? because we don't want to take accountability for our actions or some **** like that. Or maybe just maybe, we know what we believe and think because of LIFE or absolutely no evidence?

  • 9 years ago

    It won't turn out that way. Someday more of us humans will be bright enough to know that no such things exist. Anyway, religion's record in resolving problems and making the world and it's inhabitants better is extremely poor!

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  • 5 years ago

    A reasonable person, atheist or not, should take precautionary measure like Pascal if. Google Pascal.

  • 9 years ago

    I think the christian god is evil (I assume this is the god you mean?) and I would not want to worship him even if he does exist. I'd rather burn in hell.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    christian--if it turns out that the way was actually zeus, or allah, or vishnu is there anything you know of now that could have been said in order to have helped you decide to have of listened, give you a better chance come that day?

  • 9 years ago

    Well you could have given us evidence that your particular god is right and not the next guy's. See without evidence you cannot convince someone who's not already inclined to believe you.

  • 9 years ago

    The same thing you would say "IF" it turned out Zeus was up there wondering where your sacrifices were.

  • Alan
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    IF there is a god and if he sends people how didn't worship him to Hell -

    Then I submit that he is not worthy of the title and definitely not worthy of our respect.

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