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Do you see anything wrong with the answers I get to this question?

I have recently asked many Obama supporters why they like Obama. Not one answer has anything to do with his political record. Usually the answers are "He's handsome" or "He's charismatic". One even said she would vote for Obama because she "adore(s) Mrs. Obama." Nothing about his record. Nothing!

For the record, I don't like either candidate. I think both are quite inadequate.


Jos, I'm not lying. While I do definitely disagree with some of your points, you seriously are the first person to actually give politicial reasons for your support of Obama. Thank-you. I'm not here to argue so I won't talk about your points.

Update 2:

I'm also not talking about people on the internet. I'm talking about people who I physically have talked to. I rarely go on blogs, forums, question/answer site anymore.

Update 3:

I'm also not talking about people on the internet. I'm talking about people who I physically have talked to. I rarely go on blogs, forums, question/answer site anymore.

7 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    You're either lying or you got some stupid responders.

    I like Obama because he cut taxes on small businesses and the middle class.

    He saved us from entering another great depression.

    He saved the auto industry and thousands of jobs when others (I won't name names) said f*ck 'em.

    He stands by what he stands for and doesn't flip flop depending on who he's talking to.

    He is respectful.

    He went after terrorists, including the big one.

    He brought our troops home from Iraq, where they shouldn't have been in the first place.

    He supports equality for everyone, including women and homosexuals.

    He wants everyone to have health care, not just the rich.

    and that's just the tip of the iceberg... there are many, many, many more reasons.

  • 9 years ago

    You must be posting at times only young non-voters are home.

    Considering the severe opposition facing the President, including the GOP 2008 promise, the "do nothing GOP congress and Bush legacy, the President has accomplished a great deal. Under the Obama administration; 4.6 million private sector jobs have been created, the stock market has doubles since he took office; the unemployment rate is down to 7.8%, the Affordable Health Act has been passed. In addition, the President has proven that he has the guts to do what has to be done to defend and protect this country (eliminating Osama Bin Laden and other terrorist leaders) and that he will not just go to war with Iran as Romney seems to want to do. The President understands the needs of the middle class and the poor. Romney can't. The President also regulated the banks (Wall Street). The deregulation of Wall Street caused the mortgage crisis resulting in the severe recession which started in 2008. Romney will repeal these regulations.

    I can't vote for someone who is so out of touch with the majority of Americans that he actually believed that 47% of voters don't want to work and don't pay taxes; that he didn't realize that may of or disabled and discharged Military men and women, that many Seniors who worked hard all their lives and paid taxes and that many citizens that got caught in the Bush recession and had to take low paying jobs, all fall below the poverty level; so they do not pay taxes, Romney want them to pay to I often wonder how many former Republican voters were in that 47%,

    There are too many reason to list why I believe Obama will be better for the American people, but you can check out these websites for many of the President's accomplishments or just Google it. / 2010 / 11 / 01 / new-the-244-accomplishme

  • 9 years ago

    OBAMA'S NEW STRATEGY you're a liar, you're a liar, you're a liar pants on fire nose is longer than a telephone wire.

    When you can not defend your dismal economic record all you have left is you're a liar.

    When you have fallen behind in the polls,

    When your debate exposed you as a fraud,

    When you showed the world you are not too smart,

    When the world realizes your opponent is the best debater in history,

    When even fact check says your opponent told the truth,

    When the Princeton economist you quoted says your opponent is correct,

    When even ABC says you got ambassador murdered,

    When even CBS says you screwed up in Libya,

    When Bill Maher says you need a TelePrompTer


    All you have left is you're a liar.

  • Nothing is wrong with the question. It's just that Obama has nothing of substance to like. No one would like his record, so they have to like his charisma.

    Source(s): . Gork
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  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    If you tweak the wording in your question and ask again you should get the type of answers you expect.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Maybe it is because he doesn't have a record to run on.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    they both stink and would make a great pair.

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