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Are there any 12 step programs for people addicted to soap operas?

I have been watching Y&R since my grand-daughter was born. She just turned 21 and the show is starting to look a little repetitive. I need to have another hobby.

9 Answers

  • MAK
    Lv 7
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    The way the soaps are being cancelled you won't need a 12 step program...the choice will be made for ever if you should stop watching the soaps by your choice or other wise and you should get hooked on talk and game shows then I would say, you definitely need to get a life and need help......just kidding.

    Maybe for a hobby you could start corresponding with the rest of us who have become almost acquainted with each other through are daily questions and answers.......we do have one thing we in common ...... the love of Y&R....someday this will also be a thing of the past.

    I use to watch 18 soaps a day.....long story short there is only four left and I am almost down to three I do not watch B&B every single's not as hard as I thought it would be, there is other things in life that needs doing.... house work, shopping, yard work, errands....some times just going on Y/A is a job, I don't know how some can be on it 24/7 they are on from sun up to sun down.....they would be the ones that need the 12 steps.

  • 9 years ago

    Not that I know of ;)

    But here is a 6-step program! :) (Click the link to read the steps in more detail)

    1. Log how much time you're actually spending each week watching soaps

    2. Make a list of everything you enjoy doing at home that doesn't involve soaps

    3. Tape the list up on or near your TV, where you will see it when you turn Y&R on.

    4. Try to get rid of the TV altogether.

    5. Scheduling things to do in the same time block as the soap will remove the temptation to watch it.

    6. Go to the doctor to see if there is an underlying problem.

    Hope this helps! :)

  • 9 years ago

    Steps 1 to 6:

    Schedule some gardening, craft/hobby to begin at the time the show is to come on...if that doesn't work...

    Step 7 to 12:

    Look for activities around your area that gives you something to look forward to.

    Step, laugh and love along with your soap then join us everyday, we'll keep you entertained.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    Do digital art on your computer, drawing skills are NOT necessary. Plus, you can make some extra money selling your art. To create digital art, all you need to buy is two items: digital painting software and graphics tablet. This hobby is cheap to buy: Download 100% free art software off the internet - Google search MyPaint. Buy a cheap $30 tablet online - Go to Monoprice website and search GRAPHIC TABLET. Read question 3 and 4 and then scroll down to the bottom to see the video for more info and to see pictures of digital art examples

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  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    I have watched it on and off since the start...yes it is repetitious. Start watching a different show at least 10 minutes a day. Little by little you can stop watching everyday. You can always keep up through weekly magazines or free sites on line. Once you pull yourself away from the daily thing it is easier.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    I have been watching Y & R off and on since day one, and so has a friend of mine. When I couldn't watch it, she kept me up to date on it. So don't feel so bad about how long you have watched it. But if you really want to stop watching it, when it comes on,go for a walk, or go to the library, or put in a movie, or buy a book and read it during that time.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Level 3 within the first 10 days.... not bad. But why hide all your Questions and Answers? The higher you go the more people will want to study your Answers.

  • 9 years ago

    Mak is right lol and anyway girl don't drop us we love having you with us ,your part of the gang just watch one show and from time to time go out with your girlfriends and mix things up !

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Snicker..snicker..I've been watching since the day it started in 73..and I will not stop either!! NOW I quit smoking and that about all I will do!! LOL

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