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S/he--A new contraction for she/he. How is this to be used?

I have seen this in use a few times now the contraction "s/he". Is this the now acceptable form for writing she/he? Would you use this in a formal business letter or report, or reserve it's use for more casual communication? Lastly how would you pronounce this? I personally like the abbreviated style and I want to sound current in my writings but maintain proper form.

1 Answer

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I've been using it for years but I can't say I've ever noticed it being used by others, so I think you might want to avoid using it in formal writings unless you want to be/seem cutting edge. I like it because it addresses a missing word in our language. I don't usually pronounce it, but I think I'd say "She, he" or "she or he" or "he or she" when reading it from text.

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