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I don't believe in God...?

Ok. So my friend is sort of religious. Yesterday I was like "It makes me mad, how people are like, God help me! , but there is no God so they look stupid" and she was really mad at me. She was like "don't say that! God is real, your stupid" and I had a fight with her.


There is no such thing as God. It's just made up so that people don't feel lonely ! We weren't "made" by God. We evolved from monkeys/apes. And Adam and Eve crap is made up ! And the whole Jesus thing is awful. And the bible , gimme a break. I can't believe people believe in this stuff.


God obviously isn't real. There's no "invisible man" he is just in our heads.

17 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Guess you really do Not like your friend or having any friends so if that is how you are hard nosed and ill mannered you will be Alone forever.

    Hope being a hermit and living in a cave suits you because that is where those who hate all go to.

    But I have to say this to your ignorance. Even though You do not believe in God. You have no control over God and HE STILL EXISTS AND YOU NEED TO FIND YOUR BELLYBUTTON AND TAKE A GOOD LOOK BECAUSE NO EXPLOSION MADE YOU EVEN THOUGH YOUR ATTITUDES & THINKING ARE TOTAL B.S.

    Source(s): CAMILLE
  • Have you ever read the Qur'an or at least the translation? Its stupid to think that we were evolved from monkeys. If god never existed, the world and the universe wouldn't function as it is. Its so perfect! I cannot even ever imagine that the magnificent wonders of earth was just something that occurred. The Qur'an is true because it contains what happened before and what is gonna happen. For instance,

    The dead sea was a city before where people crossed all limits in bad activities. Read about the story about Prophet Luth and his people and how their land was turned upside down. Its all there and its proven in modern science even. It was something which was never edited like the Bible and will never be edited or modified. So... without god, you wouldn't exist. I will pray for you.

    Source(s): Islam
  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Every human being has the ability to reason.

    So, I will question you... and you can do the math for yourself.

    If every natural desire has something that will naturally fill it, then the desire means the 'thing' has to exist.

    If a baby is hungry..... food exists.

    If a man has lust....... sex exists.

    If affection is wanted...... love exists.

    Birds have instincts to fly south...... south exists.

    People have a innate desire to find out why they are here, where they come from, and where they are going.

    Unlike animals, WE alone have the capacity to reason and make conclusions.

    Don't be so stupid. Use your brain. You are being lied to. Think for yourself and don't just follow the masses like a sheep.

    HERE'S A WAKE UP CALL FOR YOU: Just opening your mouth shows everyone what an idiot you are.... regardless of what you believe.

  • Pazuzu
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    We did not evolve from monkeys or apes. We share a recent common ancestor with apes and the like.

    Religion was made up to explain things that could not be explained by science (think lightning - they saw that and thought "Must be a lightning god. Holy sheet, Thor is mighty pissed, guys!") and to control people.

    Religion was and IS a very effective method of controlling and manipulating other human beings - to bend them to your will.

    As you've gathered, I'm a strong atheist. I still say things like "god damn", "oh my god", "god forbid", etc. It doesn't hurt anything, so long as you know it's all in good fun.

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    For those of you who say, There is no God,Jesus, Sky Daddy, Satan, or Christians. Please go to Biblical Archeology And read some of what you find there. It proves that God is 100% Real. And so is His Holy Word The Bible.Just check out the below sites.

    Thank you.

    God Bless Ya,

    Chicago Bob


    There is more joy in Jesus in one day.

    Than there is in the World 365/24/7

    I know, I tried them both.

    Numbers 6:24-26

    Source(s): Jesus!
  • 9 years ago

    what about miricles? how do you explain them, because its not just things Jesus did years ago, there are real miricles every day. and you need to get some respect, i am a Christian and i don't have a go at people who aren't, putting down everything they believe in like you did. i understand why your friend acted like that. everyone has a different take on faith, and its fine if you don't believe in God but get a little respect for those that do?

  • 9 years ago

    Yes indeed we came into being just like that. If it is so simple, why don't you create a fly and show us. Humans are more intelligent than chance so creating a fly won't be that difficult. And if you are not able to do that, you must acknowledge that you are more stupid than chance. Deal.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Ok, do you realize the logical meaning of what you are saying? Do you also realize that you cannot know that it is objective truth that there is no god and you are only speaking subjectively. It also seems peculiar that you are rallying against Christianity when there are hundreds of religions you are also calling false without knowing them.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago


  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Join the club:

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