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? asked in Politics & GovernmentElections · 9 years ago

Why are people voting for Romney so harsh?? And why does Romney hate women?

Obama has been a great president and Repulicans keep cutting on him. But why would anyone vote for Romney? He's a flip-flopper, based on what people say they want he changes what he claims he'll do, he is sexist and could care less about poor people. You know if the government paid for birth control there wouldn't be many abortions now would there Gov.Romney? You don't believe in equal pay? Women work sometimes harder then men do and recieve less! I do not want Romney as our president!

Obama 2012!

15 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    You have to remember that the number one priority for Republicans is getting Obama out of office. In 2010 Republican Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said their number one priority was making Obama a one-term president. Most of the Republican Party's supporters agree with this and are simply opposed to Obama. They are throwing a 4-year tantrum because they lost in 2008.I never used to believe they were racist, and for years I gave them the benefit of the doubt. But after seeing the racism in some of the conservative posts here on Yahoo Answers, as well as the conservative response to Trayvon Martin's murder this year, I have come to believe that republicans and conservatives just can't stand that they lost to a black man. They want to get revenge for their defeat in the 2008 elections, and are still foaming at the mouth that most Americans voted for a black man. This is what makes Romney supporters so harsh. Conservatives are the most angry, bitter, hateful people I know.

    As for why Romney hates women, it is because he is kissing up to the Fundies, some of the main supporters of the Republican party. In the Conservative mindset, women have no place outside of the home, unless they are a popular conservative politician or a conservative loudmouth like Ann Coulter (who despite being a woman thinks women should be denied the right to vote, since most women usually vote Democrat).

    I can't trust a word Romney says. He has flip-flopped numerous times, all so he would hold whichever position was the most politically expedient at the time:

    -He wanted to raise taxes on anyone making less than $50,000 per year during the primaries but now says he will cut everyone's taxes by 20% (and miraculously still balance the budget!)

    -He implemeted a health care system nearly identical to "ObamaCare" in Massachusetts but now says he will repeal "ObamaCare".

    -He supported abortion in 2002 but now says he will overturn Roe vs. Wade (this could explain why he doesn't care that government funded birth control would reduce abortions)

    -He supported Gun Control back in Massachusetts and said the NRA didn't line up with his beliefs but after his term as governor ended he joined the National Rifle Association..

    -He wanted to close FEMA (in favor of state agencies, or even better, private sector relief) last year when he was kissing up to the teabaggers to win the primaries but now he supports FEMA because there is a hurricane ravaging several swing states.

    It's not just that he doesn't care about poor people, it seems he wants to actively punish poor people for being poor, hence his plan to raise taxes on those who make less than $50,000 a year and his vindictive attitude toward "the 47%". I make significantly less than that and I am in the evil 47% and I do not appreciate being called lazy or accused of expecting government handouts (I do not- in fact, I work 50 hours a week at 3 jobs in addition to being a full time college student). I resent the conservative attitude toward "the 47%" and I find it very ugly and threatening.

    Personally, as an American tax payer, I would much rather have my tax dollars provide free birth control than have an even larger portion of my tax dollars pay for abortions (which would be more expensive). But for Conservatives it is all about punishing women who they think of as "sluts" and legally enforcing the doctrines of Fundamentalist Christianity.

    Conservatives also oppose equal pay because they think it is too intrusive to require companies to treat their female employees decently, and that it will cost too much to pay women the exact same wages they pay men for the same work.

    Source(s): Fed up with Republicans Obama 2012
  • 9 years ago

    If the gvernment paid for birth control then Ann Romney and Michelle Obama could both spend your tax money. So could Mayor Bloomberg's wife and Hillary and millions of others who can't afford the $9 measly bucks a month.. Ya know women are not as stupid as you make them out to be. What an insult....

    - Obama's female staff members get paid 18% less than the males so OBAMA HATES WOMEN!

    - Obama in favor of Defense of Marriage [FLIP] Obama against Defense of Marriage act [Flop]

    - Obama watches 4 Americans die on 9/11/2012 says its a video, [FLIP] Says it Terrorism [FLOP]

    - Under Obama 4 Americans left Behind to Die FLOP FLOP FLOP - Go ahead and vote for this embarrassing excuse of a president... then you'll need a shower. But you will feel dirty for a long time.

  • 9 years ago

    You are so misguided. I bet you either live at home or you live off the government looking for free birth control which is already free it;'s called shut your legs and stop using abortion as your birth control method!! Go to school and get an education instead of looking for free crap which none of us want to pay for.

    Why does Obama hate America??

    watch the documentary Obama 2016 you might open your eyes.

    Romney/Ryan 2016

  • 9 years ago

    Open your eyes please! The economy is not any better. The average person's income has gone down, Unemployment has not gotten any better. Look at the truths coming out of Benghazi, Do not believe everything that you see and hear from MSNBC, and CNN. Look at his buddy Bill Ayres and what he did. Look at the president's true father. He was a card carrying communist. His father took his orders from Moscow. His biological father got Barack's mother pregnant while he was married to another women. His father Frank Marshal Davis with whom Barack's ideologies were developed, was a communist marxist. You need to do your homework before it is too late. Google this name. also look at the video on youtube You will be shocked.

    Source(s): Lots of research.
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  • 9 years ago

    Because people voting for Romney aren't voting for him because they like him...let's face it, he's not that likeable.

    They are voting because they hate President Obama. They're goal isn't to get Romney IN office, but rather to get President Obama OUT of office.

    You feel so much hate because it's all founded on hate.

  • 5 years ago

    perhaps some women individuals are wise adequate to understand you should pay for your man or woman birth control and by no ability assume it exceeded to you. even with if Romney did favor to eliminate it he couldn't with the preferrred court, and he would have made diverse more suitable judgements that ought to outrule the concern besides

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    ANYONE BUT OBAMA! Along with that, Romney knows what its takes to get America going in the right path.

  • 9 years ago

    You're an idiot if you think Obama has been good to us or you just don't know what a good president should be. You are also not aware that Obama has put America 4 trillion deeper in debt. Get some Facts and don't even bring up the whole unemployment rate is lesser **** because if you do you are even more of an idiot.

  • 9 years ago

    I completely agree that a lot of Romney suppoters are very harsh! They don't debate with Obama supporters, they attack them. They're rude and I hate talking about anything with them, it's difficult and almost impossible.

    I LOVE how Romney said he supported equal pay, when he hired a woman, once.. Oh wow, it made me laugh out loud.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    Obama has buried the middle class, destroyed jobs and the economy, the deficit is increasing, and racial tensions are getting worse, how is this man a good president? Because he is black? Fat chance, a man's race doesn't make him great, his actions do, and Romney doesn't hate women, he hates when women abort their babies when they haven't been raped

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