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Are voting booths being tampered with?

In Nevada there have been multiple documented instances of people who have cast their votes using the electronic voting machines, then checked their choices before hitting confirm, and found that the choices were NOT those they had marked (and were in fact the straight democratic ticket). They have cancelled their choices, gone back and re-done the ballot only to have the same thing happen again, straight democratic ticket overwrites their choices. This has been documented here in Nevada repeatedly.

Hmm, Battleground state, straight democratic ticket completely overwriting voter choices. CAN YOU SAY FRAUD?

9 Answers

  • janie
    Lv 7
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    they did the same thing in Ohio 2004 plus others..lots of vote hopping from Kerry to Bush

    Personally I think it is because so many people found out the massive sh_t that went down in Ohio despite complete media blackout thanks to the work of grass roots activists who would not give up at the loss of democracy.

    They had to still the anger coming about from all this and demands for getting rid of voting machines. They did not report on much of the bush fraud in 2000 except for the hanging chad thing as they wanted that widely reported and known so people would demand better ways of voting than punch cards and then they passed the help america vote act (HAVA) mandating that all states is electronic voting machines and they also funded it. Many of the things that happened there and were not reported were the same we saw happen in Ohio which was also ignored in the press.

    This was what they wanted done as it is a lot easier to rig a bunch of electronic machines as it can be done at one central location than various ways of voting.

    Personally, I find that how they counteract this was to let it be know on cases of so called obama fraud so it blunts it when they do it to dems as they add confusion to the issue.

    I feel this is also why Obama was (s)elected in 2008 to help voting rights advocates back off and maybe forget and think the votes counted again I fele they (s)elected Obama to make dems think the votes counted again which is not true so they would stop getting in the way. When we the activcists worked so hard to bring to light what took place in Ohio and got the historic election challenge in us congress to bush's election (only the 2nd election challenge in 226 years) I think that pissed people off and they wanted activists like us to go away and people tend to forget.

    In truth whether that rig the machines to Obama or Romney, we are all the losers even though on side may win if they happen to (s)elect the same person tptb do but in truth we all have lost democracy no matter who wins the next rigged election

    This is why 75% of dems, 50% of independents and 25% of repubs (may be higher now) do not believe their votes count or are counted right.

    Stalin said "its not who votes that decides elections, but who counts the vote"

    those honest repubs and ems need to demand together hand counted at the precinct paper ballots.

    I have no doubt they ill rig this election but not sure which way yet..what I read today makes me think it will go to Romney in Ohio due to the use of unchecked software patches that break Ohio law that freepress broke today.

  • 9 years ago

    Electronic voting??

    Can you work a pencil and mark an "X" on a piece of paper. Those ballots seemed to work okay for many years

    If the electronic machines are so great why do they keep making new models?

  • 9 years ago

    They surely seem to be.......It is just amazing how the vote always goes on the Democrat side.

    Let's see.......who actually works on the machines......Oh Yea!...Union People....

    We may just have to have another election and do it the old way but then again it only matters to the ones who actually count the votes........

  • 9 years ago

    Yes, throughout the last 30 years, around 95% of known voter fraud was committed by democrats.

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  • 9 years ago

    Politicians will cheat any way they can to win an election, and since the democrats are the party of Satan, you can expect that there will be some funny business.

  • Locke
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    Conspiracy theories seem a bit out of touch, it sounds to me like they have to work out some issues though. Voter ID fraud, electronic glitches, and lazy people is what it looks like to me. Nothing intentional I think.

  • 9 years ago

    To me, it sounds like a good system where you CAN check your responses and if they are incorrect go back and make sure they are right.

  • 9 years ago

    Romney would do anything to get his hands on Nuclear Missiles and bomb Iran.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    No. They're working just fine. If they were going to tamper with it, you think they'd let you see?!?!

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