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Vegetarians: am I experiencing an allergic reation?

I've been a vegetarian for a little over a year now. Tonight, I had like, 5 roll-up things that I thought were just cheese and egg, but I'm not sure. I feel like I haven't been a vegetarian long enough/that wouldn't have been enough meat to cause a reaction, but my forehead is SO itchy and I feel like I'm burning up. Please help?


Friendofchip: I have NO IDEA what it was. It looked kind of like sushi, but sans rice. If I'd known the specific name, I'd have posted it, eh?

5 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Sorry I'm not vegetarian.

    Do you have any allergies to Nickel? My mom has reactions to food with high nickel content, depending on what cheese was in those roll ups it may have soy fillers which is HIGH in nickel.

    Was there meat in the roll ups? Otherwise meat allergies would either make someone break out in hives or send them to the hospital.

    For now I suggest finding an antihistamine and keeping an eye on your forehead.

    Source(s): Mom, Friends dad is allergic to poultry and any type of fish including shell fish.
  • 9 years ago

    Unless you have a specific allergy to meat, you won't have an allergic reaction after eating meat no matter how long it's been since you've eaten some. Meat isn't going to make your body produce the histamines that cause the symptoms of an allergic reaction..

    Because I'm allergic to specific medicines and foods, I know that normally your whole body begins to itch and might feel hot. Itchy, hot skin can be accompanied by swelling - especially around the face - and sometimes hives (large bumps).

    If you don't know what you've eaten, the first thing to do is to find out what you ate. You could be allergic to something that was in them, a spice, shellfish like shrimp that might have been in them, even certain cheeses will cause symptoms in some people. Raw avocado, cantaloupe and walnuts will do it to me.

    You could even have a contact allergy to something you've touched or a plant that might have brushed against you. Especially if it's only your forehead that's itchy. I found out that I'm allergic to corn silk after my first shift working in a cannery - canning corn - when I was in college. The unclothed parts of my body that the corn silk bits and pieces landed on - mostly my face and my arms - itched, reddened and felt like they were on fire. Wash your forehead with a mixture of a little warm water with oatmeal squished around in it. Dry it and wipe with a cloth or paper napkin dampened with a little vinegar to take out the itch.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Eating the mammary secretions of another species and hen periods DOES cause allergic reactions in the vast majority of people around the world.

    Plus, as a vegetarian, why would you EVER eat something without having any "idea" what was even in it???

  • 9 years ago

    A roll up is a spliff, right?

    Could be MSG reaction, or corn or soy. Anything. If you're going to post, at least say what the roll up was.

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  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    A nice sirloin will settle you down

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