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Mao, Pol Pot, Obama..?

If you don't see the similarities you're either uneducated, clueless, or a liberal sheep being led to the slaughter. Remember they all said they were doing what was best for the poor.

8 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Every black ruled country in the world is a cesspool of starvation, misery, and corruption.

    Such as Haiti and the black ruled countries in Africa.

    Oddly enough, the same thing seems to happen when someone like Mao, Stalin, or Pol Pot rises to power.

    You might just be onto something, considering that Obama is half one group and half the other group by birth.

  • 9 years ago

    Nice little pretzel-twist of nonfactual information there, Grasshopper. And a rather incredible bullfrog leap into a GOP-filled Faux "news"-endorsed cesspool of illogic.

    I believe President Obama has highlighted the nation's middle-class, correctly, as the "backbone of our nation," and also focused strongly on what he has called "the nation's hiring engine," our nation's small businesses. Where does that put your erroneous theory? In addition, America's corporations have made RECORD PROFITS under President Obama's very wise nation-saving fiscal again I ask, "Where does this put your erroneous theory?"

    Retired General Colin Powell, a Republican and GW Bush's Secretary of State, publicly endorsed the policies of President Obama and also endorsed President Obama for re-election. Is Colin Powell your idea of an "uneducated, clueless, or a liberal sheep being led to the slaughter"? You need to turn off Faux "News" and its subsidiaries if you want to have any hope of being on the correct side of history, little neocon.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Quick somebody call a Whambulance , a so called American cannot accept that the people have spoken and his side lost a democratic election..... It is a two way street buddy , suck it up.

    Your retarded undereducated Dumya Bush got two terms and America had to deal with it and still is. .

    This is just like the Freedom of speech, you can say what you like as long as I agree with it and we will have democracy as long as my side wins.

    Rather than p*ss and moan like a school girl accept that perhaps Romney lost because Republicans were happy to use their democratic right to vote and did not. perhaps Obama did not win the election, perhaps the reps lost because republicans could not be bothered voting.

    Democracy reigns supreme!

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Obama was voted democratically elected while mao and pol pot were not

    obama is a centrist while pol pot was a maoist and so was mao zedong

    mao starved and purged his enemies along with pol pot while obama has done none

    so yeah owned

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  • 9 years ago

    no, you just hate the president, and will say anything. the president is nothing like those people.

  • 9 years ago

    Moroen much?

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    there is no difference

    Source(s): s
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