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Who is more offensive: me or my wife?

My wife told my mother behind my back that I don't know how to communicate.

I told my mom and my aunt behind my wife's back to not listen to my wife when she is arguing because her goal is to always be right.

Who was more offensive in what they say?

She is saying I trashed talk her behind her back. But my question is: who was doing the trash talking?

11 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    You are both offensive to each other with all of the back stabbing, which to me sounds all is not well in your home and relationship which needs to be sorted out yourselves rather gaining on support from us here.

    Just my opinion


  • 5 years ago

    there are various cyber web web pages now offering those style of non-public assistant centers. I examine an editorial on the well being club in a men's magazine that became approximately the thank you to make greater suitable earnings working as a digital consierge. Calling the provider a "digital spouse" is merely a promoting slogan. there's a brilliant handyman/abode progression comapny mentioned as "lease a Husband." Is that offensive? unquestionably the thought different halves are little greater suitable than own servants is offensive. It would not describe my own marriage, nonetheless, or most of the couples I socialize with or be responsive to from paintings. i assume i'm able to work out the psychological justification for being offended, yet i do no longer see how each guy or woman could evaluate it nicely well worth the emotional potential.

  • 9 years ago

    No one was trash talking and I agree with you...sounds like your wife always wants to be right seeing as she did the SAME thing you did, but said you were trash talking?!?!! WOMEN! LOL Word of advice though, talk to EACHOTHER, not to others ABOUT eachother. You both lack in the communication area.

  • 9 years ago

    in a fight no one wins y battle if u love each other it will only cause harm. its best to say your sorry even when u know u are right. people say things they dont mean because they are afraid to say how they really feel.i believe if u can tell your wife how much u love her and things that make u happy than u can talk through to each other in understanding about what hurts you.this will strengthen your understanding and love for each the stronger person whos brave enough to say how u feel in a calm caring manner also say u did not mean to hurt her by saying those things. you just said them out of misunderstanding and anger.tell her what she said to your mom hurt u made u feel like she did not care enough to talk to about how she feels. know u love her u would'nt be here if u didnt.tell her u love her. u dont want to fight, u will do better on opening yourself up and telling her things that bother u as well as make u happy. p.s. something is bothering her otherwise she would not be saying this to your mom if u can ask her if she is ok tell her u love her and your sorry for misunderstanding her. it just hurts you because you feel like she does not trust u enough to come to you when something is bothering her. you both need to open up to each other in a caring manner so you can work through your misunderstandings and faults. if u shout she will shout if she trash talks so will u so if u r the better example of understanding than she will follow.

    Source(s): im a 22 year old single girl that gave advice to married couples and saved there marriage.
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  • 9 years ago

    Oy! Get into couples therapy, both of you! If wife isn' understandable, but certainly, get into couples counseling to learn fair fighting and to uncover marriage problems and their solutions., If wife refuses, divorce her on grounds of mental cruelty.

  • ron-D
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Looks like you both CAN communicate, just not with each other. You both need to grow up. Involving family members in your personal relationship is crap. Grow up.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    i think you guys are having problem and need counseling, but she was wrong to tell your mother you don't know how to Communicate...the both of you should stop iinvolvingfamily mmembersin you personal problem and deal with it yourself so get help for a pProfessional

  • 9 years ago

    Why don't the two of you quit the cr*p. What you need is to talk to each other. Believe it or not it works. It worked for me and my wife.

    Source(s): Happily married husband for 41 years.
  • ?
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    According to your family you both are equally offensive I would say.

  • 9 years ago

    not offensive just silly the both of u

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