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When did it become a bad thing to be really successful in the United States?

It amazes me the amount of individuals who talk garbage about the Romney's being successful. I thought that was the beauty of this country, anyone can achieve anything they work for. Are they just jealous because they screwed up? Just confused!

8 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Obama bet on America ???? Romney on China ????? Perhaps Obama needs to

    send those ILLEGAL donations he received from China back - all currently under

    investigation. And it's obvious, PAINFULLY obvious the one answer doesn't have

    the SLIGHTEST idea about Romney's life..... Sad too, because Romney's WHOLE

    life can be located anywhere on the web. Obama STILL keeps 40% of his WHOLE

    life secret from the public....but this doesn't bother Liberals at all....strange.

    Answer: Once upon a time the only detractors about success were Communists,

    Marxists, Socialists. The the Progressive Liberal Movement struck like an insidious

    disease and these days, that "philosophy" has been regenerated in Obama and carried

    on by his Obamabots. That's why UNLIKE Obama's belief that we should ALL be

    equal, this country is the greatest in the world because of successful people.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    You have it a bit wrong. One can and is encouraged to achieve.

    To be a success does not mean a gain monetary or assets, that is where many have the entire thing fouled up at.

    One great success story in my lifetime was a State Senator, he built bridges, roads, parks and he had a wonderful life. That man was a success.

    The beauty is not in the gold and silver coins, it is in the good works or deeds that a human accomplishes for the betterment of human-kind.

    Is a higher plain that takes a few years to grab onto, that is the brass ring that the true in heart reach for and achieve.

  • 4 years ago

    the perfect challenge from which all others stem is an means question. both Iran and Irac were in a contest to dominate the international oil furnish. Islamic fundamentalists are being manipulated to perpetuate their pastimes. international warming is a excellent away outcome of means waste. There are partial solutions that are being many times disregarded. party: Hydrogen injection from an on board electrolysis unit will enhance motorized vehicle mileage about 40% wild lowering carbon and NOX emissions even extensively extra. This technologies has been studied by utilising truly qualified and credible universities and engineers. there is not any down section. Why is it no longer being performed. Politicians that are persuing there personal own pastimes are feeding us propaganda created by utilising handlers, spin medical doctors, and campain managers besides as catering to those who offer the perfect contributions to their campains. in user-friendly terms 3% of voters are "recommended" on the topics. Apathy outcomes small voter participation. I actually have met the enemy and they are US. Get recommended, get entangled and "MAKE A huge difference"

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    First, how do you define successful? Do you define it as rich, or simply reaching a point in your life where you have all needs taken care of and are content? I'm guessing you mean wealthy. Being wealthy is not a bad thing, never was. It is what you do with that wealth that determines good or bad.

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  • 9 years ago

    I totally agree with you, and the successful people usually own businesses that provide jobs.

  • 9 years ago

    Like a poor man can give you a job, well maybe if the poor man is gay

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    We don't, we just have to look and see what they did. Romney bet on China. Obama bet on America.

  • 9 years ago

    Romney's "success" was based upon two things, his father's money and destroying American jobs.

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