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In Kansas, there is a first time democratic candidate running for state senate. The republican committee targeted him with an ad that said he had changed his name and was hiding his true identity, as well as owning businesses under multiple name. The expressly implied there was something ugly behind all this concealment. A familiar formula, the kind being used all over the nation by the new republican leadership, right up to Mitt Romney. Twist truth- sell fear and hate. .

The name was indeed changed- it did so automatically when he was adopted at age 11. His business leases space from a real estate holding company that he also owns. All public record.

They intentionally took a bit of truth, twisted it into a suspicious picture that implied evil- and trashed the person's character rather than address true election issues.

I don't know which is more despicable; the scumbag minds that sink to that level, or the mindless zombies that buy into it.

Today is a litmus test on the ability of the American people to recognize this kind of character for what it is- and their moral capacity to reject it. I hope we still have enough integrity to pass the test.

Will you pass?


Real man?? I hope that is your long-term goal. Understand that I recognize intelligence. YOU don't recognize lack of character, which intelligence does neither creates nor cures. Disagreement in politics is normal. Using character assassination instead of fact to distort truth in an election is a despicable tactic of dishonorable people. Those who fail to recognize that and buy it as fair may also be intelligent- but equally devoid of a moral compass. Honor- if you have it, requires you give your fellow man the same respect you would ask for yourself until they prove they don't deserve it. That entitles them to disagree on an issue or candidate without your attacking their morals or character.

Thank you for taking the test. You fail. If you can't recognize honor, if you can't respect honor, you are very unlikely to have honor.

Update 2:

Roger H-

I agree; Rove was indeed the mind that created the strategy of distortion that is dominating todays election. That is a great loss to the country and it has appealed to the lowest of human qualities rather than the best of them. The success of it also diminishes the chance of getting honorable men to run for office; because men of honor would not lower themselves to competing in such an ugly game. America loses.

When I saw McCain stop a lady at a meeting who was ranting about Obama and told her that she was wrong- he was an honorable man with different opinions, I thought that this was a man well qualified to be president. I didn't vote for him however- the reasons were his age and health, and most importantly who would fill the office if he did not survive the term. That was the deal breaker.


9 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think we can introduce a new word to describe this into the lexicon, "Rovian". Real Man thinks it's just a difference of opinion. Political I.Q. for Real Man = 68. Jack doesn't get it either and simply wants to root vigorously for his team. I.Q. For Jack = 62 (I know Jack, I'm "one too").

    This sort of campaigning is a specialty of Republicans which has evolved to make Nixon's Dirty Tricks Squad look like amateurs. Carl Rove, the master of modern Republican strategy, has made an art of taking your opponent's strength, and turning it into a liability. For example, if your candidate used his father's influence to avoid being drafted, and your opponent is a decorated war hero, then Rove will cast doubt on the evidence against his candidate while attacking the opponent's legitimacy as a real hero, instead painting him as a coward who somehow lied to get his medals. Oh, and Norm, lost in the Rovian outrage against Rather was the fact that the former Texas house speaker confessed to pulling strings for Papa to get W out of the draft. Convenient, huh? I.Q. For Norm = 60.

    For the skeptics who see through this, it's nothing if not disgusting, dishonest, dishonorable, disinformation, but American's are slowly adjusting to the lies and libel, and, like you, I hope they pass today's test.

  • 9 years ago

    Regardless of the claims or promises, a person with sound judgement understands that when a proven liar promises you something, it's meaningless. Just a convenient tool he needs to use at the moment. Allegations do not make a lie true or truth into a lie. They do say something extremely important about the person making them, especially when they can't or won't back them up with a sound foundation.

    When people refuse to test things they want to hear with the same diligence they apply to things they do not want to hear, they deceive themselves- and will eventually pay the price for it. It's short-sighted, like driving your car by watching the road 25 ft in front of you. You fail to see the long term issues created by your own short term thinking. Americans are famous for that.

    Recently, the Italian courts convicted a panel of seismic scientists of manslaughter for failing to correctly predict the probability and size of an earthquake. This satisfied the people who wanted to blame somebody for their loss. Now- scientists refuse to offer the Italian government any support or advice at all, and rightfully so. I expect weathermen who aren't perfect will soon be charged as well given the logic applied, which is closely parallel to what is happening in America.

    You can blame Obama for not fixing the Bush train wreck quickly enough, but all that really proves is that you have no comprehension of the scope of the problems of that job- and no comprehension of how Romney would be totally overwhelmed if he has to take it over.

    The future of America depends on the wisdom or gullibility of it's people. We are not doing well.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    America has been dumbing down since the 60s. Hopefully it hit bottom over the last 4 years but can't count on it. Too many people want something for nothing, not willing to pay the price and will vote even to the point of anti-American to get it. All started by the Supreme Court when they ruled that you didn't have to have anything to lose and you still had the right to choose.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    "They intentionally took a bit of truth, twisted it into a suspicious picture that implied evil, and trashed the person's character rather than address true election issues." I can do you one better. A certain journalist was handed a piece of paper that would cast a negative light on one of the candidates. He had the paper checked by several experts, and not one of them would certify it as genuine (in fact, two of the experts point-blank declared the document a fake). This journalist ignored the opinions of the experts and trotted out that document as TRUTH.

    The journalist's name was Dan Rather, and the paper was the so-called "proof" that Presidential Candidate George W. Bush shirked his military duty during the Vietnam Conflict. When the fraud was exposed, no apology was made by Dan Rather or CBS, but he was forced to resign over the debacle. I don't know which is more despicable -- the scumbag that sinks to that level, or the mindless zombies that buy into it.

    "Today is a litmus test on the ability of the American people to recognize this kind of character for what it is -- and their moral capacity to reject it. I hope we still have enough integrity to pass the test."

    Yes, those of us who use our brains know bad character when we see it. That's why we'll be voting to correct the error of the mindless minions who voted for a totally unqualified Community-Organizer-in-Chief four years ago on the empty promise of hope and change -- and those bigoted individuals who made their choice based solely on skin color. And what did we get? Record-setting deficit, record-setting numbers of people receiving government assistance, real unemployment at depression levels, and the largest tax increase ever levied on the American people in the form of the "Affordable" Care Act.

    P.S.: Liberals have no morals (they believe it is their right to decide what's right and wrong all by themselves with no regard for the opinions of others -- or how others may be harmed by their definitions of right and wrong), and integrity is the punch-line of a joke to them (show me a liberal with integrity and I'll show you a flying pig).

    BOTTOM LINE: A vote for Obama is a FAIL, a vote for Romney is a PASS. Vote for Obama if you want this country to fail.

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  • 9 years ago

    As you can see from the answers, it is a waste of time to discuss actual values with a person who has forgone the use of reason. If you vote for those who are willing to use deceit to get your vote, you will be governed with the same deceit. Once they are in power, you will have no further value to them. Pawns are expendable.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    I'm passing! I'm voting for Obama today. It seems that the Republican party panders to the poor and undereducated. It's very easy to trick those with a low IQ. Just mention Jesus, saving the babies, and taxes being raised (of course, not mentioning whose taxes will be raised) and the Republicans get the vote of the undereducated. The undereducated also easily fall prey to the false claims about candidates that friends, family, and their snake-handling church members share.

    Source(s): I live in a red state and see the ignorance daily!
  • 9 years ago

    Yes, with flying colors. Obama 2012

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Considering liberal IQ borders between retardation and severe mental illness i would say it will be close, but we can if republicans actually vote today!

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    just because someone disagrees with you, it does not mean they lack intelligence. it means they have a different point of view. grow up kid...

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