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What if Obama were White?

The polls show Obama and Romney running about even. However there is a handicap, a "gimme" in Romneys favor that should be understood. Romney is running against a black man, and still having a hard time keeping even. Racism is alive and well in America and we have seen a great deal of it surfacing in this election. Without question there are a lot of people whose racial views prevent their voting for a black man regardless of his qualifications. That number is estimated to be around 10% or more of the voters, but can't be verified. While it is can no longer safe to publicly admit you are racist, there is no barrier to voting as one. All the racist votes go to Romney, of course. That is his "gimme".

IF Obama were white, a significant share of that group would shift from Romney to Obama, making the polls move dramatically- Obama up substantially and Romney down by the same percentage, reflecting what the nation would do if the prejudice were removed. If the lower side estimate of 10% shifted, it would make a landslide of record proportions.

What percent of the vote against Obama would change sides if he were white?

How far would that shift the polls in favor of Obama?


Bronson has his numbers backwards, as many Romney boys do.

"ABC poll: Obama’s at a new high among blacks in this poll, with an almost unanimous 97 percent support, lifting him to 82 percent among nonwhites overall, also his best to date."

Update 2:

GOZ2FAST had left a load of manure of significant size down there. Not relevant, as it's mostly bull.

Update 3:

AntiPc-i YES, you missed the memo. The question is clear, how the polls would move if Obama were white. There was no mention of the price of gas, or of Bush wars and other budget sinking commitments, or the monstrous trainwreck Obama inherited to fix, or the four years of republican obstruction trying to prevent recovery so you could complain about the lack of progress today. Not to mention the 47% of Americans that Romney says he won't worry about. You missed those things too. Get your eyes checked.

7 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Definitely game over for Mittens. Big time. 55/45 or wider final vote.

  • 9 years ago

    I am not voting based off race. I am voting for who will do the better job. I voted for Obama in 2008, but he failed on a lot of his promises. Therefore, I want him out. I will vote for Romney next time instead. Race has absolutely nothing to do with it. I just am not happy with the way Obama is handling things.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    Great play the race card, If Obama were white than there would be a lot more black people voting for Romney. Blacks favor Obama 93%...highest ever for a president in that demographic. Racism goes both ways.

  • 9 years ago

    Obama doesn't have a prayer of winning...and in fact has already picked out a nice retirement mansion in Hawaii while his staff look for new jobs....the media will be retired as his propgandists and all will be well in the world again.

    For Dolts who still insist on voting for the great destroyer, at least have the guts to look into the truth about him and what he is doing to your country and why...if not...stay home because you are too incompetent to vote.

    President Obama is an American citizen, conceived by an illicit affair between Stanley Ann Dunham and Frank Marshall Davis, a card carrying communist. Ann was married off to a married Kenyan student to hide this scandalous pregnancy because her father was CIA and was supposed to be keeping tabs on the communists, not having grandchildren by him. Obama Sr. agreed to play daddy to get a green card to go to college, but did not want his name on the birth certificate, so it was left blank, in the field where "father" would have been listed...which is why a forged birth certificate was offered online. So the question is not where was Obama was born (he was actually born at home in Hawaii and his birth called into the hospital by his grandparents), but who his biological and ideological father was. His mother wanted him to get to know his REAL father so she moved him to live with his grandparents in Hawaii during his formative years where he spent 8 years being schooled by the dreams of his real father, which was to collapse the US and redistribute it's wealth, which Obama has effectively done by launching her deep into debt, funneling money to his comrades and attempting to takeover every viable industry which produces GDP (energy, (cap and trade failed), housing market (fannie mae and freddie mac hold most of your mortgages, collapsing the banking system (dodd and frank), attempting to takeover the automotive industry, only one company took the bait, and taking over the healthcare industry and substituting in a 15 man unelected board to decide if and when you get care at all. Obama is not a democrat...he is a born and raised Marxist, working with our enemies, to include Russia to disarm us, and the Muslim Brotherhood to infiltrate us...and he really doesn't care who gets hurt in the process. Wake up know something is off when this guy can lie straight to you him out before the destruction of your country is complete.

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  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    I think that if Obama was white he wouldn't have gotten elected. A lot of people just wanted a black president.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Obama is bi-racial which makes him half white.

  • 9 years ago

    Obama is not black he is half white!!!!

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