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I am an observant Righteous Gentile (meaning I follow the Seven Laws of Noah, q.v.); am a USAF Gulf War Vet; I have been an aikido and iaido student for several years; and I am a "Hardcore Libertarian".

  • What does it mean when they say "a DRY martini"?

    What does it mean when they say "a DRY martini"? What would make one alcoholic beverage "drier" than another?

    4 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits8 years ago
  • Iran asks; Would a fatwa banning nukes be enough?

    According to some (see article at link), Iran hopes a religious decree banning nuclear weapons will be enough to loosen itself from international pressure and sanctions.

    Would such a religious decree be enough for the Western nations to accept Iran's desire for joining the nuclear age (as far as generating electric power goes)?

    (I am assuming this "religious decree" is a "fatwa," but the article doesn't use that term.)

    3 AnswersCurrent Events8 years ago
  • What Would the Building of a Temple Mean?

    According to the head of manuscripts at the Al-Aqsa Mosque, Najeh Bkeirat, he suspects Israel of planning to build the third Holy Temple. [See the article at the link below.]

    What would the building of the Temple mean religiously for Jews, Christians and Muslims. I do NOT mean "Arabs" or the Middle-Easterners, I mean Muslims. Will the building of the Temple be a confirmation of the 'prophecies' of the named religions, or tend to contradict them?

    Additional Details

    [I do not care if the report is true or not. I just want to know what the religious ramifications of the building of the Temple would be.]

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • What Would the Building of a Temple Mean?

    According to the head of manuscripts at the Al-Aqsa Mosque, Najeh Bkeirat, he suspects Israel of planning to build the third Holy Temple. [See the article at the link below.]

    What would the building of the Temple mean politically for Israel,the P.A. and Middle East.

    6 AnswersIsrael8 years ago
  • Regional Thermo-nuclear War: Is it so bad for Israel?

    What would the region look like AFTER an Iranian nuclear attack on Israel?

    Do you agree with this assessment/prediction?


    It is important to note that an attack of this type, while devastating — at least according to Cordesman — would not be fatal to Israel. The country would probably have lost up to 30 percent of its Jewish population, but the other 70% would be in a position to rebuild the nation and reconstitute its armed forces, including its nuclear forces.

    On the other hand, Iran and its Arab allies would find themselves in deep trouble. The devastation that they would have to live with, and the high probability that they would not have much or any humanitarian assistance in recovering from the Israeli and American strikes, means that they would cease to be a factor in Middle East politics for decades, maybe centuries. The Palestinian Arabs would lose any hope of having their own state and would be lucky if they were not expelled wholesale from the West Bank and Gaza.

    [end quote]


    10 AnswersIsrael9 years ago
  • Can you help with this bottomless pit question?

    Imagine an Earth-sized planet. The core of the planet is not primarily molten, but cool and solid.

    Assume a pit that goes from the surface at an altitude of sea level to the core of the planet.

    Given that an object falls at 32 feet per second per second, how long would it take for an object to fall from the surface to the center of the planet?

    Homework Help9 years ago
  • Does Egypt Accept Israeli Help?

    According to an Israeli news story (consider the source), an Israeli unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) fired at a terrorist in Sinai Sunday and killed him.

    Egypt has been having some trouble with Jihadis in the Sinai in recent weeks, and has engaged the jihadis and killed several after the jihadis had attacked and killed many Egyptian military personnel. The specific jihadi in the article had been arrested by Egypt recently.

    An Israeli UAV was reportedly circling overhead at the time of the blast. However, yet another report quoted Egyptian security sources in northern Sinai who said that they doubted Israel was behind the attack because "Israel would not dare cross the border." They surmised the terrorist was killed by a rocket propelled grenade.

    Now the question:

    Does this indicate that Egypt is okay with Israeli UAVs killing people Egypt finds undesirable, so much so that Egypt will make up a reasonable-sounding story that lets Israel off the hook?

    Or, is it actually more likely that the jihadi was killed by an RPG, and targeted by whom? Does this would mean the Egyptian military scored a victory (which it probably would be glad to take credit for), or else the jihadi was killed by other jihadis in the region?

    2 AnswersEgypt9 years ago
  • Is it the Catnip that is Making my Cat Vomit?

    I put a pinch of catnip on a counter for my female, un-fixed, house cat. A few minutes later, she vomited. I did not see any flakes of the catnip in the vomit, but when I looked at the pinch I had laid out for her, it was spread out and somewhat less than I had laid out. She doesn't vomit as a general rule. What she did expel was a reasonable amount of partially digested cat food.

    Is it the Catnip that is Making my Cat Vomit?

    [She is an indoor cat, and the only other cat, a male, is fixed, so the female is NOT pregnant.]

    4 AnswersCats9 years ago
  • Is Tel Aviv the capital of Israel?

    According to The Guardian, a British "news" paper, Tel Aviv is the capital of Israel.

    One might expect the citizens of a nation, ANY nation, to know where is that nation's capital.

    A man recently went to Tel Aviv with a news camera, and asked many people where is the legislature of Israel in Tel Aviv, including a taxi cab driver to take him to the Parliament in Tel Aviv, and the mayor of Tel Aviv, is Tel Aviv the capital of Israel.

    They ALL said, the government of Israel is not in Tel Aviv, but in Jerusalem.

    So, here is the question:

    Is Tel Aviv the capital of Israel, as according to a British "news" paper, or are the residents of Tel Aviv correct, in saying that the capital is not there, but in The ancient capital, Jerusalem?

    7 AnswersIsrael9 years ago
  • Challenge To Atheists: Provide Logical Argument there is no God?

    Challenge To Atheists: Provide a Logical Argument there is no God.

    I realize this is a statement, not a question. I did not ask it as a question because I couldn't think of a way to ask for the argument. "Can you provide [such] an argument" could simply have been responded to with a "yes" without satisfying my curiosity.

    Anyway, please provide a logical argument to suggest there is no God. Realize there cannot be a logical "proof" there is no God, because God could simply pop His head up and say, "the wisdom of man is foolishness."

    Also realize any argument based on what Christianity says about God will be rejected. For example, if some 'atheist' were to say, "God is good. Evil exists in the world. Therefore there is no God," that argument will be rejected because it displays an ignorance of what God wants with a world with evil in it; it does not refute the existence of God.

    Also realize any assertions that atheists don't need proof or that's not how the game is played will be rejected. For our purposes, all I am asking for is an argument for believing there is no God, not arguing the merits of asking for such an argument.

    Provide a logical argument why it is reasonable to believe there is no God.

    Good luck.

    34 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • What does "Snackbar" mean in Arabic?

    Please watch the video at the link below of a group of young Muslims Saudi-funded jihadists from the Ahwaz Brigade fighting under the Free Syrian Army banner singing the praises of suicide bombers. Near the end, someone says something that sounds like "snack bar". I provide the link for context. What does that mean in Arabic?

    7 AnswersIsrael9 years ago
  • Why are the "brave" Palestinians shooting at babies?


    Arab Sniper Miraculously Hits Empty Baby Seat

    It was an open miracle, residents said.

    A Palestinian Authority Arab sniper aimed at the junction to Kibbutz Yad Mordechai on Monday evening, and scored a direct hit into the back windshield of a car, pumping bullets into the back of the vehicle. At least one went dead center into the back of a baby's car seat.

    But the seat's 7-month-old occupant miraculously wasn't there. According to the IDF Spokesperson, a total of 10 bullets were fired at the vehicle.

    Israeli authorities temporarily raised the alert level for border towns near Gaza following the attack, which also damaged the wall of the restaurant located at the junction, but the level was returned to normal after soldiers patrolled the area, the IDF Spokesperson said.

    "The IDF will act with strength and determination against anyone who uses terror against the residents of Israel,” warned the IDF on its website. “The Hamas terror organization is solely responsible for any terror activity emanating from within the Gaza Strip.”

    The sniper fire came as part of a spate of terror attacks aimed at southern Israel on Monday. Earlier in the day, an anti-tank missile was fired at a group of Israeli farmers working near the security fence in the Eshkol district, along the border across from Khan Younis. No one was physically wounded, although several people suffered trauma symptoms.

    Later in the evening, PA Arab terrorists in Gaza launched a rocket attack on the Israeli coastal region. A short-range Qassam rocket exploded in the Ashkelon Coast Regional Council district. As in the prior attacks, no one was physically injured, but numerous people suffered anxiety, and symptoms were triggered in those with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

    Numerous research studies have shown that the majority of residents living in southern Israel, including the children, are suffering from trauma-related conditions as a direct result of having lived under the unabated threat of terrorist rocket fire for so long.

    [end quote]

    My question: Why are the "brave" Palestinian 'freedom fighters' shooting at babies? Several months ago, these "brave" Palestinian men entered an Israeli home and slaughtered most of the family inside as they slept, including a baby. How evil ARE these people? Does anybody wonder why Israel bombs them in retaliation for such hideously evil attacks on innocent Israeli citizens? How do the Pal- p.a.l.'s condone these types of terror attacks perpetrated by the Palestinian scum?

    9 AnswersIsrael9 years ago
  • Why is Palestinian Terrorism on the Rise?


    A planned terror attack in Israel was thwarted on Sunday evening, for the third time in several days.

    According to a report on Channel 2 News, Border Polices officers arrested a 17-year-old Palestinian Authority Arab teen at a checkpoint near the Tapuach junction in Samaria. Upon inspection, the teen was found to be in possession of three pipe bombs. The teen was arrested and taken for questioning, while the explosive devices were detonated by sappers in a controlled explosion.

    The latest foiled attack comes just several days after the IDF foiled two attempted terrorist attacks in Samaria, one of which was foiled in the same Tapuach junction.

    [end quote]

    Three terrorism attacks in three days. Luckily, God is protecting Israel, and all of these attacks have been thwarted.

    Here are my questions:

    Does this represent an increase in terrorist activity?

    If this is an increase in activity, what would be the reason the terrorists would be stepping up their activities?

    Is it unusual for the terrorists to be teens? It seems to me the Pro-Palestinians must not be anxious to let it be known that the reason Israel seems to be arresting and killing teens is because those teens are murderers, (even if they are youths) in serious need of a dirt nap.

    7 AnswersIsrael9 years ago
  • How is it a "Cease Fire" When Gaza Keeps Firing Rockets Into Israel?

    How is it legitimately a "cease fire" when Gaza keeps firing rockets into Israelis civilian areas?

    Gaza terrorists fired a rocket into downtown Netivot around 21:30 (GMT+2) on Tuesday evening.

    Magen David Adom reported that one person was lightly injured after being hit in the hand by flying glass. 11 people suffered shock.

    The attack came just hours after a pair of rockets slammed into the Ashkelon beaches. No physical injuries were reported in that attack.

    At least seven rockets were fired into Israel earlier in the day despite a cease-fire brokered between Israel and Gaza's terror factions by Egypt.

    12 AnswersIsrael9 years ago
  • Why was the Red Cross Helping to Hide Terrorists?

    Question: Why was the Red Cross Helping to Hide Hamas Terrorists for 18 MONTHS!?


    Israeli Security officials and police caught two Hamas legislators Monday who hid in a Red Cross building in Jerusalem for 18 months.

    The two men, Khaled Abu Arfa and Mohammed Totah, are legislators wanted for “Hamas activities,” said police spokesman Mickey Rosenfeld. They used the Red Cross facility as a hideout after warrants were issued for their arrest in July 2010.

    The Red Cross did not explain its involvement in the use of the building by the fugitives, and its spokeswoman Cecilia Goin only stated, "I can confirm that they were arrested around 1:15 p.m. Police came into the compound and arrested them”

    Their Jerusalem identification cards had been revoked and they were not permitted to be within the city. They escaped detection even though two other Hamas members who were with them previously were arrested and sent out of the capital.

    The Red Cross building is located in the Jerusalem neighborhood of Sheikh Jarreh, populated mostly by Arabs and a hotbed of terrorist activities, including brutal attacks on Jewish motorists.

    [end quote]


    5 AnswersCurrent Events9 years ago
  • Jesus and Second Coming?

    Since Jesus did not fulfill any of the major and most important messianic prophecies (see:;_ylt=Ap3nb... ), historically Jews have always (with few exceptions) rejected Jesus as the messiah.

    To explain why Jesus failed to do what the Bible says the messiah would do Christians have proposed that he will, "fulfill all in his second coming."

    What evidence is there that the messiah would come and fail and have to come back a second time to achieve what he had failed to do the first time around? Is there some way to get around the following verse?

    "He shall not fail or be crushed until he has set the right in the earth." Isaiah 42:4

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Is there any evidence Osama bin Laden was killed in 2001?

    It has been suggested (see link) that Osama bin Laden was killed a decade ago, not recently as reported. What evidence is there that UBL was killed a decade ago? How does one refute the video and audio recordings reportedly made by bin Laden in which he mentioned recent (post-911) events and personages?

    6 AnswersCurrent Events10 years ago
  • How does the Claim of "a Common Ancestor" Benefit Evolution?

    Set Up:

    In another question, someone who is a Creationist opined,

    "A correct understanding of the Bible allows for adaptation of a species within that species.

    "Please prove one species has evolved into another.

    "Fairy tale says that frog plus kiss from a princess equals prince. Evolution says that frog plus time equals prince. I don't buy it."

    To the above, a self-styled expert in Evolution, but who apparently lacks basic logic skills answered:

    "I really just wanted to tell you that you need to retake first grade biologist. I just proved everything with these links. Do you even understand evolution? We all had a comm ancestor... monkeys didn't turn into humans... I'm not even gonna explain it."

    Apparently, the person thinks that the Creationist doesn't understand that (according to Evolutionist mythology) man didn't come from the ape, but that man and ape both came from some common proto-man/ape. This, he thinks, is beyond the grasp of the Creationist. That (that his claim is un-understandable to someone who can reason and understand the meanings of words) is the ONLY thing the Evolutionist got right. His assumption that man and ape came from a common ancestor in no way refutes Creation, nor does it answer the Creationist's challenge.

    The Creationist asked the Evolutionist to "Please prove one species has evolved into another." To this, the Evolutionist answered, "We all had a comm ancestor... monkeys didn't turn into humans... I'm not even gonna explain it." It becomes painfully obvious that he can't explain it to the Creationist because it is nonsense. The challenge was "Please prove one species has evolved into another." In no way is that a claim that man came from the ape, nor does it answer the challenge to assure the Creationist that neither the man came from ape nor the ape came from man, but both came from something else.

    The problem is, the Evolutionist still can't seem to prove one species becoming a different one, because now he has one species becoming TWO or MORE species, and yet he still hasn't shown that a species can become ONE other species! Maybe his first grade biology teacher can explain to him the difference between "one" and "many"?

    So, here's the challenge:

    "Please prove one species has evolved into another."

    Show a pig becomning a cow.

    Or a frog becoming a prince.

    Or a duck becoming an egret.


    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • Why is the spider in its own web swinging it back and forth?

    Beside the porch light on my front porch is a spider's web. In the middle of the web sits the spider. For the last several days, I have noticed the spider's web at times swinging back and forth. At first it looked like this was because of the wind, but the swinging is too rhythmic and always goes from one end of the reaches of the web to the other extreme, as if the spider is MAKING it swing, just like a child on a playground swing. The web doesn't swing ALL the time, but for quite a large part of the day when it is swinging.

    Is the spider swinging the web, and

    Why is the spider swinging the web?

    5 AnswersZoology10 years ago
  • Why did IDF attack a squad of Palestinian terrorists Monday night?


    "Aircraft belonging to the Israeli Air Force attacked overnight Monday four terror targets in the Gaza Strip.

    "The IDF Spokesperson added that IDF forces identified a squad of [Palestinian] terrorists as they were preparing to fire mortars into Israeli territory. The IAF managed to foil the attack, firing at the squad and directly hitting its members.

    "Over the past several weeks, there has been a “cat-and-mouse game” in which terrorists fire rockets or missiles at Israeli territory (such as the Grad attack on Kiryat Gat two weeks ago), and the IDF responds by firing at terror targets in Gaza.

    "Medical sources in Gaza claimed that one person was killed and four others were wounded in Monday night's IDF attacks. The claims were made in a conversation with the Reuters news agency following the attacks."

    [end quote]

    Question: What gives Israel the right to attack Palestinian terrorists BEFORE they can launch their GRAD missiles into Israeli cities?

    5 AnswersIsrael10 years ago