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Lv 7
? asked in TravelAfrica & Middle EastIsrael · 9 years ago

Regional Thermo-nuclear War: Is it so bad for Israel?

What would the region look like AFTER an Iranian nuclear attack on Israel?

Do you agree with this assessment/prediction?


It is important to note that an attack of this type, while devastating — at least according to Cordesman — would not be fatal to Israel. The country would probably have lost up to 30 percent of its Jewish population, but the other 70% would be in a position to rebuild the nation and reconstitute its armed forces, including its nuclear forces.

On the other hand, Iran and its Arab allies would find themselves in deep trouble. The devastation that they would have to live with, and the high probability that they would not have much or any humanitarian assistance in recovering from the Israeli and American strikes, means that they would cease to be a factor in Middle East politics for decades, maybe centuries. The Palestinian Arabs would lose any hope of having their own state and would be lucky if they were not expelled wholesale from the West Bank and Gaza.

[end quote]



Friends, PLEASE do read the article I cited so you'll know what my frame of reference is. *I* make no claims one way or another; I merely ask for YOUR opinions.

Update 2:

Umar, you're quite right (mostly; there is one error in your answer), but you didn't answer my question. The question you answered is why there won't be a nuclear war.

Update 3:

Umar, here's your error. "According to ... UN nuclear watchdog's report, Iran is incapable of building a thermo nuclear [sic] weapon inspite [sic] of all the hype and hysteria and ground facts." You seem to suggest the report is correct, even though is goes against "the ground facts." If the report is against the facts, why behave as if it is correct?

Update 4:

Chuckles, If Iran (or someone else) were to explode a nuclear device in Israel, the Electro-Magnetic Pulse (EMP) could adversely affect the electronics that (probably) run Israel's (alleged) nukes, hampering an Israeli retaliatory strike somewhat. I also don't believe Egypt would be affected; the prevailing winds flow the other way.

10 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    The question is not what Israel would look like but Iran after being hit by about 50 Israeli nukes and who knows how many from the USA.

    Even if Iran launches enough bombs to wipe out every soul living above ground in Israel, Israel will still be able to retaliate 5 to 10 times over. As well any strike on Israel like this will also wipe out all the Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank and kill a lot more from fallout in Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and Egypt.

  • UMAR
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    Your question can be restructured " What would the Region look like after an Israeli nuclear attack on Iranian facilities and other Arab lands ?

    This restructured question is more significant, because Israel has proven stockpile of about 50 nuclear warheads. According to the latest UN nuclear watchdog's report, Iran is incapable of building a thermo nuclear weapon inspite of all the hype and hysteria and ground facts. It may take another 12 to 18 months for Iran to build a nuclear warhead. Besides, the Iranian's are not that naive and crazy that as soon as they get a nuke they would blow it over Israel without taking into consideration the colossal fallout of Israeli reprisal/reaction with Uncle Sam's full support.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    But it only takes 2 or 3 nuclear hits and thats the end of Israel. It depends on how much nuclear capability Iran will have/has already?? Its an interesting theory. If Israel is only partially wiped out and can rebuild I agree with the last paragraph of the question.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Iran and its Arab allies? Most Arab nations don't have good relations with Iran. Iranians do not have the ability to create a nuclear weapon. They are building those reactors to be more energy efficient nation.

    @Ivan you make a good point. If they nuke Israel they would also kill the Palestinians and eventually the radiation would sicken the Syrians and Egyptians. Iran is not interested in using WMDS, they arent unable to use nukes because of they technology isnt there. But their is another Middle Eastern nation called Israel which has alot of Nuclear warheads. The only actual nuclear power in the Middle East.

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  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    israel can not survive such an attack more save heaven......The first thing the survivals will do is to LEAVE......

    Why there should be a nuclear war in the Middle East .......If Iran posses nuclear weapon.....then KSA,UAE,Iraq,Turkey,Syria ,Algeria,Lybia and Egypt will seek nuclear weapons a chieve the BALANCE OF NUCLEAR TERROR....with Iran ....and israel.....then talks of peace will be end the israeli Palestinians conflict....and perhaps to look for a FREE Middle East from nuclear weapons.....


  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Irans atom weapons wont be that powerful. at most they would only get about 50'000 people in each strike and majority of the people will hide underground.

    Whats more they will probably end up killing more Arabs then anything else.

    To wipe out Israel totally they would need thermonukes and also wiping out millions of Pal people in the West bank along with Israel

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago


    There is no guarantee Iran will do an air burst. The entire area could be toxic for decades.

  • Alan
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    Of all the questions I have read on Yahoo Answers this is easily the craziest.

    The article is Panglossian in its pro-Israeli optimism.

    It assumes everything Israeli will work like clockwork; that the Iranians are backward and incompetent; and that the entire Western world is and would remain unconditionally pro-Israeli in the face of Israeli aggression and ethnic cleansing.

    None of these reflects reality.

  • 9 years ago

    Iran has a large electrical generation system. Not sure why Zionist goofs are acting like that is an issue.

    Israel has the huge advantage of being able to suck as much money out of the USA as it needs to survive.

    Israel does have a shaky economy now and Europeans are already boycotting some Israeli products so if the whole Apartheid regime of Israel was radiated Europeans would be much less likely to buy nuclear tomatoes from hell land.

    I think even a moderate nuclear strike Tel Aviv would end Israel forever.

    I would not want Israel to be wiped off the map that way. I don't want innocent little kids or brainwashed adults to die at all let along that way.

    Orderly dismantlement of Israel is preferable.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    To put the record straight, Iran would never attack Israel first.

    But when Israel uses it's illegal nuclear bombs first it will be devastating for every body in the region, and the end of Israel at the same time.

    I'm a Lebanese Jew.

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