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Lv 6
? asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 9 years ago

Are people watching "The Men Who Built America" on the History Channel right now?

They are up to the part where Rockefeller, JP Morgan, Westinghouse, Carnegie, and others, started to lay off workers from their companies and force the rest to work in unsafe conditions for less pay, and expect that they should be HAPPY with that.

Of course, this was all done for the single reason of Maximizing Profit.

Finally, (I believe at 8 pm EST) they will get to the parts where-

Henry Ford did the opposite (paid his workers more, and yet STILL made craploads of profit)

the rise of the Unions and Government regulations (Which the GOP wants to get rid of)

the busting up of the monopolies (that the GOP wants to be allowed to return).

Sound familiar?

If you missed any of the episodes, you can watch them online.

That is, if you care about learning.

13 Answers

    Lv 4
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Great show, best yet , factual , historical , shows both the benefits of determined individuals and the self-serving alliances of greed.

    In my opinion the last episode was the best

    Seeing them reveal the corruption of McKinley be destroyed by the idealism of Teddy Roosevelt was absolutely amazing

    Then the history of Ford was the gravy on the cake.

    Must even make a sceptic consider this was a bit of divine intervention.

    In retrospect perhaps we should declare September 6th as Czolgosz day

    I hope somebody uses his name on Y A

  • 9 years ago

    FDR put in place artificially high wages for SOME people which was part of the reason the depression lasted so long because it resulted in higher prices. What makes you think republicans want monopolies? Monopolies are not part of a free, competitive market so they would not be in favor of them. They favor small business if you would just listen to what they say instead of what Obama or some blogger tells you. The $250,000 bracket that Obama wants to tax more contains 2% of small businesses who actually provide about 50% of our jobs, entrepreneurs, etc.

    When you have nothing, something does make you happy. The thing is, things changed as markets expanded if you can understand that concept. Ford couldn't do what he did until everything was in place so people could buy cars like filling stations, enough roads, etc. Oil companies had to be able to provide enough fuel. Do you understand that concept? In other words, you expect employers to give every drop of profit to the current employees but if they do that, they will never be able to expand their markets so more people can have jobs. Capitalism requires constant growth or it becomes what it is now and now it isn't good for anybody, not even those rich 1% who also lost a ton of money in 2008. Business is being choked by regulations and uncertainty.

    China's people who were working for poverty wages have also demanded more. They have been getting 15% per year raises since 2005 because they demanded it but they aren't permitted to form unions as far as I know. That is how nations develop with give and take which is a gradual process. First you have to have the employers who provide the jobs. It happens in all developing nations. We were just one of the first.

  • 9 years ago

    If you actually pay attention to the show you would realize America would not be what it was with out them and shut the government was so crapy JP Morgan had to bail them out. ford and all the others would not of been started without standard oil, general steal, and general electric and the GOP doesn't want monopolies they are all for small businesses the people that actually do something for the country instead of all the free loaders the American dream is gone cause of the free loaders god for bid them to try to do something for them selfs and make something of them selfs anybody can do that and become something I did and I'm only 26 and I'm in one of the hardest professions farming where everything is expensive

  • 5 years ago

    Are you the guy who lives in China yet you're from the Netherlands? i imagine the Bible series is somewhat good and that is the style of situation we favor on television see you later as all of us is going to observe television besides. a good style of the time they watch junk that enables to damage society it style of feels. i do not suggestions football and events yet even those have shameful issues happening at 0.5-time and are banning prayer in the previous the game, so society has been getting worse continuously and the U. S. is going down the drain and transforming into a third international u . s .. lets finally end up like North Korea.

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  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Henry Ford certainly did work to maximize profits and invented the modern assembly line.

    Watch the part about Ford it sounds like you need a lesson.

    You liberals sound like grade school kids.

  • Also dip **** if you missed the point of how our country was made great you should watch them over....why are you people so proud of your ignorance?

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    You know what was the best part of it. THE BIGGEST ECONOMIC EXPANSION IN THE HISTORY OF THE USA....we came to WORLD POWER!

    Though it does need some regulation, but still......We grew in dominance.

  • 9 years ago

    Sounds like a bilderberg revival.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    Im on yahoo right now, not watching tv

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago


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