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Lv 5

Christian Thoughts on Women Praying?

I was raised as a Jehovah's Witnesses where I was consistently told that it was wrong for a woman to pray in the presence of a man. I left the JWs and have been a Christian for several years now but I find I stil have "issues" with some aspects of how I was trained.

The one that is most pressing is causing trouble between my husband and I, something that grieves me very much. My husband was raised in a house where everyone prayed before a meal, sometimes the parents, sometimes himself, and sometimes his younger sister. He has asked me repeatedly to pray before we take our meals, but I cannot bring myself to do it. It may sound strange to people who have never been Jehovah's witnesses, but even years after leaving, on some things there are nagging discomforts when going against "the organization"

It upsets him when I refuse to pray before our meals, I know this. But I can not shake the feeling of "you are just a mere woman and you have no right to pray in his presence" I would like to get to the point where I can honor this small request of his, but I would like some non-Witness, Christian perspective, and scriptures that will help me work through this decision.

Thank you for your time.

12 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Having been brought up from birth in a Jehovah’s Witness family, I perfectly understand your reluctance to pray in front of your husband. That is because the Governing Body say women must not pray or teach when in the presence of other Jehovah’s Witness men. It can take decades to shake off their man-made views. What does the Bible say about a wife praying in the presence of her husband, or praying in front of him when giving thanks for the food on the table?

    “Now I want you to realise that the head of every man is Christ, and the head of the woman is man, and the head of Christ is God. Every man who prays or prophesies with his head covered dishonours his head. And every woman who prays or prophesies with her head uncovered dishonours her head – it is just as though her head were shaved… Is it proper for a woman to pray to God with her head uncovered?” (1 Corinthians 11:3-16)

    Is this scripture saying a woman must not pray in front of her husband, or another man? No! It’s actually saying that women in the early Christian churches could and did pray and prophesy in the presence of their husband or other men, and this was perfectly acceptable as long as they covered their hair. Why? Because if a woman took off her head-covering in public and exposed her hair, people take that as a sign of loose morals and sexual promiscuity. Paul’s message to the women in Corinth was to show respect for and submit to their husbands by covering their head during public worship. And that is all Paul was saying!

    Pre-meal prayers can be a simple “thank-you” to God for the meal or lengthier prayers of thanksgiving for all of His provisions in our lives. In praying before meals, we are following the example of the Lord Jesus, whose prayers on several occasions are our model. When we thank God for providing our daily bread, we are acknowledging that all things come from Him (Ephesians 5:20; Romans 11:36). He is the source of everything we have, and praying before meals as a habit helps to remind us of that truth. Praying before we eat with a thankful heart brings glory to God and centers our minds on His great love for His children and the blessings He bestows on those who belong to Him.

    If you husband asks you to say grace before eating, then you honour him as well as God, by complying with his request. While you are thanking God for all his wonderful provisions, you could also thank God for your husband and seek God's blessing on him. Now that would really make his heart glad, don't you think? Give it a go and let me know the outcome!

    Check out the links below. GT

  • 5 years ago

    I think there's quite a few things like this former JWs have trouble letting go of. For some it's mistrust of the Trinity and last of trust for any church that teaches it. That keeps many from being able to have faith in God and participate in a church. I've noticed many or maybe most remain anti-Catholic after they leave the Watchtower.

    My daughter is married to a Baptist pastor. They believe that women should not teach men. I never thought about it before, but I have never herd her lead prayer when her husband was around. That's probably not unusual for a woman married to a pastor. The children sometimes do the prayers because they ask to.

    Your best answer gave good advice. That's what I would suggest.

  • 5 years ago

    "When a Christian lady wears a head protecting on correct occasions this is an evidence of her respect for the headship arrangement instituted by using God. 1Corinthians 11:three-10" as mentioned just above. Man used to be created first, he has that headship, but his obligation to his spouse is intense 1Cor.11:3 Eph.5:28 1Pet.Three:7 Even his sexual wishes aren't put above those of his spouse.1Cor.7:three,4 amongst actual Christians females to find high-quality security real appreciation for themselves, and private satisfacion in their preaching and instructing exercise. There is not any distinction between male and female amongst these called to share in the heavenly Kingdom with Christ, curiously. Even as being distinctive from different people via appearance is legitimate, extra significant is when she cares for matters concerning worship that will typically be cared for by her husband or with the aid of one other man; see additionally Prov 31:30, and 1Timothy 2:9, 10 modesty is principal, but one's coronary heart situation is extra central.

  • 6 years ago

    Women should cover their heads in worship? Aha? WHO SAYS SO?

    Paul is the person CAUSING all the confusion and conflict with this 1Cor: 11. ‘women should cover their heads in worship story. Nobody from Adam to who Jesus trained said any thing like that. Who tells Paul that he is the Boss of even Moses, Ezekiel, Isaiah, Enoch and Jesus as he said in Galatians "Nobody from since time began got a more inclusive and direct peep into God’s head, than he. Paul.” Who tells him that he is the one to EXPLAIN Jesus’ MISSION? then go to Paul who?

    Paul is also the one causing the confusion with 'keep the law and 'do not keep the law'. He said both and gave Lawyer promotion to both. That is according to his audience.

    You just google "was Paul a false Apostle' and you will see that the only people saying that he was true are quoting Paul’s writings or his Partner Luke and saying 'yes’ Why? Because Paul says so.

    What Paul says still has to be checked and edited by Peter, James and who Jesus personally trained so that they can EXPLAIN Yeheshua’s mission AFTER he is gone.

    God instructed the Priests to wear head coverings and the 24 Elders John saw in Heaven had head coverings too.

    My research into experts research reveals that some Preachers are ONLY interested in faithfully PROMOTING AND PROCLAIMING their COMPANY POLICY which is "The Bible says" and then go straight to Paul, like if he is the Boss as he says. They really want to get FAMOUS. Some know NOTHING but if you hear their name? Reverend Bishop Apostle Doctor Knownothing.

    Yes how come they do not say: “Every man should COVER his head like some Jews and Muslims do because God INSTRUCTED the Priests to cover their heads?” Instead you will see them ‘tipping’ their hats in the presence of a Lady they are attracted to, and holding their hats in an elevator in the presence of a Lady they like. Why? Because that is the ‘custom’ around here like a female ‘curtsying’ when she is going to say a poem and a man ‘forbidden to eat by the table barebacked. So. You remember this: “In vain do they worship me TEACHING for Doctrines the commandments of men..” And this: “full well ye reject the commandments of God by laying aside the commandments for your TRADITIONS.”

    Some others however, are BRAVE enough even though lions eat them, to say that aside from the instruction to the Priests, men or women, wearing or not wearing is according to habits of the Country where they live if they want to do it or not. It is like eating with knife and fork or eating with your hands while sitting on the floor. Some women ask: "Is my head not covered? Look I have on a wig.

    In Revelation 2:2 and thereabout, Jesus tells Apostle John, a REAL Apostle, let everyone know that somebody who is saying he is an Apostle is lying. And Jesus COMMENDS THE Churches in the WHOLE of Asia Minor for TRYING this liar, finding him guilty as charged, and throwing him out. Hear Jesus: “WELL DONE!” Then Paul CRIES “fluflu! All of Asia Minor has rejected me." James calls him a fool 'thou that boasteth' and 'a Spouter of lies and a wicked Priests in the Dead sea scrolls. Alas what is mostly parading around the Bible reading World is not Jesusianity BUT Paulianity as promoted by the Church he formed in Rome and Simon Mag-something the magician perfected.

    I told my 9yr old Grandson 2 years ago: "When You want to find out how God thinks about something, START FROM THE FRONT OF THE BIBLE!" SOME people start explaining a doctrine or what God wants by HASTENING to go to the BACK OF THE BIBLE.

    If you start form the FRONT of the Bible, you are going to know what The Creator means on any doctrine LONG before you reach Isaiah:8: 20 which, as you know, says ‘anything coming AFTER the Law and testimonies that you ‘done know’ looking different is darkness. No light.

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  • .
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    still takes time. Im glad to hear the Lord has called you and you are no longer lost.

    as far as the prayer thing...a womans hair is her covering anyways. That thought about the head covering & not praying in the presence of a man....dont believe the hype. You can pray, your children need to hear you. With Jesus we have freedom, his yoke is light. We are not subject to the rules & regulations of false religion and their legalistic ways.

    You and your husband are one. if he asks that you pray,so be it.

    U are not dishonoring God.

    Perfect love casts out all fear. I hope you can leave it all behind...those false teachings that are programmed inside. It will take time.

    in Christ

  • Ducky
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    I understand your fear and nervousness even long after you left Jahova's Witness. It is important, first and foremost, to talk to your husband about it and ask him for his help (so that you don't have to go through it alone).

    Scripture wise you may want to look at all the Godly women in the bible. For example, Anna, a prophetess, continuously prayed in the presence of men as she prayed at the temple, and even went around teaching others (including men) about the baby Jesus.

    Women, in the bible, didn't just pray alongside men but also taught and lead alongside (and sometimes above) men. Deborah, Abigail, Esther, Ruth, Moses' wife, and more were all strong and powerful women who were stronger and more powerful than the average woman is today! A lot of people, especially extremely conservative Christians, strictly believe that women should be underneath men but this idea is not consistent in the bible. The only person who seemed to ever support this idea is Paul, and even than theologians speculate that the passages may not be as clear as we thought.... If you are struggling with understanding the passages of Paul, or the status of women in the bible, please message me. I have studied women and the bible for a very long time....

    One of the biggest things that helped me was a certain devotion book called: His Princess, love letters from your king. You can buy it at any major book store in the Christian/Devotion section.

  • 9 years ago

    As a former Witness and Elder of some almost 40 combined years I can say . . it is very difficult to get past indoctrination... and for that it may just take time..

    I would suggest you consider that their teaching on those that were part of the Anointed 144000 made up of men and women .. those that in their teaching would be kings and priests over the earth.. now would it make sense to you now, having stepped back from the organization that God looks down on women so much as to make them silent in the congregation?

    Looking throughout history and following historians teachings on the 1st century congregation many teachers were in fact women.... dont allow the past ideas of Witness teaching which would make the average woman feel she was worthless in God's eyes trouble you going forward ... Know that God loves us all and hearing your prayers are what make him happy...

    good luck to you ... and you may want to continue reading many of the passages on Witness teaching here.. just so you can deprogram yourself a bit ... 8)

  • 9 years ago

    As a male that always made me feel uncomfortable.

    I went in service quite a bit as a young teen and I felt completely uncomfortable with women the same age as my grandmother either scurrying around looking for a head covering or insisting I lead the arrangements and prayer.

    For me, it didn't make sense that these women with all this life experience should be put in a submissive position because I had a penis and was in the room. I didn't feel any different after getting baptized, I didn't feel any special unique bond with God that made me know my prayers were better than that of these women.

    Some Witness boys got an overinflated sense of self worth due to this policy and developed chauvinistic tendencies.

    You were conditioned from a very young age to think and feel a certain way. It is very difficult to go against this conditioning. For me, I had never celebrated my birthday. Even now my family wants to make something big out of it and it feels foreign and uncomfortable.

    I would suggest just trying it with your husband, maybe hold his hand while praying for support. The only way you will break it is to develop new habits. If it still feels uncomfortable, talk to a priest or pastor at whatever church you attend now. Explain the situation and ask for assistance in praying. Being told that it is okay from a "religious authority figure" might be what your inner self needs to hear.

    At least you can identify this as not normal behavior and desire to change. Whether you feel it or not, that is a major step.

    Edit: You may be interested to know that Charles Russel's wife Maria was one of the directors of the early Watchtower and also wrote articles and served as an editor for the magazine.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    Sister thy prayers are for God and not for man. Do you pray to be heard of man or God. Hanah prayed,yes? Her prayers where not even understandable of man, yet God Our Father answered her. The scripture" suggests" that women "keep silent in the congregation, and like-wize a women should not "teach" a man. But God who is the father of all, is the quest.

    If you are uncomfortable praying in public, don't. Father knows your heart.Speak to your husband,he will understand.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Congratulations on leaving that dangerous cult. You can see how they have messed with your head.

    I am a born again Christian.I don't believe in women teachers (1 Tim 2:3 onwards) or women being head over men of course (1 Cor 11:3 etc) but praying is a different matter. Just submit to your husband's request, HE IS HEAD & responsible before God, not you. Are you born again? Jesus said we must be if we want to enter God's kingdom. Following is an explanation. I hope it helps.

    Every human being born into this world, is born spiritually dead in our trespasses & sins through our mother's womb and into the Adamic sin nature, already cut off from God, straight into Satan's kingdom of darkness and on our way to hell. That's all of us and only Jesus can make us alive spiritually (Eph 2: 1 & 5). That's why Jesus said we MUST be BORN AGAIN - not of the natural flesh of Adam's sin but spiritually of God next time, because there is only one way to the Father and it is through Jesus Christ (John 14:6). Unless we are born again, (John 3:3), of water and Spirit, we CANNOT enter God's kingdom (John 3:5). So that's how important it is to be born again: It's the only way to be forgiven and cleansed of sin: It’s the only way to be saved and become a child of God in order to enter God's kingdom (John 3:5) through Christ. This is HOW?

    First believe in Jesus and that He died on the Cross for your sins and rose again to ascend into heaven; next, ask Jesus to forgive you for your sins (repentance) and receive Jesus Christ as Saviour (say in prayer "Jesus I receive your sacrifice for sins for me on the Cross") because then He can give you the power to BECOME A CHILD OF GOD (John 1:12). After this obey His command to be water baptized by full immersion; (like death & burial) in the Name of the Father, Son & Holy Spirit (Matt 28:19). In baptism into Jesus Christ we ceremonially die and are buried with Christ and raised up to walk in newness of life (Rom 6: 3 & 4). Peter said, "Repent and be water baptized for the remission of your sins" (Acts 2:38) because water baptism is a baptism of repentance for the remission of sins (Mark 1:4). In baptism, although we are lowered into the baptismal waters by a mere man, actually Jesus Christ the true Baptizer will come with Holy Spirit (Matt 3:11, Mark 1:8, Luke 3:16, John 1:33) and Jesus Himself will wash you from your sins in His own blood (Rev 1:5). He will sanctify and cleanse you with the washing of water baptism, so that He can then present you to Himself as a glorious Church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing but holy and without blemish (Eph 5:26 & 27)

    In baptism our old man (that's our old Adamic sin nature we were born with through Adam) is crucified with Christ (Rom 6:6) so we are no longer slaves of sin. Then God will also deliver you OUT OF Satan's kingdom of darkness and translate you INTO the kingdom of the Son of His love (Col 1:13) making you His child and you will even have an inner witness that you are God's child, adopted by the Spirit of Adoption (Holy Spirit) - Rom 8: 15 -17) God gives His Holy Spirit to those who obey Him (Acts 5:32).

    You see, Baptism now also saves us, not by the washing of the filth of the flesh but the answer of a good conscience before God through Christ's resurrection (1 Peter 3:21). So don't forget to become a child of God by new birth, for we are all (only true) sons of God through FAITH IN CHRIST JESUS AND WATER BAPTISM (Gal 3: 26 & 27).

    He who believes and is baptized SHALL BE SAVED (Mark 16:16), so that's how you become a born again Christian, you get born again of God, into Christ's kingdom and anyone who is IN CHRIST he has become a new creation, old things have passed away and all things have become new (2 Corinthians 5:17). You'll need to attend a good Church, Baptist/Pentecostal or Evangelical or Assemblies of God as the others don’t baptize Christ's way because baby christening is NOT baptism, since a baby cannot repent!

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