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Is Obama's making excuses for his failure sufficient to warrant voting for him?

6 Answers

  • Darren
    Lv 7
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Obama is a narcissist he never admits to his failures, it's always someone else's fault.

  • TerryT
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    When you vote, think about how your vote is going to affect the lives of your family.

    If the republican candidate for president wins, a lot of things are going to change for the benefit of the one percent of Americans that are millionaires and billionaires like the republican candidate for President. The truth is that the republicans promulgate equality, but they are against women having the right to choose, gays, the poor and the middle class to appropriate what is constitutionally theirs. They want you to forget and make excuses about the eight years of an administration that destroyed the surplus that was left to them before they took office. Think about your social security, Think about how your Medicare is going to change, think about your rights as a citizen of the USA.

    Millions of dollars are being given by millionaires and billionaires to the republican candidate for President because they know that they would get it back if the republican candidate wins and even more after that. Don't be fooled by the tactics used by some corporations and insurance companies that want you to believe what is not true.

    Don't let them buy this election. Tell them America is not for sale with your vote.

  • peachy
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    Only to the ignorant liberal sheeple.

    @Terry T - you are so wrong on all accounts; it's just difficult to know where to start setting your regurgitation of liberal talking points straight. First - Romney's Presidency will benefit ALL Americans. This 1% myth is nothing but hyperbowl promulgated (to use your terminology) by obama in his class warfare campaign. Problem is that the ignorant liberal sheeple don't understand the economics of it all and rely purely upon MSNBC to feed them politics.

    Second - what does "equality" have to do with abortion? You say you want to give the woman the right to murder her unborn baby? Seems to me that you are taking away that baby's right to life. What "equality" are you referring to for gays. They have the same rights as any other person in this nation. THEY are asking for special treatment and I'm not for giving it to them. I could care less who they sleep with or what they do sexually, but I do NOT believe we should open up marriage to anything but one man and one woman. And what are you talking about "constitutionally theirs" for the poor and hte middle class? That made no sense at all.

    Third - I don't want ANYBODY to forget about the eight years before obama. Please please remember that for most of them, the dems controlled congress and that is when our economy raced downhill. Remember Barney Frank? No, you probably don't want to go there, do you?

    Fourth - yes, please, again I beg you to think about how your Medicare is going to change with obamacare. Your rights as a citizen are being trampled on by obama...even the Supreme Court agrees that he is imposing additional taxes with obamacare...which, by the way, he denied over and over again. I don't like to call people liars, but a spades a spade, heh?

    Fifth - Do you realize how much obama has raised? Your complaint about the money being raised for the republican candidate is so biased, it's funny!

    Sixth - obama bought the White House in 08. I think the American taxpaying voters have learned from the pain that has caused us all. Your fear-mongering just isn't working this time.

    ROMNEY-RYAN 2012

  • 9 years ago

    Yes he is making excuses for his failure and no the American people see past his bull **** and everyone knows hes a horrible President.

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  • 9 years ago

    There are lots of things that I don't like about Obama but the main one is his belief that this nation will succeed or fail as one... I don't want guy who talks about failing together... I want a guy that tells me we are going to fix things... not fail together trying to fix things.

    I will be honest with you. I am either a conservative democrat or a liberal republican. There are things about Mitt Romney that I do not agree with, but there are not enough places where I disagree with him enough to vote for Obama.

  • 9 years ago

    OK, your statement above is ridiculous. Obama has not failed. I can prove it to you. 5 million jobs created, unemployment at 7.8%, enemies brought to justice, stocks up, auto industry booming. Obama has not failed. You are wrong if you think this. Sure, he hasn't done as much as he said, but, does any president ever do that.

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