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How can Mary's being the mother of the Son of God make her the mother of God?

11 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    She can't. It is false teachings and human philosophy, not what the Bible says.

    Here are the scriptures for proving the Trinity doctrine false:

    John 14: 28

    John 8: 42

    Romans 15: 6

    John 1: 18

    John 1: 1, Revelation 19: 11-13, Psalms 110: 1, Isaiah 66: 1, Mark 14: 61-62

    Colossians 1: 13-17

    Psalms 90: 2

    John 5: 14-24

    John 12: 49-50

    John 11: 41-42

    John 6: 44, 57

    1 Corinthians 15: 27-28

    Jesus is not God.

    Source(s): Jehovah God, and Jehovah's Witnesses.
  • 9 years ago

    I am a Catholic but I don't believe that our Blessed Mother Mary is the Mother of God. Mary is the mother of Jesus. Sometimes theologians go a little goofy and I think they did in this case. The Bible does not say that Jesus is God and does not say that Mary is the Mother of God. The Bible says that Jesus now sits at the "Right Hand of God". He can't sit at the right hand of God and be "the God" both at the same time.

    I believe that Jesus is god in a specific way. If my right arm could speak, it could say with perfect accuracy that it was both arm and body but it could not say that it way was "The Body". Many of the things Jesus said can be explained by that analogy. "I and the Father are one." "If you see me you see the Father." "Don't you know that I am in the Father and the Father is in me." It would also make sense of Jesus saying, "Why do you call me good? In truth, none is good but the Father."

    Mary is the Mother of Jesus and that is the highest honor that a person can have! Of all the women in the world who have ever lived or who ever will life; God chose this one particular woman, Mary to become the Mother of God's own Son!

    Source(s): The Holy Bible.
  • Esther
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Mary is not the mother of God. God is eternal and not created. Mary was the mother of Jesus Christ, who was God made flesh, but born as a human being is born. God has no mother and no father. I cannot fathom why anyone would think Mary was the mother of an eternal really is baffling.

  • 9 years ago

    If mary is who people claim her then why didnt she know that jesus was refering to god as his father as child in luke 2:41-50. Mary isn't a god nor was she a virgin until death matthew 13:55 55 Is not this the carpenter's son? is not his mother called Mary? and his brethren, James, and Joses, and Simon, and Judas?

    Too the guy who said jesus is not god Revelation 1:6 And hath made us kings and priests unto God and his Father; to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.

    Jesus is called god and he has a father in that verse and you have twisted the verses you linked psalms 110:1 a psalm of david, my lord said unto my lord. King david called his descendent lord who happens to be jesus according to the family tree of david but also he saw 2 gods talkig to each other.

    True christians dont worship the pagan trinity i dont believe that jesus and god a his holy spirit parts of a different god but rather they work together as one

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  • 9 years ago

    She isn't that is a Catholic fallacy. She was chosen by God to bring forth the Son of Man into the world and Yes He was the Son of God by an eternal decree, but Mary is never called in the Scriptures the mother of God.

  • 9 years ago

    Its easy - God the Father created Mary the Mother who gave birth to his son (illegitimately - but that's okay since he is god and can do any crime without punishing himself).

    The son is sometimes the father and sometimes the holy ghost (depending on his frame of mind and level of schizophrenia) and sometime part of what is called the Trinity.

    As God had to send his son to be crucified by the Jews (whom God actually guided through the scriptures before Jesus' birth, but decided they must become the bad guys because someone had to murder his son so that the future world can have fun good or bad and go to Heaven by believing that the blood of Christ will wash away all their sins) What the heck!!!

    Anyway, God did create Mary for the sole purpose of giving birth to his son which he could have sent down from the clouds but nobody would have believed that he is God's son (probably would have thought him to be an alien from outer space) so he had to have an earthly mother - which happened to be Mary. So yea, she is the mother of the same God who created her because she gave birth the the same god who created her. Ummmmm, don't you understand? It makes a whole lot os sense to me.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    As the believers of the trinity lie would say, "IT'S A MYSTERY". There is a mystery here alright.

    There is an old saying from "Hello Dolly", "99% of the world are fools and the other 2% of us are in danger of contamination." Or something like that.

  • 9 years ago

    Christian fcktards have this Trinity theory explaining God as 3 parts.. Read it, it's the most retarded thing ever made. Christianity = gullible, ignorant retards.

  • 9 years ago

    If one is Trinitarian, he or she believes that God the Father and God the Son are part of a triune godhead. They believe that Jesus is God. Hence, she would be the mother of God.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    Am............She's Jesus's Mom??????

    Source(s): Christian
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