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Christians: Things about sex before marriage?

I am a Christian. I am not married, but I lost my virginity about 2 years ago. I was very upset about it, and I didn't do it again until last night. I have a lot of sexual temptation in my life, easily my worst problem (things like drugs, alcohol, etc never have this kind of control on me). Again, I feel very bad about it. I prayed last night (for the first time in a while) that God would just heal me. Another slight problem is that the sex was unprotected, but I never came in her (sorry for bluntness). So I know that she isn't pregnant, but my mind gets very paranoid at times thinking "What if God allows her to be pregnant as punishment for my sins" and things like that. I basically need something - a verse or something - to make me feel better about this whole situation. Please. I am a guy if that changes any answers. Thank you.


@ Flatulent Hermit

Yes, I did go to school. I also happen to know if your sperm count is under 20 million (average is about 100m) you are considered infertile. In the pre-ejaculation fluid, that number is vastly smaller than 20 million. So technically it is possible, it's just a 1/100000000 chance.

13 Answers

  • Ashnod
    Lv 7
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    A woman can still get pregnant if you have unprotected intercourse with her, even if you don't orgasm; the "pre-come" that emerges from your penis before orgasm contains semen. Offer to pay for emergency contraception (Plan B) for your partner, and get an STD test.

    Having sex without protection is irresponsible, but as long as she was enthusiastically consenting and not drunk, you didn't do anything wrong. If you don't want to have premarital sex again, don't -- but you're not dirty or evil for having consensual sex with another unattached person.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Oh for goodness sake, Michael, you are a man - your first imperative is to sow your seed as widely as possible. It is only religion that tells you act against your very nature.

    Sex should not, of course, be used as a kind of relief but within a loving re'ship. So long as you are not hurting young women by using them and leaving them, there is nothing wrong with having sex. Do make sure you use protection tho' both for STDs and preventing unwanted pregnancies. Be realistic and always have condoms in your pocket. I speak as a mother of girls!

    Religion does try to make us inhuman it seems to me which is why I am an atheist.

    I wish you a long a happy life.



    Source(s): Eng Lit tutor
  • 9 years ago

    It is good that you prayed, ask for forgiveness, and ask for redemption

    but think about this??

    What if she gets pregnant and your son or daughter turns out to become the governor or even

    the president of the United states??

    Think about Bill Clinton; his mother became pregnant and his father left her to care for her children alone and he went to Lawe School, became Govenor and later the President of the United States

    In a published bio; Clinton s mother-Virginia Kelly, raised Clinton alone and his abusive, alcoholic father denied his son and refused to hace the wife declare his name and she later wrote that she was thinking of having an abortion but refused after a strange dream

    No one knows the mind of God, who can counsel him???(1 vcor 2:11)

    No one knows the thoughts and the mind of God-(Isiah 55:3-8)

    Since you really do feel guilty and was careless, God will forgive you for being so careless and unthinking ( I will pray for your faith and forgiveness)

    The person who wrote to you about sex is marriage in God s eyes is totally, totatally wrong"""""

    Sex between nunmarried persons is a sin called fornication. Someone needs to remind that person of this- Whew"" Whew""

    Source(s): The Bible.
  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    Sex happens...

    Don't use the "pull and pray" method, use a condom, the pill, and or other measures.

    Also, pregnancy is not the worst of your worries with sex, it's the two virus diseases that there are no cures. (Herpes, and HIV).

    Here is a simple Christian concept... "We're all sinners." So get over it, sin away, if Jesus died for your sins, you're already covered, don't sweat it.

    --not superstitious

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  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    You're sad that you lost your virginity? Dude, wake up! Losing your virginity is awesome! Now, when you find that special someone, you will already have experience and you won't have to wonder what sex would be like with someone else. Your future relationship will last longer and there will be less jealousy involved.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    She can still get pregnant, number one.

    Number two if you don't see the problem with it, don't worry about it. If you can't hold it in you are obviously not mature enough or aren't holding it for the right reasons. It's not hard. Either you refrain from sex for the right reasons or don't regret it afterwards. And use a freakin condom.

  • Gina
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Even if you pull out she can still get pregnant from the per-ejaculation. You have self control, you have to use it. You're not going to go to hell because of a simple sin. Everyone sins every single day of their life. We ask for forgiveness and avoid it later. You need to do that too.

  • 9 years ago

    Go "buck crazy" get the reference from you avatar? I'm funny haha. Sex is always good buddy, if Christians are correct we are all going to hell one way or another, so might as well enjoy the trip. My only recommendation is USE A CONDOM EVERY TIME, don't be stupid dude.

  • ^-^
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    I don't think you should see her getting pregnant as a punishment from God. That sounds harsh. Poor baby!

    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    "I prayed last night (for the first time in a while) that God would just heal me."

    Matthew 7:7-8

    New King James Version (NKJV)

    Keep Asking, Seeking, Knocking

    7 “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. 8 For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.

    "but my mind gets very paranoid at times thinking "What if God allows her to be pregnant as punishment for my sins" and things like that." --- IF she is, are you WILLING to help her take care of the CHILD? ---- Gotta think about that too.

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