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Why do you ask God why?

Why do you ask why God does or doesn’t do something? Do you question God because you don’t believe and want others to recant? Do you believe that God doesn’t make sense, isn’t reasonable or logical?

When you question God you attempt tp make yourself His equal. Can you really correct God or place your intelligence against His?

Here are some things you should learn about God:

God is a sovereign God. He is not subject to or limited by human values, logic or reason. The mind of God is far, far, far above our frail human thought and ability. He does as He chooses according to the kind intent and purpose of His will. He reveals some mysteries to us, but not all. He chooses who will accept Him and who will not. His love and mercy are beyond our understanding, He applies His grace to His elect without consideration for anything He sees in the individual. He bestows salvation upon whom He chose before the creation of the world.

In the end we must remember this: God is God. We are not.

12 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I don't ask God "Why?"

    I ask "Why God?"

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Talking about God,do you have a specific God in mind?Looking at the old testament the original God,

    after Adam and Eve sinned all of the human animals would go to hell.I do not know where your love and mercy comes from.Was the Flood love and mercy?Especially when you consider all the animals including most of the human animals where killed.Other then the human animal no other animal had free will ore a Soul.How can you find compassion there?The God of the old testament called his creation"GOOD".Why did your God have to make corrections from the beginning?Could your God not see the future?The new testament was a way out.Now we had 2 more God's and should you believe in Jesus you could now go to heaven.According to the old God that was not part of his plan.What about the poor slobs that died before Jesus was born ,is that mercy?

  • ?
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    Why not ? Paul says we are to let this mind be in us which was also in Christ Jesus who didn't consider it robbery to be counted equal to Godhead . It seems you have made-up notions from theologians , why not chuck those stop limiting yourself with un-scriptural notions ? Really can those notions be learned , you propose preposterous unsolvable Dogma to be taken for granted , what learning would occur with this pompous- know- to- not- know trash .

  • 9 years ago

    What's your question?

    I'm a Christian. I don't question God. If I ask Him for something, it is always if it is according to His will.

    God has blessed me very abundantly, with talent, wisdom and ability to learn. I would be selfish to ask for more--unless it is for forgiveness.

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  • ?
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    I remember asking God why he took away the woman I loved and he then showed me a vision

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Whats the point of asking when you never receive any response?

  • 9 years ago

    Understanding heals. Knowledge calms. and knowing y soothes the soul

  • 9 years ago

    why does the sun glow

    why does the birds sing

    why does a baby cry at night.

    why can't i just ask question

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    It is permitted to question God.... so long as your motivation is to hear... and accept... His answer.... not to demand confirmation of you unfounded perceptions...

    Source(s): The Truth
  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    There is no such thing as god. Your proof is a book. Our proof is science.

  • How can I question what doesn't exist?

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