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How can i say to a person that his important to me even do he ignores me?

Were having an argue and because i was get angry i loss my temper and having a break up.

He told me and said"no i need you".and i answer "you'll be fine without me".

and now i was sad because we talk seldom and now i wanna say sorry but things change he no longer talk to me.I've realize the value of a person if he is no longer with me.


@matt:because their is a feeling involve.

Update 2:

@ok:if im hard to understand? I want him to say it frankly even do it hurts.

Update 3:

@pamela: its really hard to let go to someone and i think he doesn't want me anymore.

Update 4:

@midnight: i think you have a point because of the situation that were having a long distance relationship its been so hard but i guess he had a reason why he give up.

4 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    First off I would like you to know that I am not a professional Dr. and I cannot give the number one correct answer, I will just do my best to answer based on past experience and events that I have had based on the questions asked.

    I would really like to start off by saying that you can have feelings for anyone and that can be friendship, companionship, romantic, sexual, intimate, love and commitment relationships... many more, but the other person in that may not feel the same. It is an on going proses relationships, many have a hard time loosing that person in the relationship because they feel that they were in love, and mind you, they could have just simply been in the idea of love at that one moment but did not have the big bang that you feel when you are really swept away by the love feeling.

    I think especially because this person since he wishes no longer to even speak with you that he might have not actually even cared in the beginning. If some one really did have hard core feelings for you, they would have done their best to seek you out from the very start of the break up. I suggest that you lay this matter to rest and try to let the wound heal. I know that it will hurt but better for you in the long run. Hope that this advise helps you out and always remember that there are other fish in the sea that will love you and hope to find the one that will be your mate for all eternity! midnightwolfdemon

  • ?
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    I went through the same issues, with the ignoring, but I moved on and let him go, but he recently came back into my life unexpectedly and believe this has been happening for about 3 years. Sad I know. That saying "Let it go and if it comes back, it's yours." I believe in that a lot!

  • Ok...
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Maybe its because you are hard to understand...

  • 9 years ago

    if hes ignores you why is he important to you?

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