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Lv 7
? asked in TravelAfrica & Middle EastIsrael · 8 years ago

What Would the Building of a Temple Mean?

According to the head of manuscripts at the Al-Aqsa Mosque, Najeh Bkeirat, he suspects Israel of planning to build the third Holy Temple. [See the article at the link below.]

What would the building of the Temple mean politically for Israel,the P.A. and Middle East.


[I do not care if the report is true or not. I just want to know what the ramifications of the building of the Temple would be.]

Update 2:

@ Dart. Of course you are right; I meant 'THE Temple". And there may be some evidence that THE Temple could be built on the Temple Mount, in its proper place but NEAR the locations of the Dome of the Rock and Al Aksa Masjid. (The standard, proposed location of the two previous Temples was where the Dome is, not the Masjid.)

See the map labled, "The Northern Placement of the Temples" here:

Update 3:

@Trancing, the Palestinian terrorists could very well destroy either the Al Aksa Mosque or the Dome of the Rock with one of the missiles they have been launching at Jerusalem, so the Jews won’t need to do anything but reap the benefits.


1) The passage says, God replaces the “Temple and Jerusalem” with new ones. That implies both are already extant, no?

2) The actual reason given is Jews lack enough love for their fellow Jews.

3) Yes it is a coincidence that Al-Aqsa Mosque is built exactly on top of The Temple Mount. It wasn’t built “on top of the Temple,” because the Temple had already been destroyed by then.

Update 4:

@Trancing, it can't possibly be that cracks are appearing in the D o/t R and Al Aksa Mosque because they're approx. 1000 years old, can it? It HAS to be a "Zionist" plot, according to you, why, exactly?

6 Answers

  • Esther
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Did you read the first paragraph of the article, Mathew? It said, "According to the PA," lol. Please! They tell nothing but lies.

    However, to answer your hypothetical, you know that the world, especially the Muslim world, would make a big stink about it. Israel is scrutinized, and every little thing that they do is picked apart and criticized, even though Israel is a sovereign nation and has the right to do whatever she wants to do. This is not the same as building a mosque at Ground Zero. This is building a temple (or THE temple) on Jewish land, which is something that no one in the world has the right to criticize.

    Imagine if they wanted to build another big Mormon temple in Salt Lake City. Well, they have the right to do that if they want. Of if they wanted to build another mosque in Saudi Arabia. Whatever floats their boat. It's their land. So what would be the problem with building another temple at the Temple Mount? It's a no-brainer, but you know how the liberal media is, always bowing down to Muslims.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    First, there isn't "a Temple".

    Temple, with a Capital T is THE Temple, meaning the one on The Temple Mount (where Al Aqsa is, now)

    IF the Temple were to be rebuilt, it would first mean the destruction of the mosque that is there, now. It would also mean that the Messiah is among us. And that the world will be seeing complete and utter peace for a very long time.

    However, first, the mosque must come down, and the Israeli authorities will NEVER cause that!

  • 8 years ago


  • 4 years ago

    formerly every physique solutions a element: might the Jewish Temple recommend that Jews can choose upon Jewish regulation? because of the fact i does in comparison to that and that could desire to meant all my loss of help to Israel.

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  • 8 years ago

    It is said "Third Temple will descend from above", meaning that it cannot be built merely on the material level. According to scriptures the Temple was destroyed because people fell from “love thy neighbor as thyself” to “unfounded hatred”. If you look at the events that took place at that historical time you will find that it was truly so. Further more, you can see that from that point on all the major religions started to develop among nations, with their eyes constantly on Israel, as though they were expecting something...So, it is no coincidence that Al-Aqsa Mosque is built exactly on top of The Temple.

    It is hard for us to grasp how the material and spiritual actually goes hand in hand, but if the Third Temple is to be constructed of stone it will be erected only after we build it in our hearts first. This would require from us, from every living person, to focus all attention only on the correction of the heart. It’s written about the Third Temple: “My house will be called the house of prayer for all the nations of the world”

    (כי ביתי בית תפילה יקרא לכל העמים).

    So, in these trying times that humanity is facing right now, in the time of crisis that you can feel in just about every field you can think of, the outcome can and will be a positive one, IF we decide to unite our efforts on a global level, above all our differences, religions, politics etc. in order to find sustainable solutions for saving humanity as a species. It would require from us to change the way we perceive the world, the way we run our societies, the way we educate our children and mainly the way we allow ourselves to treat others. But "where there's a will there's a way" and trough a need, that most typically manifests in crisis, we will find the will!

    In other worlds the building of The Temple would mean that we can be happy and rejoice, because we have come to that.

  • S B
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    I imagine a lot of Muslims will get crancky and Israel will be blamed for being Islamophobic or Racist or whatnot.

    A whole lot of unnecessary headache, really.

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