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If Obama wins another 4 years, will America have to ask for foreign aid?

from China?

9 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    This isn't about dem or repub we all prospered during both the clinton and the bush years but this guy has been a nightmare I never would have believed that the greatest country in the world would be this deep in debt to China Vote obama out or say good bye to the America we have known and loved

  • 9 years ago

    Let me try to figure out why that would happen.

    1. The stock market has climbed back to near 14,000, its all-time high.

    2. The unemployment rate is down to 7.8% and will probably continue to decline for several months.

    3. More Private Sector jobs were created under Obama in 3.9 months than under Bush in 8 years.

    4. No matter how you look at the Romney budget, the Math doesn't work. The deficit goes up, the rich get richer and the poor and middle class get poorer.

    5. The Obama administration rewards new job hires in the USA and rewards Companies who move jobs back to the USA. The Administration penalizes Companies who move jobs oversea, unlike Republican administrations that reward Companies that move jobs overseas. Therefore job numbers will continue to improve under Obama.

    6. The underpinnings of our economy are strong.

    7. Mortgage foreclosures are down, new home building is up and people are starting to buy homes again.

    Now why would we have to ask for foreign aid from China or any other country when our economic outlook is 100% better than it was in 2008-2009. China and other Countries buy our bonds, from which they get a good return (interest). Though that certainly is part of Federal monies, it is not aid.

  • Desire
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Love this question. You rock!

    Vote Romney/Ryan 2012

  • 9 years ago

    I am voting for OBAMA. Here are reasons why: Romney is not paying a proportional amount of taxes compared to the average American. Among the 47% Romney disparaged are families with three children who earn less than $55,000 per year. The number includes my 82 year old mother who paid into social security for 60+ years. It includes family members who did tours of duty in Iraq and Afghanistan. Romney didn't mention our country's corporations who maneuver tax abatements while taxpayers pick up the gap. There are 240 corporations (ExxonMobil and AT&T) that received $227 TRILLION of such help. Those companies have not offered any breaks on cheap oil or better telephone service and their upper management receive mind boggling salaries and bonuses.

    Romney is at the hands of corporate money and individuals who back him only after their preferred candidates imploded during the primaries. Now that he is running for President he denied he was ever for any of the convictions he stood for not long ago. Some people are going to state his record as Governor of Massachusetts which he led when our economy was steaming ahead; today he pretends he never endorsed the policies which he put forth because they are not endorsed by those who fund his campaign. He has no principles. Additionally he keeps talking about deploying our troops when there is a diplomatic hiccup overseas. In the meantime he squirrels his money away in other countries so he is not supporting our troops.

    During the debate he clearly stated wanting to invest/support education but by cutting funding to PBS he is also cutting important programming for pre-school children who are then able to springboard through kindergarten where emphasis has become more about academics than socializing as it was in the past.

    He's not a man; he's a commercial. He speaks about a plan but he has never provided any concrete information. Some people believe that because he is a businessman he has knowledge to fix our economy. But a most successful businessman - Herbert Hoover - led our country into the Great Depression, and it was the confidence and the intelligence of a Democratic President that helped recover our economy. Another President with an MBA burned through our budget surplus and left our country in taters and at war. There has been a worldwide economic crisis since 2008. Unemployment with our European allies hovers at 20-25%. There are parents who are giving up their children to orphanages because they can no longer afford to care for them. We are fortunate that our economy is somewhat stable in these dire times. We just went under 8%. When Reagan was President, his unemployment figures hovered between 7.1% and 7.4%. According to Romney's plan, the Middle Class will be saddled with $2,000 more in taxes but the upper echelon who earn $3,000,000 or more will see a reduction of $250,000 in theirs. One in every six Americans is now living in poverty and these numbers will only grow.

    I feel Romney will endanger foreign policies. He travelled to Europe and Israel and was able to infuriate our biggest allies and made a in appropriate comments about Jewish and to their Arab neighbors. He stated that he is ready to go to war - but to what avail. So far, Obama saved our troops from Libya and Syria. Considering the difficulties we are now experiencing overseas with the video debacle it is vital to have a President who can make our case and not make another war.

    I am voting for the best candidate: President Obama. Currently orders of hard consumer goods are up and corporations have excess cash which they will shortly turn into investments and more jobs. I am confident that our economy is improving. I am confident about his decisions regarding our foreign policies. I am confident he wants to leave a positive legacy for his children and mine.

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  • Joe
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    If we want this to happen vote for obamay, he is ruining this country

    The worst thing is from what is see lots of people are willing to sell their FREEDOM or they do not know what is happening. Could be also they are to stupid to care as long as some one is taking care of them.

    The stock market is going up. OPEN YOUR EYES is the price of gas 1.89 is a lb of hamburger 1.69 they were in 2008. Today's price gas 419 gal. hamburger 4.39 lb, that's is what it is today with obamay!. God I hope you do not try to tell me things are better. No is that stupid to believe that crap you a shoveling out. Some of us can think for our self.

    It is easy to blame some else if you do not make any choice on your life.

    A vote for obama is a vote to ruin American Fire obamay

    Vote for the the FUTURE & vote for a man that cares about America VOTE ROMNEY 2012

  • Oreo
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    We can ask but they are not doing so hot their self as a couple years ago with their economy slumping

    Source(s): Facts
  • ?
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    Not in your lifetime so do not worry about it.

    The US still has a GDP more than double any other country on the planet.

  • 9 years ago

    Very likely. And all U.S. citizens may have to ask for welfare.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    If you hate America and want it destroyed, Romney's your man.

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