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Lv 6
? asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 9 years ago

How disgusted are you liberals now that you know the White House refused to allow help to the Bengahzi ?

Ambassador and the Navy Seals ?

They were first ordered NOT to assist the ambassador as they were at the annex at the time of the terrorist attack, and once they returned to the annex they were again refused THREE times when asking for support.

Do you liberals really think lying to cover this up by the 0bama administration is something the president of the US should do to protect his political campaign ?

15 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Did you know Obama was behind the 911 attacks? That's right! He killed Osama Bin Laden just to cover it up! Did you know Obama assassinated President Lincoln? Yeah, he was angry about the end of slavery. He wanted to enslave us all! And you know this drought we're having? Yeah, Obama is behind that too. Not sure how he did it, but it's all his fault. He shot down the Challenger in 1986! And he does horrible 'experiments' in the White House with live puppies and kittens!

    And you know, he only won the election in '08 because black people voted for him. 8^)

  • 9 years ago

    0bama stated the Al Qaeda has been decimated and are greatly reduced in effectiveness. He basically does not want to call it terrorism so not to inflame that culture. He cannot get it out of his mind that it was due to the video. he does not want to call it for what it really was because it will look like he hasn't reduced AlQaeda's influence. That he really did not affect AlQaeda.

    He looks like a fool if he calls it for what it really was. A terror attack.

  • 9 years ago

    I doubt the Libs even know about it yet.

    Here is a Lib approved source:

    I couldn't even watch the whole just makes me sick.

    And I wouldn't have thought it until now, but it does sound like someone wanted the ambassador dead.

  • 9 years ago

    This sort of thing happened alot w/Bush-Cheney. We didn't politicize it. Show some class for a change. Furthermore, the details of the event are highly classified. Since when did highly classified info become fodder for blog ranting??? Details are shared only on a need-to-know basis for all of you who have NO military experience. The fact remains ... YOU have NO need-to-know. Classification of military communications exists for a reason ... it's called NATIONAL SECURITY.

    The one thing I dislike most about Rs is they are ALWAYS drawing conclusions based on scant nfo or NO nfo at all!!!!

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  • 9 years ago

    this the pres of our country and you People want to give him 4 more years would you wonder what he would do in a worse attack if it made him look bad

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    They are not even bothered in the least that this president is a big dud that would have been tried by USMJ if he were actually in the military.

  • 9 years ago

    It has handed Ohio, Wisconsin, and possibly Minnesota over to Romney.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Boldface Lies.. for Blood Votes,..from Scum...all from one news,..and one person sean hannity..

    Sean Hannity... the NeoCon Puppet..and hate monger

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    I see the conservatives will resort to any lie to escpae the fact the ROMNEYS renouncement USA citizenship and established a polygamous compound in Mexico, and Mitt's father only returned because the Mexicans nationalized some of their vast land holdings

  • 9 years ago

    I'm sure they think it was a "gutsy call" they hate America

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