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Lv 622,978 points

Saki♥ wαítíng fσr mч tímє lσrd ♡

Favorite Answers30%

My name is Saki =) (It's a nickname ^.^) I'm an aspiring author and compose music. I'm also very into baby names ;D ♥ nσt єхp��ctíng just cσllєctíng ♥ If you get a chance, I'd appreciate it if you voted on my names: ~ They're changing all the time, so check back. Thanks a ton! =) I don't come on this site very much anymore because it's full of trolls, rudeness, illogical arguments, extremists, and intolerance.

  • Anime suggestions, based on these?

    I need some new anime to watch ^.^ I generally prefer dark shonen anime =)

    My top 5 favorite anime:

    ~ Fullmetal Alchemist

    ~ D.Gray-man

    ~ Vampire Knight

    ~ Ghost Hunt

    ~ Legend of the Legendary Heroes

    I'm also currently watching Bleach and liking it. So what anime do you think I'd like? =D

    5 AnswersComics & Animation7 years ago
  • I have a period question?

    So my periods usually last about a week give or take. I was just on my period, and it lasted about a week and then stopped completely, just like it usually does. Then after just over a day went by, it started up again. This hasn't happened before. Is that normal?

    4 AnswersWomen's Health8 years ago
  • Cramps after period has ended?

    My period ended about four days ago, but I'm still having cramps (which has never happened before). They're fairly mild and on the left side near my pelvis (which is where I usually have cramps). I'm in less pain than I was when I was on my period, but it's still rather uncomfortable. Is this normal or is something wrong?

    3 AnswersWomen's Health8 years ago
  • Question involving a romance in my novel?

    I'm by no means writing a romance novel - the focus of my story is more war and politics in a high fantasy setting. However, I do want a small side romance in the novel. I definitely don't want a love triangle, but I'm worried it's going to turn into one. I have one guy I want my main character to fall in love with, and another guy I want to be more of a protective best friend. The problem is, I'm not sure how to have her fall in love with the boy I want her with when the other boy is more of a best friend to her, and it seems like I'm going to end up with a love triangle on my hands which I really don't want. Any ideas for how to avoid a love triangle in this case or other advice?

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • Writers: Think it's possible to be both a Pantser and a Planner?

    For those who haven't heard those terms before: Planners are the writers who have to know everything about their story before they can write. They sit down and write detailed outlines, in depth character profiles, and more before ever writing a word in the actual book. Pantsers are the exact opposite. They're the writers who "fly by the seat of their pants" - they just start writing and see where the story takes them, letting it surprise them with twists and turns they never saw coming when they started the book.

    Published authors I've talked to (as well as some bloggers I found online) have said that you fall completely into either one category or the other - you're either a pantser or a planner. My question is, could you possibly be both? Using me as an example:

    I start my writing process like a pantser: I'll have no ideas at all (no characters, no setting, no plot, no ideas, not anything) - I just start writing. By the end of the first or second chapter, I'll have my main characters more or less figured out, my plot beginning to form, my setting all put together, and so on. From that point on I mostly work like a planner. I do _enormous_ amounts of world building, character profiling, and so on before writing much further. I also plan out my plot after the first or second chapter, but unlike with my characters and my world, I don't plan out everything. I use a seven point plot system, which means I plan out seven major turning points in the story and nothing else (which to me seems like a mix of the planner and pantser methods). So which would you say I am, a planner or a pantser? Could I possibly be a mix of both?

    And my final question: What kind of writer are you? Are you a pantser or a planner?

    Thanks! =D

    7 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • How do you pronounce "seelie"?

    I'm researching faerie folklore for my writing, and I've come across a few different pronunciations of the word "seelie" (as in the seelie and unseelie courts). Some pronunciations I've seen:

    ~ SEE-lee

    ~ SEE-lih

    ~ SEE-luh

    ~ SEE-lye

    Which is the correct way to say it? Thanks! =)

    3 AnswersMythology & Folklore8 years ago
  • My cat is scared of everything and is getting worse?

    I have a cat we rescued as a kitten. He had been hit by a car and had some severe neurological damage. It took him a long time before he could move his back legs again, and he's always seemed different from other cats. He was always rather skittish and has preferred my company over the other members of my family from a young age.

    What has me worried is that as of a few months ago he's started getting worse. It seems like the list of things he's afraid of is growing, he rarely comes downstairs, and he constantly has a worried look in his eyes. He seems more and more bothered by sensory stimuli - bright lights and loud noises in particular - and seems to be forming rigid daily routines that he didn't have before. I'm concerned that his mental state may be deteriorating. Could that be the reason for his behavior, or is it something else? And is there anything I can do to help him?

    5 AnswersCats8 years ago
  • What are some anime like D.Gray-man?

    Basically I'm looking for some anime that are dark and creepy (with or without humor) but not super gory, like D.Gray-man. Any suggestions? Some other anime I've loved:

    ~ Vampire Knight (and Vampire Knight Guilty)

    ~ D.N. Angel

    ~ Gad Guard

    ~ Noein

    Thanks =D

    2 AnswersComics & Animation9 years ago
  • What are some games like Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity?

    I really like racing type games like Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity, and I love several of the other Sonic games as well. What are some games I may like? I have a Nintendo DS, a PS2, and a Wii =)

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games9 years ago
  • Could this be an allergic reaction to salt and vinegar chips?

    I ate a small bag of salt and vinegar chips about three hours ago, and I've noticed a bunch of small white bumps on the tops of my pointer fingers (just my pointer fingers on both hands). They kind of hurt. I figured it might be the salt and vinegar chips because I was pulling them out with my thumb and pointer fingers, and they definitely weren't there before. I'm also feeling kind of itchy all over, though mostly on my hands and arms. I haven't had a reaction to salt and vinegar chips before, but I haven't had them in many years. I developed an allergy to cat hair that I didn't have before (I get hives) so I figure it's possible to develop an allergy to chips I didn't have before, but I could be wrong.

    Any ideas? Could it be an allergic reaction or is it something else? I'm definitely no expert when it comes to this sort of thing so any help would be great.

    3 AnswersAllergies9 years ago
  • Does this sound like my laptop's battery is the problem?

    I have a Vostro 3500 Windows 7 laptop from Dell with an intel core i5. My laptop has ran out of batteries faster and faster (staying charged for shorter amounts of time). If I leave it plugged in for too long it shuts down suddenly and unexpectedly, and if I run too many programs at once it also shuts down unexpectedly. I'm wondering if the problem is maybe that my laptop's battery is dying. Does that sound like that's the problem? Or could it be something else?

    Thanks =)

    1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks9 years ago
  • Are any of these GP names usable?

    I'm wondering if any of my guilty pleasure names are usable. (In case you don't already know, a guilty pleasure name is a name you love but would never give to an actual child.) It's very likely that none of them are usable, but I thought I'd ask just in case.

    ~ GIRLS ~







    Alcyone [al-SEE-uh-nee]

    Alkeste [AL-kehst-ee]







    Demea [DEE-mee-uh]

    Demos [DEEM-ohs]


    Devereux [DEV-er-oh]








    Monet [moh-NAY]








    Solveig [SOL-vay]



    Svea [SVEE-ah]

    ~ BOYS ~


    Ptolemy [TOL-em-ee]







    Fortunatus [FOR-TOON-ah-toos]












    Ptah [TAH]












    Torbjörn [TORE-byorn]




    ***NOTE: I'm not asking if you like these names. I only want to know if you think any of them are usable. Please just list any you think are usable or say that none of them are usable if you don't think any are. Thanks =D

    BQ: What are your GP names? List at least 5 =)

    30 AnswersBaby Names9 years ago
  • What are your top boys names?

    What are your top favorite boys combos? =) List as many as you want, but at least list your top five.

    17 AnswersBaby Names9 years ago
  • Writers / Readers: When adding a language to a fantasy novel... (read details)?

    I've created a complete language for my fantasy novel. (NOTE: Not a code or a cipher or a few words here and there - a real language with grammar, symbols, phonetics, idioms, a number system, etc.) All of the secondary main characters speak both English and my invented language, it's just the natives that speak only my invented language. The MC speaks only English, and the story is told from her perspective. In some places the language doesn't need to be translated into English. For the places it does, I was planning on having the other main characters translate. (If you've seen the movie Avatar - the one with the blue people - it's going to be somewhat similar to that as far as the characters speaking English and/or the language I invented.)

    My question is, at what point would having the invented language in the story become annoying or bothersome? How much invented language is too much? What do you think of having a real language in a novel (like Tolkien created for the Lord of the Rings books)?

    Thanks for the help! =D

    12 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • Can you recommend a good dog breed for me?

    I'm looking into getting a puppy. I really like medium sized dogs, and would prefer a smaller dog over a large dog. I love dogs that have longer muzzles and pointed ears like Australian Cattle Dogs, Akitas, Huskies, or Shiba Inus, and I'm not a fan of dogs with flat faces like pugs. This isn't a necessity though, just a preference. It would be best if the dog was easy to manage and didn't require a lot of training. Also, I don't have a large yard and it's not fenced in, so the dog would have to be comfortable being indoors a lot of the time (though I would take it outside to play or go on walks). For the most part though, I'm fairly flexible. I plan on researching the breeds very well before choosing one, but I was wondering what you would recommend to give me something to start from. Thanks =)

    16 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • What are your top 5 favorite names (+BQ)?

    It's been a while since I've asked this, and I love seeing everyone's favorites =) So, what are your top 5 name combos for each gender? =)

    BQ: If you had triplets what would you name them? (you can choose the genders)

    BQ2: This is purely optional, but I'd love it if you could vote on my names:

    ~ Girls names:

    ~ Boys names:

    **If you have a name list, post the link! =D I'd love to vote.


    21 AnswersBaby Names9 years ago
  • What are your favorite boys names starting with T, F, or Ph?

    I'm loving boys names starting with these letters =D What are your personal favorites?

    16 AnswersBaby Names9 years ago
  • What would you name 6 kids using these unusual names (+BQ)?

    Yes, I am aware the names are quite "out there." This is just for fun =)

    Girl 1:

    First names: Luna, Taryn, Ember, Líle [LEE-luh]

    Middle names: Jessa, Winter, Célestine, Saskia

    Girl 2:

    First names: Raphaela, Airi [EYE-ree], Hermione, Lark

    Middle names: Misaki [MEE-SAH-kee], Arianwen, Briony, Everlie

    Girl 3:

    First names: Marigold, Elisabetta, Konani [koh-NAH-nee], Persephone

    Middle names: Maya, Tara, Méabh [MAYV], Leandra

    Boy 1:

    First names: Faolán [FWAY-lahn], Jasper, Archer, Kai

    Middle names: Farran, Nathaniel, Seth, Theo

    Boy 2:

    First names: Eireamhon [ayr-uh-MOHN], Ash, Leander, Ciarán [KEER-ahn]

    Middle names: Flynn, Evan, Griffin, Alex

    Boy 3:

    First names: Wesley, Ryuusuke [REE-oo-skay], Frey, Sterling

    Middle names: Byron, Hiroshi [HEE-roh-shee], Wolfgang, Aristotle

    BQ: What's the most unusual, "out there" name on your favorites list for each gender? =D

    ** Star if you enjoyed! =D

    49 AnswersBaby Names10 years ago
  • I have a question about the Vampire Knight manga?

    I just finished the last episode of Vampire Knight Guilty and am thinking of reading the Vampire Knight manga, but I'm wondering if the manga is more bloody than the anime. I was alright with the blood in the anime, but if it's much worse I might not like it. Would you say the manga is a lot worse, or not too bad as far as blood goes? And is the manga more dark than the anime? Thanks! =D

    4 AnswersComics & Animation10 years ago
  • What would you name 6 kids using these names?

    This is my first try at one of these questions, so we'll see how it goes! =D The theme is various origins. I'll add pronunciations if needed =)

    ♀ GIRL ONE - Irish names

    ➢ First names: Aisling [ASH-ling], Béibhinn [BAY-vin], Caoilinn [KEE-lin], Moira [MY-ra], Saoirse [SEER-sha], Ruari [ROH-ree]

    ➢ Middle names: Cliona [KLEE-a-na], Eibhlinn [AYV-lin], Laoise [LEE-sha], Nessa [NES-a], Sile [SHEE-la], Tullia [too-LEE-uh]

    ♂ BOY ONE - Italian names

    ➢ First names: Donatello, Leonardo, Orlando, Paolo, Salvatore, Teo

    ➢ Middle names: Giuseppe, Lorenzo, Matteo, Filippo, Vittore, Samuele

    ♀ GIRL TWO - Hawaiian names

    ➢ First names: Leilani [lay-LAH-nee], Mele [MAY-lay], Kalea [kah-LEE-ah], Konani [koh-NAH-nee], Kai [KYE], Kaimana [kye-MAH-nah]

    ➢ Middle names: Atoni [AH-toh-nee], Haloa [hah-LOH-ah], Kalilinoe [kah-LEE-LEE-noh-ay], Kawikani [kah-VEE-kah-nee], Makanamaika'i [mah-kah-NAH-mye-kah-ee], Wehilani [vay-hee-LAH-nee]

    ♂ BOY TWO - Ancient Egyptian names

    ➢ First names: Anubis, Aten, Osiris, Tutankhamon, Akhenaten, Ptolemy [TOL-em-ee]

    ➢ Middle names: Ptah [TAH], Seti, Seth, Amen, Thoth, Imhotep

    ♀ GIRL THREE - French names

    ➢ First names: Aimée [em-AY], Agnès [ahn-YEZ], Célestine [SAY-les-Teen-a], Ophélie [oh-fay-LEE], Valérie [va-lay-RIE], Sophie [so-FEE]

    ➢ Middle names: Arielle, Élisabeth [ay-lee-za-BET], Natalie [nat-a-LEE], Zoé [zoh-AY], Gisèle [zhee-ZEL], Joséphine [zhoh-zay-FEEN]

    ♂ BOY TWO - Japanese names

    ➢ First names: Daisuke [DYE-skay], Hiroki [HEE-roh-kee], Keisuke [KAY-ee-skay], Kyo [KYOH], Tsuyoshi [TSOO-yoh-shee], Yusei [YOO-say]

    ➢ Middle names: Genkei [GEN-kay], Kiyoshi [KEE-yoh-shee], Taiki [TYE-kee], Takahiro [tah-KAH-hee-roh], Akio [AH-KEE-oh], Hiroyuki [HEE-ROH-yoo-kee]

    BQ: What do you think of your names? =)

    BQ2: Which was your favorite origin?

    Star if you enjoyed! =D

    29 AnswersBaby Names10 years ago