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Why did Romney's handerchief bounce?

One of the stage cameras at the Denver debate caught Romney smoothly pulling a white rectangular object from a pocket and flipping it onto the podium as he took his place.

The debate rules state: "No props, notes, charts, diagrams, or other writings or tangible things may be brought into the debate by any candidate". Wise rule, to prevent the responses from following a script, and keeping the debate fair.

The object Romney flipped onto the podium is supposed to be a handkerchief, and later in the debate Romney did wipe his face with one. This is not to say that a handkerchief cannot also be a cheat sheet, but it was never examined by anyone at the time. However....

When you look closely at the video, you see some things happen that handkerchiefs don't normally do:

1. The object is withdrawn from his right trouser pocket. Yet it is square and rigid, not wrinkled or flexible. If you could starch a handkerchief to that level of stiffness, you certainly would not want to wipe your face with it.

2. When the object hits the podium it lands on one corner- but it does not bend and fall flat; it bounces and resonates for a moment before settling flat. I've seen that many times with sheets of rigid materials such as metals and plastics or cardboard, but never with cloth.

I've tried to duplicate this with no success at all. The handkerchiefs never come out of the pocket in unwrinkled rectangular form, nor do they bounce when they land. That is unless you put something inside that is firm and flat, like a pad or piece of cardboard. Then it works.

The Huffington Post shows this clearly, but doesn't have any observation or mention of the dynamics of the hanky not being normal. What do you think?

Look at the video link below. The close-up clip is the second image down, "Romney magic trick exposed". Tell us what you think is hitting the podium. Is your wanna-be president cheating on his test?


Talk about missing something! To all those below who don't read before they think:

Paragraph two: "The object Romney flipped onto the podium is supposed to be a handkerchief, and later in the debate Romney did wipe his face with one. This is not to say that a handkerchief cannot also be a cheat sheet, but it was never examined by anyone at the time." Yes, he had a handkerchief. I acknowledged that- but THAT is not the question!!


Do you really think that cheating in front of cameras would be done without some sort of concealment? Just throw a cell phone on the podium so staff can text you your answer?? Presidential candidates have teams of people who's job is to give them advantage, and they are NOT that stupid. They are damn good at fooling the public however, because it's so easy. A large part of the public never look past what they are told to believe. They don

7 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Your question has a fundamental problem. It requires the responder to observe, think, analyze and reach a conclusion based on logic and reason. While that does happen on YA, the vast majority of YA responders do not have that capacity, or at least never use it.

    The visible object is probably a handkerchief, as later parts of video show one in use. Like you, I have never seen a handkerchief bounce rigidly, nor do I think it is possible without some very unusual conditions being present. The one landing on the podium demonstrates a dynamic response (the resonant bounce) that clearly indicates that it's the concealment for something else. We can't know exactly what is concealed, but common sense tells us that it has only one probable purpose.

    The next debate may well have overhead cameras looking down on each podium, because the network probably sees the same thing. You can bet the Obama strategists did.

  • Jeff D
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Read to the end of story: "A separate video has confirmed for many that the item indeed was a handkerchief. Romney is seen wiping his face with it during the closing statements of the debate."

    Why can't Democrats just accept the fact their their messiah had an off night? Why do they have to try to manufacture a scapegoat?

    You should be telling Obama to prepare better for the next debate instead of making excuses for him. And by making excuses for him, you are only increasing the likelihood that he will be ill-prepared again next time.

    I wonder if the reason Obama did poorly in the last debate is because he's surrounded by people like you who are afraid to criticize him?

  • Tony
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    A separate video has confirmed for many that the item indeed was a handkerchief. Romney is seen wiping his face with it during the closing statements of the debate.

    read your own link

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Because this is all that the ignorant at huff post can come up with and they are baiting fools...much like,,,,you know.

    From your link....did you even read it?

    A separate video has confirmed for many that the item indeed was a handkerchief. Romney is seen wiping his face with it during the closing statements of the debate.

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  • 9 years ago

    This is hilarious! huffington post is just a huge liberal post. haha so obama lost BAD and all they can say is "his pin is bigger" and "he had a hankerchiefef" HAHAHAHA ahhhh funny libs

    believe anything you see ;)

    and no hes not cheating you can even watch the whole debate romney NEVER looked down while talking. obama on the other hand did 24/7

    sooo funny though how THIS is big news?

  • Josh
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    Great video! Romney is cheating, as usual. It reminds me of Bush in 2004.

  • 9 years ago

    obama could not defend his dismal economic record get over it

    obama showed he is not that smart

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