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Ok so i want a laptop is this any good?

Ive seen this laptop in the shops ( toshiba satellite c855-1wq ) ive had a little play with it in the store and from what i can see it looks like a half tidy computer. I just wondered if you own this laptop have you had any problems with it or if your on the trade have you had any brought back or experenced any problems with it :) if you have had probs with it is there anything better with windows 8 for under £500 or what ever that is in dollars if you live in the us?

1 Answer

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    My wife has a Toshiba, (not sure what model), and she is quite happy with it. However, if you type the make and model into a search engine, you will find loads of pages - most of them will be places to purchase, along with prices, but you will probably find some reviews about the model.

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