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Why didn't God banish Satan to...say Saturn...after the Rebellion?



@ Paul you're telling me that there was a possibility of individuals from the beginning at Creation with "evil hearts" before Adam and Eve sinned? Shouldn't every get a chance at heaven? Having Satan banished to Earth sealed the deal that all of God's created humans would not see heaven.

10 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    God did banish Satan to Saturn. It's only recently that he's escaped his bonds and returned to earth in the form of Mitt Romney.

  • 9 years ago

    All the angels have been provided "Free will", they either accepted the Lord and will follow the Almighty until the end of time or have already chosen to follow satan.

    Remember, an angel at this time cannot change sides, during the rebellion the angels either elected to join God or Lucifer.

    ...and the tail swept 1/3 of the angels (these are the angels that joined Satan); Rev 12.

    Furthermore, it is important to understand that we also failed and disobeyed God in the Garden of Eden, we too were exiled to Earth.

    When viewing the above sentence we (humans) were now on satan's planet, in the evil dominion.

    However, God through his magnificent Son (Jesus) felt such a strong love for us that our Lord purposely went to the cross to display for us the magnificent grace.

    As humans we have the opportunity for Salvation, all we need to do is accept the Lord and take the journey in following in His footsteps.

    The above will not be easy but it is the Lord that has done all the difficult work, we only need to make a contrite effort.

    The forts of darkness are impregnable yet they yield to the warfare of faith and light as angel hosts press forward to gain victory for us.

    Finally, understand that as humans we are not alone on Earth continually subjected to the devil, we have the angels whenever we call to help us in the battle!

    God bless'

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Satan was banished BEFORE man was ever created. Lucifer was the ruler of the first inhabitants of the earth before Adam and Eve. Because of the rebellion of Lucifer and the fallen angels who followed him the planet was cursed. That is why it states in Genesis it was 'without form and void.'

    Note how many times words are prefixed be RE in the Genesis. It means to do it again. Replenish is used a lot.

    There is a lot more information on it here: Use IE, BING, MSN

    There is also much more information in the Book of Enoch. Book of Enoch (prints out to 42 pages)

  • 9 years ago

    Because when that story was written the earth was flat and the sky was heaven. Therefore since Satan is known as the fallen angel because he got kicked out of heaven, earth was the only place he could fall to. When the story was written planets like Saturn were seen as just lights in the sky. In other words if you still take this story literally in the now 21rst century you're a moron!

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  • maddie
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    regulation OF POLARITY each little thing must have an excellent and a detrimental God is area of each little thing efficient is the love fringe of issues (I created heaven) detrimental is the undesirable fringe of issues (I created hell) God created hell. Hell is the bottom of the source. Hell is the first second in time. Hell change into the starting up of all of it. the following is the sturdy information. The 0.5 way aspect is in 4 years. which means hell's reign, the devils reign and each and each of the detest it really is in this international is ending. This 2012 component you hear about is fairly frankly the most suitable few days that the flexibility that devil has been in rule is over. So the flexibility of devil needs this international to end. He needs it to be destroyed because he knows of that once 2012 it is the starting up of heaven. sure hell on earth change into like the starting up till eventually now. Heaven on earth is for a way ever lengthy we very last. Now this does recommend the demise of the darkish a at the same time as and the delivery of the undemanding a at the same time as. which means there is going to be discomfort, yet after we heal from this discomfort it really is called "international Peace" So God created hell and he created heaven on the starting up and determined if hell is going first, then heaven and love will win on the precise. It change right into a fabulous theory by technique of the almighty god. peace, love and undemanding and extra information in this shift from hell on my web page

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    God didn't know about Saturn at the time. He thought the earth was the only place he could banish him.

  • 9 years ago

    As a test to man everything happens for a reason god has his plan if there was no devil then every one would go to heaven even those with evil hearts

  • Satan
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    Because Saturn is a dead planet and God isn`t that mean

  • 9 years ago

    Cause that is not how it works. The universe lies in the physical realm. The spiritual beings lie in the spiritual realm.

  • Adam
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    God and Satan do not exist.

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