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If you knew something was about to happen what would you do?

I know how the story ends and do not want anyone to say "You knew! Why did you not warn us?"

how does one tell someone somethng they do not want to know before it happens and they have to make a change before that moment happens and they are hurt or die?

What way can you just let them know and make it better for them later instead of now?


Hang on for the ride.

Are you ready? the world implodes on itself.

Real life is harder to take than any movie can dream up.

Note 911 made a shadow of all the movies that came before it.

We are now riding "The Poseidon Adventure" (Erwin Allen) since 911.

This is "a perfect storm" just like hurricane Sandy. Can we make it? Yes! We have one who cares.

But how to warn the world? The boat like the titanic has been hit but you can not see the damage yet.

the boat is going down and none seems to notice that the jar made a hole or care to get in the lifeboat.

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    We are only commanded by Jesus to preach the gospel of salvation to every creature baptizing those who believe in the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit (Matthew 28:19) so that is what I do, because he who believes and is baptized shall be saved (Mark 16:16)

    I know it is important because in a baptism of repentance our sins are remitted (Acts 2:38, Mark 1:4) when Jesus Himself WASHES US (in baptism) from our sins in His own blood (Rev 1:5).

    We are saved by the WASHING of regeneration (which is baptism in Strong's Exhaustive Concordance) and renovation of the Holy Spirit (Titus 3:5) and this is confirmed by Peter who said that there is an anti-type which now ALSO SAVES US......through Christ's resurrection (1 Peter 3:21)

    It doesn't mean they will ALL receive it. Only the Holy Spirit can convict the world of sin (John 16: 8 & 9).

    We don't have the right or the anointing to convict anyone but we can pray for people well before we take the message of salvation and ask the Holy Spirit to be present and to prepare their hearts BEFOREHAND.

    I know what you mean - I don't want anyone saying to me, "You knew about salvation and didn't tell me" either. Because of that I have written to all of my family. One brother has completely fallen out with me over it, and won't give me his address now that he has moved to another country, but I cannot worry about that. I have to have a clear conscience that I preached the message and prayed to get him saved as commanded by Jesus Christ to the Church in the Great Commission.

    So keep up the good work. You can't fail if you are obeying Christ because His word never returns void, but is always accomplishes what it was sent for and prospers wherein it was sent (Isaiah 55:11)

  • ?
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    We do darling ... for an example ... this super storm Sandy ...?

    We have weather forecasting ... thanks to scientific invention ...?

    We do and did warn the people about the approaching hurricane ... true?

    Just imagine how devastating it would of been if nobody knew?

    You can save a persons life if you see them drop ... by applying mouth to mouth?

    You do not know how the story ends ... because it is a story ... true?

    A story written by human beings about human beings ... true?

    We can believe and we can hope and all of those things ... true?

    But to say that you know and need to warn people is a lie ... true?

    I know more about the spirit realms than you do darling and why am I not warning?

    Because hell is a lie my darling ... made up to frighten people ... true?

    You are afraid of something that is not on the other side ... hell = true?

    The spirit realms are full of light ... the dead do not suffer in torment nor fire.

    There is no fire in the spirit realms ... fire is an earthly element ...true?

    Enjoy your life instead of worrying about hell ... you live in hell in your mind now when you do.


  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    First, let me ask you this:

    If you knew you were going to die tomorrow in a car accident, and you tried to avoid that by staying home and not driving at all that day, thus saving your own life, that means you didn't know what was going to happen. You were never going to die in a car accident because of the very fact that you didn't.

  • Nekoni
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    I would just keep it to myself. They don't want me to help them.

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  • Maka
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    pluck out you eyes and let them see for themselves.

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