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? asked in Pregnancy & ParentingBaby Names · 9 years ago

Baby Name {SURVEY} -- Please answer, Thank you.?

Q1 : What do you think of the BOYS name Peyton Alexander?

Q2 : What do you think of the sib-set : Aidan Leander and Alanna Maelle?

Q3 : What are your 3 biggest pet peeves, in the Baby Name Section?

Q4 : Do you have any siblings? How many? What are their names?

Q5 : Do you like these types of questions?

Q7 : Do you consider -Elliot and Spencer- to be unisex, or strictly masculine?

Q8 : Do you tend to take the opinions of others seriously/personally, or do you look at them as they are...just opinions?

Q9 : Do you like the girls name, Lilia May?

Q10 : Do you get upset with other users who are only trying to help, but tend to give their opinion when you don't ask for it?

Thank you for answering.

20 Answers

  • ceridd
    Lv 7
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    1. Peyton Alexander - Nice names but I'm not crazy about the combo. The flow and rhythm is great, but the names have different styles and origins, and that is really, really important to me.

    2. I like Aidan & Alanna together, and they are both very nice names as well. I dislike both combos. Aidan Douglas & Alanna Faye would suit my style.

    3. a) People who are "authorities" on countries they know nothing of, save shallow stereotypes and a need to believe them. b) People who apparently don't bother to read the Asker's question well, since they give an answer which relates to the Q, but doesn't even come close to answering it directly. We all misread questions, but this trait is chronic with some Users. Hmm. Perhaps they are genuinely really, really bad readers ; p c) Answeres who repeatedly "reassure" Askers by ending with, "...but it's your child and you can name it anything you please". This is common. Yeah, just in case the parent wasn't aware of that-haha! It always makes be laugh, but at the same time it's so arrogant, condescending and annoying.

    4) Sibs: Thomas Joseph Leo, John Robert Thomas, Patrick Jude Anthony, Cynthia Ann-Alice.

    5) Yes, I really do enjoy your questions ...... But are you growing weary of reading all of the long answers?

    7) Elliot and Spencer are strictly masculine to me ... and I do recognize and like many Unisex names. These just don't qualify, and I hope they never do.

    8) I take everything seriously. Everything. That doesn't mean I respect it. This is just my personality type. I take A LOT of things personally, being a person and all that. If it strikes within my boundaries, it is personal. **I judge whether or not something is "just an opinion" or a "poorly disguised agenda" based upon the Spirit of its delivery (always obvious) and the prescence of its repetition.**

    9) Lilia May. I like it very much, and appreciate the "May" spelling.

    10) Yes, I do get upset. I do that far too often and it's a seriously obnoxious trait.

  • 9 years ago

    Q1 : I don't like it. I like Alexander, though I do think it's overused as a middle name, but I really do not see the appeal of Peyton on either gender.

    Q2 : Sorry to say I don't like either of these names either.

    Q3 : People asking for unique names but then saying they don't want anything 'too out there'; the fuss over unisex names - I don't understand people wanting to use some names on the opposite gender, but I also don't understand why some people get so worked up about it - it's not your kid, relax; and I suppose people who are just plain nasty when someone is after an opinion on a name they really like.

    Q4 : Yes. One. Zoe.

    Q5 : Not especially, I often stick to the 'name game' questions or opinions, but I'm bored so I figured I might as well answer this one.

    Q7 : I consider both names to be masculine, particularly because they remind of the character Eliot Spencer from Leverage.

    Q8 : I just look at them as opinions. Particularly online and especially when it relates to something that's really a matter of personal opinion like taste in names. You're never going to have everyone love the same names as you, so why bother even trying. Take what they say into consideration, but ultimately it's up to you.

    Q9 : It's okay. Not a huge fan, but it's not horrible. May is another name I think is overused as a middle, but it's a cute combination.

    Q10 : No, but then I'm not really one to ask many questions on here. I'm more of an answerer.

  • 9 years ago

    Q1 - I don't like it. I dislike the name Peyton. But Alexander is nice.

    Q2 - Aidan Leander doesn't flow well. I don't like Maelle and the names are a bit matchy for my taste

    Q3 - The users who get defensive about "masculine" names, illiterate spellings, and fakers

    Q4 - I have 4 sisters...Julie Alanna, Emily Oliva and Lisa Claire (twins), and Stacey Rae

    Q5 - I love them!

    Q6 - Is missing =P

    Q7 - I think they're strictly masculine. Although Elliot on a girl is a major guilty pleasure for me

    Q8 - It depends...on here I take them solely as opinions

    Q9 - Love Lilia, but not fond of May. They flow nicely though!

    Q10 - Not upset, but annoyed

  • 9 years ago

    Q1 : What do you think of the BOYS name Peyton Alexander?

    I'm not a fan. I love Alexander, but Peyton is doomed in my Aussie accent. We hate T's, so it turns into Pay'n.

    Q2 : What do you think of the sib-set : Aidan Leander and Alanna Maelle?

    I'm not a fan of alliterative names for siblings, but at least Aidan and Alanna are less matchy than some other possibilities. Individually, I'm not a huge fan of each name, but Alanna Maelle does flow well.

    Q3 : What are your 3 biggest pet peeves, in the Baby Name Section?

    1. People who ask for opinions and then get all pissy when people don't like their names. And then proceed to give BA to the only person who likes them, even when it's the least helpful, most suck-uppy answer ever, like "OMG so cute XOX", whilst the other (long and detailed) answers give constrctive criticism.

    2. People who include real-world tragedies in baby name games. Games are meant to be fun. They are an escape. There's nothing fun about miscarriages and car-crashes. It's just not appropriate.

    3. People who make assumptions. They might assume that you're from a different country than the origin of a name you like, and then tell you off for being ignorant or disrespectful. They might assume that no-one will be able to pronounce a name where you live, even though you can perfectly fine. Similarly, they might assume that just because you have explained the pronunciation of a name you like in a question, then it must be necessary to, and therefore you'd be cruel to actually use it. They might also assume that you care about the same things you do, like with popularity. I absolutely hate it when I ask for people's opinions on a name, and all they tell me is that it's too popular. That's not an opinion. That's empty statistics. Plus, why would I even care about a name's popularity in the first place?!

    Q4 : Do you have any siblings? How many? What are their names?

    Yes. I have one older sister called Tara Jade. My name is Caitlyn Emma.

    Q5 : Do you like these types of questions?

    Of course! Surveys are great for getting and giving opinions on a whole bunch of things at once.

    Q7 : Do you consider -Elliot and Spencer- to be unisex, or strictly masculine?

    Definitely masculine. I think using Elliot and Spencer for girls would probably be frowned upon where I live, or at least stared at wide-eyed.

    Q8 : Do you tend to take the opinions of others seriously/personally, or do you look at them as they are...just opinions?

    I take them as opinions. Personal insults make me raise my eyebrows and roll my eyes at them, but if an opinion is given maturely and politely, then I will look at it with consideration, no matter whether it matches my own or not. I love constructive criticism. I much prefer getting detailed answers stating why someone hates my favourite names than half-sentence agreements along the lines of "great names".

    Q9 : Do you like the girls name, Lilia May?

    It flows well, and I do love May (glad to see that spelling, by the way), but I've never been a fan of Lilia. It just seems overly frilly to me, yet somehow incomplete. I'd prefer either Lily, Lilian, or Liliana.

    Q10 : Do you get upset with other users who are only trying to help, but tend to give their opinion when you don't ask for it?

    Nope! I love getting opinions on my favourite names. So much so that usually when I ask a question, if the question itself doesn't ask for opinions, then I'll include a bonus question asking for them, or at the very least, people's favourite and least favourite names of those I listed.

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    Q1: I'm sorry but I do not like the name Peyton. It's just my personal opinion.

    Q2: It's okay. Don't love it but don't hate it either.

    Q3: 1. People who ask "What do you think of X name?! Don't answer if you don't like it!" If you don't want someone's opinion, then why are you even asking for it? That's how I see it so I get really irked when I see questions like that. 2. Boy names on girls (and I'm not talking unisex names either). Seriously, the trend is soooo old. 3. People who ask super vague questions like "What should I name my baby?" People won't even know where to start with questions like that because we have no further information to go on!

    Q4: I have one little brother. His name is Kevin Trevor. He goes by Trevor.

    Q5: Yes! Do more! :D

    Q6: This questions must be MIA?

    Q7: Strictly masculine. Yes, I know some books and websites classify them as unisex. But I see them as strictly masculine with my opinion.

    Q8: It depends on the reasoning for their opinions and their wording. Some opinions are serious and personal and others are simply unbiased opinions. It really depends on the context of their explanation, the way you ask the question, and the subject you're asking about.

    Q9: Yes I think that is a very pretty name. :)

    Q10: If they are doing it helpfully, respectfully, and to critique, then no. I value input that I may not have considered UNLESS I specifically say, "I am not asking for an opinion on X topic whatsoever." If they ignore this, or they answer rudely, immaturely, or just to bash for sh*ts and giggles, then I do become a little irked but I get over it two seconds later. lol

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    Q1 : What do you think of the BOYS name Peyton Alexander? -- IT'S CUTE!!

    Q2 : What do you think of the sib-set : Aidan Leander and Alanna Maelle? -- TOO MATCHY

    Q3 : What are your 3 biggest pet peeves, in the Baby Name Section?




    Q4 : Do you have any siblings? How many? What are their names?

    -- YES

    -- AMY (22)

    -- JENIFER (24)

    -- LESLIE (20)

    Q5 : Do you like these types of questions? -- YES

    Q7 : Do you consider -Elliot and Spencer- to be unisex, or strictly masculine?



    Q8 : Do you tend to take the opinions of others seriously/personally, or do you look at them as they are...just opinions? -- JUST OPINIONS

    Q9 : Do you like the girls name, Lilia May? -- I LIKE LILIA, DON'T LIKE MAY

    Q10 : Do you get upset with other users who are only trying to help, but tend to give their opinion when you don't ask for it? -- YES

  • Faith
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    Q1: I like Peyton for a girl not boy, I hate Alexander. Over all I think Peyton is WAY over used.

    Q2: They are a nice sib-set but I cannot stand Aiden or anything ending in Aiden. it's way over used and isn't even a nice name. What is Maelle???

    Q3: Made up names, People who ask for honest opnions then get offened when you give them, trolls.

    Q4: No siblings

    Q5: Yes fun!

    Q7: I'm all about unixes names but these are not, these are strictly masculine.

    Q8: They are just opnions. I like feed back weather it's what I think are not. It's neat to hear other peopls insite. Sometimes people say things I might not have thought of but should have!

    Q9: Lilia (MADE UP) so no

    Q10: Not upset, it's just annoying. If you ask a specific question there's no need to carry on about something unrelated. But if you ask for it, no.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    Q1: I really like it! =D

    Q2: It's kinda boring, but not bad.

    Q3: Being rude and thinking you're justified, acting like your opinion is the only opinion anyone can have, and targeting other users

    Q4: I have 13 — one brother, 4 half siblings, and 8 step siblings ^.^ They're named Tyler, Braden, Sean, Carmen, Cassidy, Noah, Alexander, Cody, Gilbert, Imogen, Brianna, Hannah, and Olivia =)

    Q5: Yep I love them! =D Keep them coming!

    Q6 seems to be missing

    Q7: I consider Elliot to be unisex and Spencer to be masculine, but frankly I rarely pay attention to that sort of thing anyway — if I like a name as unisex I like it as unisex. That goes for both genders too — I have girls names on my boys lists and boys names on my girls lists.

    Q8: I try to not take opinions too seriously and usually I succeed.

    Q9: I love it! =)

    Q10: Not usually, unless they go out of their way to tell me what gender I can and can't use a name on when I didn't ask. That tends to annoy me, but otherwise I usually don't mind.


  • 9 years ago

    Q1: I like it, but I am not fond of the name Peyton. Where I like a lot of people name their children Peyton because of Peyton Manning.

    Q2: I like it. Not too sure about the middle names though..

    Q3: I'm new here, but I don't like people who give rude answers, trolls, and people misspelling names too much. For an example: Aiden= Aydynne

    Q4: Oh dear. I have 7 other siblings (no including me).

    Stacy Elizabeth- me

    Britney Anne

    Daniel Joseph

    Jennifer Caroline

    Kelly Marie

    Robert Timothy

    Christopher Shane

    Heather Louise

    Q5: sure!

    Q6: I consider them to be more masculine, but since people (including my sister-in-law) think it's a nice girl name, then I have no problem with that.

    Q7: I just think of them as opinions.

    Q8: I love it!

    Q10: nope.

    Source(s): mother of triplets
  • 9 years ago

    Q1: Payton Alexander is ok... I'm really not a fan of it... it seems like a trendy name mixed with a classic which I don't really like

    Q2: I like it, it seems nice!

    Q3: Made-up names, nicknames for full names, incorrect spellings

    Q4: Yes, 6, Braydon Henry, Emma Charlotte, Kyla Eleanor, Olivia Marlowe, Rylan Connor, Madeleine Beth, and Alison Caroline (me)

    Q5: Sure

    Q6: Elliot is unisex, Spencer is strictly for boys

    Q8: somewhat personally

    Q9: Love it!

    Q10: YES!

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