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In all cultures when pronouncing a person's name it may have a different dialect due to each cultures language, but a person's name is not changed because of dialect.

So why oh, why was the name of the Heavenly Father's Son changed???

Scripture teaches; "Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved" (Acts 4:12) . . .

This name that is so POWERFUL that it can actually save a human from an eternity of suffering and separation from the Heavenly Father is blotted out . . . but why?

Who would benefit from that holy name being removed from the Scriptures and from the lips of those who rely upon His holy name for Salvation???

Is it not easy to recognize a tree by its fruit?

What entity has added so many pagan aspects to the following of Believers of the Lord Yahushua ("church" is a very bad translation) that if the Apostles were to rise from their graves and bare witnesses they would not be able to recognize the following of Believers they had so lovingly cultivated and led.

Seek and ye shall find (Matthew 7:7).

Be Blessed:-D


Pronouncing a person's name in a particular dialect is not the same as taking the Hebrew name, Yahushua and changing the vowel point in the Father's name from "a" to "e", then translating the Son's name from Hebrew Yahushua, to Greek Ie-s-ous, to Latin Ie-so-ous and finally the distorted English name of "Jesus".

I'm only asking WHY was His name changed at all?

Update 2:

Including the fact that the letter "J" didn't exist until around 400 years ago how can anyone challenge the Lord's name was changed? How could the Father's name be "Jehovah" or His Son's name be "Jesus" if the letter "J" didn't exist? Another problem is the "Jeh" or "Yeh" this was brought in by Jewish priests who felt that the name of the Father was too sacred for mere men to mention and therefore changed the vowel point from "a" to "e" thereby making the name Yahweh into Jehovah. When the translation of the Lord's name came around the scribes used the altered translation of the "e" and that's how we get J"e"sus or Y"e"shua. But, where is the Father's name in His Son's name when the Son said that He had come in His Father's name (John 5:43)?

Update 3:

Thank you April C. Terry Cloth, when Moses asked what name shall I give the Pharaoh? Was he told to go to Pharaoh and say; "Father"?

Update 4:

Terry C. furthermore when you say; that Jesus corresponds to the Hebrew name Jeshua (or, in fuller form, Jehoshua), meaning “Jehovah Is Salvation.” I have to say that I believe that the man-made name of Yeshua and Jehovah are not true names of the Son and His Father in the first place. Jeshua or Jehoshua may mean "Jehovah Is Salvation". But, Yehushua means "Yahweh's Salvation". The name Jesus actually means horse“ (Heb. hey-soos/Grk. Iesous/Eng. Jesus). Three Scriptures where 'horse' can be found; Ps.33:17, Ps.147:10; Zech. 14:15.

It seems to me that the two names are not the same and do not mean the same thing. I personally do not want the 'horse' to be my savior.

6 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Jesus always referred to his Father as Father (i.e.) John 14:23, 24 "In answer Jesus said to him: “If anyone loves me, he will observe my word, and my Father will love him, and we shall come to him and make our abode with him. 24 He that does not love me does not observe my words; and the word that YOU are hearing is not mine, but belongs to the Father who sent me.

    The name Jesus (Gr., I·e·sous′) corresponds to the Hebrew name Jeshua (or, in fuller form, Jehoshua), meaning “Jehovah Is Salvation.” The name itself was not unusual, many men being so named in that period. For this reason persons often added further identification, saying, “Jesus the Nazarene.” (Mr 10:47; Ac 2:22) Christ is from the Greek Khri·stos′, the equivalent of the Hebrew Ma·shi′ach (Messiah), and means “Anointed One.” Christ was added after Jesus baptism.

    The word ’ab·ba’′ in Aramaic corresponds to the emphatic or definite form of ’av, literally meaning “the father,” or “O Father.” It was the intimate name used by children for their fathers and combines some of the intimacy of the English word “papa” while retaining the dignity of the word “father,” being both informal and yet respectful. It was, therefore, an endearing form of address rather than a title and was among the first words a child learned to speak.

    YHWH the Tetragrammaton or first four letters: Superstition hides the name. At some point a superstitious idea arose among the Jews that it was wrong even to pronounce the divine name (represented by the Tetragrammaton). Just what basis was originally assigned for discontinuing the use of the name is not definitely known. Some hold that the name was viewed as being too sacred for imperfect lips to speak. Yet the Hebrew Scriptures themselves give no evidence that any of God’s true servants ever felt any hesitancy about pronouncing his name. Non-Biblical Hebrew documents, such as the so-called Lachish Letters, show the name was used in regular correspondence in Palestine during the latter part of the seventh century B.C.E.

    Source(s): Insight on the Scriptures; New World Translation, All Scripture Inspired of God
  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    To reply this, we ought to take into account that the Bible used to be now not at the start written in English. The Bible writers have been Hebrews, they usually typically wrote within the Hebrew and Greek languages in their day. Most folks don't talk the ones historical languages. But the Bible has been translated into countless state-of-the-art tongues, and we will be able to use those translations once we wish to learn God's Word. In the Hebrew language it's written as 4 letters, known as the Tetragrammaton, and are learn from proper to left in Hebrew and may also be represented in lots of state-of-the-art languages as YHWH or JHVH. God's title, represented through those 4 consonants, looks just about 7,000 occasions within the common "Old Testament," or Hebrew Scriptures. Forms of the divine title in exclusive languages, indicating global attractiveness of the variety Jehovah Awabakal - Yehóa Bugotu - Jihova Cantonese - Yehwowah Danish - Jehova Dutch - Jehovah Efik - Jehovah English - Jehovah Fijian - Jiova Finnish - Jehova French - Jéhovah Futuna - Ihova German - Jehova Hungarian - Jehova Igbo - Jehova Italian - Geova Japanese - Ehoba Maori - Ihowa Motu - Iehova Mwala-Malu - Jihova Narrinyeri - Jehovah Nembe - Jihova Petats - Jihouva Polish - Jehowa Portuguese - Jeová Romanian - Iehova Samoan - Ieova Sotho - Jehova Spanish - Jehová Swahili - Yehova Swedish - Jehova Tahitian - Iehova Tagalog - Jehova Tongan - Jihova Venda - Yehova Xhosa - uYehova Yoruba - Jehofah Zulu - uJehova It is solely that the variety Jehovah is prone to meet with a faster reaction from the reader in view that it's the variety that has been "naturalized" into such a lot languages. The primary factor is that we use the title and claim it to others. "Give way to Jehovah, you humans! Call upon his title. Make recognized some of the peoples his dealings. Make point out that his title is placed on prime."—Isaiah 12:four. To take essentially the most outstanding instance, recall the title of Jesus. Do you know the way Jesus' loved ones and peers addressed him in everyday dialog at the same time he used to be developing up in Nazareth? The fact is, no human is aware of for precise, even though it'll had been some thing like Yeshua (or maybe Yehoshua). It surely used to be now not Jesus. However, while the money owed of his lifestyles have been written within the Greek language, the influenced writers didn't attempt to keep that common Hebrew pronunciation. Rather, they rendered the title in Greek, I·e·sous'. Today, it's rendered otherwise in step with the language of the reader of the Bible. Spanish Bible readers come upon Jesús (suggested Hes·soos'). Italians spell it Gesù (suggested Djay·zoo'). And Germans spell it Jesus (suggested Yay'soos). Sorry goodbye, simply desired to reply the query as great as viable.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    YHWH comes from the four letters in Hebrew that we know to mean 'I am that I am' or 'I be' or 'I exist'. Translating it commanded the addition of vowels, hence Yehovah or Jehovah.

    God has chosen to exist as three people.

    Jesus NEVER calls his father by name, nor does he ever use the word 'please' while praying.

    The word Abba is an affectionate form of father, similar to 'Daddy'.

    Those of us who know the Almighty Creator of the universe as our very own father, never call him by his proper name. It would be like me calling my earthly father 'Mr. Smith'.

    Not only is it creepy, it would signify that I have no relationship with my daddy.

    The name Jesus was as common back then as Joshua is today. We recognize the man from Nazareth with that name as the messiah of God. See Gen. 18 for a description of the three people that make up the One and Only Lord, God Almighty.

  • 9 years ago

    it was not changed

    a persons name is pronounced differently in each language it is translated to

    try translating names at this site from english to another language

    john in english is pronounced juan in spanish

    john in french is jean

    john translated to italitan is Giovanni

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  • 9 years ago


    I had to rewrite my entire response cuz I just reREAD your question and you are talking about the SON of YHWH, or Jehovah. I need to ask you where you think his name has been changed. I've seen no evidence of it.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    @Terry Cloth....that is not His original name...the.letter J wasn't created until 500 years ago.....

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