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Is Halo or Call of Duty Better?

I wanted to see what people prefer, but first let me put out my preference just to weigh out them both. Please don't answer if you only played one of the two! You are entitled to your own opinion just please no aggression lol.

********PLEASE read my opinion to help shape up your thoughts, because I play both games and I weigh them out*********

**I divided this to 3 sections, 1) Counsel, 2) Multiplayer, and 3) Storyline.**

Now I'm going to weigh the games out. As you can see the past few years people have been fighting between two games, Call of Duty and Halo. Some fights are just ridiculous, and some are logical. I understand peoples preferences, but it's so stupid when you fight over a GAME.

1) Now, one big difference between the games is the counsel in which they play on. Call of Duty is both PS3 and XBox 360, yet Halo is only XBox 360. That's an advantage for Call of Duty, but Halo outweighs Call of Duty on the XBox 360 counsel. By these stats, if Halo was for both counsels, CoD would be really outweighed, and eventually production would come to a halt. So the division of the counsels helps both games thrive. Most CoD fans are actually PS3 players. BUT this doesn't necessarily mean Halo is better.

2) Now to multiplayer, Halo was the first game to make a multiplayer that is like the ones we have today. Many games quickly copied this feature, but Call of Duty did this later in its production. So Call of Duty didn't necessarily copy Halo, it could have copied other games that copied Halo. Today's multiplayer between them are great, Call of Duty is just fun as Hell, and so is Halo. One big drawback for Halo multiplayer is that there's no "bots." There's only one mode with bots and that is firefight, which get's boring quite quickly. Call of Duty's survival mode is quite fun and it's hard to get bored from it. But there is one major drawback on Call of Duty, if your a low rank on it, and decide to play online, you're screwed. It's more unfair of a game because you start with weak weapons and your dust compared to the higher ranks, and they take less skill because the weapons do the job for them. Halo is more fair, everyone has the same weapons, unless it's enabled for you to choose between weapons, but they're basically evened out. Or you pick up weapons lying around on the map.

3) Lastly, campaign. Call of Duty has a fun campaign in which it makes you feel "empowered." You just feel you can do anything and it's extremely fun. You can do insane things, next to the impossible at times. Halo is more plain, you just mainly shoot, it does get boring after a while. HOWEVER, Call of Duty's story is flat, is random, and doesn't really have meaning. Call of Duty used to have an interesting story until it hit the Modern Warfare series, it started to veer off. Halo has an extremely engaging storyline. It's like reading a book and the suspension is killing you, and you must go on to find it out. Call of Duty however really has no true meaning to it and is in my context a "hypershooter", in which I describe just shooting for no purpose. Call of Duty's story is literally like a Chuck Norris movie on steroids. Halo on the other hand is very unique, and is a huge mystery. There's many books over Halo to help clear up some of the story. Halo is one of the greatest stories that has popped into anyone's head. And I believe the best part of a game is the storyline. It's crucial to make the game have it's own identity and makes it unique from the others. Many people say, "Well, gee Halo is fake, it's weapons aren't real!" and that's the point, it's what helps makes Halo different, and it's story is much more complex. Besides, Halo takes place in the 2520's and up. I'm sure we won't have today's weapons then.

I leaned more toward Halo in this argument, but I was logical about it. I'm entitled to my own opinion, as much as you are. This is why I wish to have YOU'RE opinion! I hoped I helped with weighing this out... Please don't be ignorant and just brush my comparison and be a douche over it...

***I know I wrote a lot, but please put in your time to read this article, and comment please. It took me a lot of time to write it so please, read and comment!***

6 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    theres no skill evolved in cod, so i like halo more

    cod is 4 peeps who like it easy

    @Dylan - theres 'Quick Scope' kills, how is that skill, and halo is set in 500 years in the future, its called science fiction dumbass, of corse its going to be be unrealistic

  • 7 years ago

    Halo, because it is a shooter that helps your skill grow in shooter games. I've been a Halo fan for years and as my skill develops in the game I am starting to move up in difficulties. Takes time but worth it. Plus the story is great too. As some people say it actually does take skill to kill in that game. It's complicated why that is.

    I am not into Cod cause I find it too realistic and I rely on video games to escape reality.

  • 9 years ago

    Call of duty

  • ?
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    i prefer cod over halo. It's more reaalistic because its not placed like 50 years in the future or however long it is. Granted, Halo games are good. But i still prefer cod. I like it because its easier to play but still takes skill unlike the Halo games. On Halo games you basically just sit there and shoot. On cod games you actually have to take time to aim.

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  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Lol @ it takes 0 skill to kill in halo

    90% of people camp in cod and wait for you to walk by to kill you

    Halo has a better storyline and they are about the same in multi player

  • Preference: CoD, Halo isn't the worst game ever though. The thing I don't like about Halo is it's unrealistic. It takes 0 skill to kill anyone because of the hipfire. Granted Halo is fun, but CoD is better in the category for realism.

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