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KIMSNG-121024: Why can't I use Yahoo! Messenger in Mail?

Description: This article addresses a known issue that some users experience when accessing Yahoo! Mail with the Chrome browser. Symptoms of the issue include:

Can't see Messenger in Mail contacts

Can't chat with online contacts

Unable to change Messenger status in Mail

Not receiving or seeing chat requests in Mail

Current Status: We have received several reports from customers unable to see the Messenger in Mail feature in Yahoo! Mail, when using the Chrome browser.

Resolution: None. We are currently working towards a solution for this issue.

Workaround: Please refer to the link below for the workaround:

If you continue to experience this issue, please answer this question with any error messages you are receiving.


This Known Issue post is for Yahoo! staff to communicate current known issues to benefit Yahoo! customers. We do not gain extra Answers points for questions added to this “Known Issues” category.

9 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Problem in Firefox 16.0.1 and IE 9.0.8112.16421 ... I do not use Chrome. Win7Prof fully patched. Java version 1.6.0_37 from Sun Microsystems.

    !!! Updated Java to 1.7.0_09 from Oracle Corporation and it is working again in Firefox 16.0.1. !!!

    Still does not work in IE 9.0.8112.16421.

    Edit: I've edited this dumb thing about 5 times for far ... Now IE is working. No idea if it mattered but I went to http : // / version.html (Google search on [java version]) and that told me what version I was using. It did not work after the update to Java 7 until I verified the version. It should not have mattered but it worked after that.

  • 9 years ago

    I also am having this problem and I don't even have Chrome installed. However, I did update Java a day or two ago. I believe I updated the last day I was able to see my messages and it was fine -- possibly since I did not reboot until later. that may be why it didn't fail until yesterday.

    It is not a browser problem -- I have the exact same problem with Firefox 16.0.1 and IE.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    This is affecting Yahoo Web Messenger regardless of browser or OS. Is it a java issue? Pidgin and YM seem to work fine. it is only the Y web messenger in Y mail. Only timestamps are seen, the actual messages are not.

    Hoping this is fixed soon.

  • 9 years ago

    Am am also having this issue in both Chrome and IE.

    In Chrome I cannot load messenger at all and get a loading message.

    In IE it loads but I cannot see any message or see my sent messages..

    This appears to be a very large issue and Yahoo needs to fix it right away. I reported it to them a few days ago as well.

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  • 9 years ago

    I was having the same problem with my Yahoo messenger after doing an update on java so i deleted all my java off my computer and then went and re downloaded java. Then rebooted my computer and now my messenger seems to be working fine i'll let everyone know if it messes up again.

    Source(s): downloaded java from version 7 update 10
  • 7 years ago

    Not sure if this is the same problem but on yahoo mail messenger, I receive IM's on my mobile device and I can reply on either the mail messenger or on mobile device. The message does shows up in message history but the chat window closes upon receipt of their reply. the conversation, or at least their replies do continue to show on mobile device.

  • 9 years ago

    I have tried three different browsers Internet Explorer, Google Chrome and Firefox and have problems with Yahoo Messenger in all them. I don't think it is a browser problem.

  • 9 years ago

    I have also had the same problems all day today. I cannot see the text of a message I send - or one that I receive. I have a Mac desktop, and my browser is Safari.

    Please provide any details how to rectify the issue, and if there's anything we need to do - or just sit tight, and wait on Yahoo.


  • 9 years ago

    I also just made a Java update, after that I was not able to see sent or received messages.

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