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«she's in my blood and like a fire inside me/consumes the air then leads me blindly/she has my hopes and dreams and she's the one i see who screams...» Go on, Go on.

  • How should I interpret his behavior?

    I'm an American and I really like this guy from Saudi. We're both in college. I don't know for sure that he's Muslim, but I have little evidence to the contrary. He's a genuinely nice guy and I would really like to date him--we have a lot in common and he has an amazing ability to make me feel better about life every time I talk with him or see him. But from what I understand, Muslims can't date or even spend time alone with a member of the opposite sex before marriage (we have spent time alone together, studying). How should I approach this situation? One time he mentioned getting laid at a club, and asked me to go to Florida with him this past summer break (I couldn't-we're going to Mexico over winter break) but he abstains from alcohol and is generally a huggy person. I don't want to just ASK if he's a Muslim, but I don't know how to bring it up in conversation. Advice? Is it a lost cause? Would my being American matter that much? Thanks! :)

    *Note: I was raised Christian, but am currently an agnostic with no desire or intent to convert.

    3 AnswersSaudi Arabia8 years ago
  • A vegetarian that needs to change her diet?

    Hey guys,

    I will have been a vegetarian for two years as of October. At first, I did really well with healthy eating and a balanced diet, but I've started getting worse and worse about that. I'm a college student [read: poor and short on time] and I generally hate coming home after a long day and cooking. Being committed to vegetarianism isn't the difficult part, but I end up eating a lot of junk food and have started gaining weight as a result (whereas the first 6 months or so, I lost 20 lbs; I probably gained it all back). What is the best way to go on a diet, get the iron intake I need, and eat healthfully without spending hours in the kitchen each night? Thanks! :)

    6 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan8 years ago
  • My friend asked a guy if he wanted to hook up...and he said nothing?!?

    She didn't say "let's hook up," but there was no mistaking the fact that she wanted sex with him. My friend is definitely attractive and has a lot of great qualities. But he didn't say anything in response! I thought that typically, when a guy is offered sex, his answer is along the lines of "hell yeah!"

    He's sexy, charming, and overall a great guy. I am also interested in him; he's only in America for a short time. I would like to let him know that I'm interested, but I don't want the same response. What's up with this guy?! Any advice?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Repost: Really need advice?

    Earlier today, I met a Canadian guy working at Trader Joe's (I love Canada and was wearing a Canada shirt). We started talking and I really felt like there was a connection. I'll only be here until the end of August, and I'm not looking for a relationship right now, but I feel like I should have given him my number or something- just to see. The store was super crowded and I didn't want to hold up the line, but now I feel like I might've made a mistake in not at least trying. Was I wrong? If so, is there anything I should/can do to rectify it?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Did I make a mistake?!?

    Earlier today, I met a Canadian guy working at Trader Joe's (I love Canada and was wearing a Canada shirt). We started talking and I really felt like there was a connection. I'll only be here until the end of August, and I'm not looking for a relationship right now, but I feel like I should have given him my number or something- just to see. The store was super crowded and I didn't want to hold up the line, but now I feel like I might've made a mistake in not at least trying. Was I wrong? If so, is there anything I should/can do to rectify it?

  • Did I make a mistake?! :/?

    Earlier today, I met a Canadian guy working at Trader Joe's (I love Canada and was wearing a Canada shirt). We started talking and I really felt like there was a connection. I'll only be here until the end of August, and I'm not looking for a relationship right now, but I feel like I should have given him my number or something- just to see. The store was super crowded and I didn't want to hold up the line, but now I feel like I might've made a mistake in not at least trying. Was I wrong? If so, is there anything I should/can do to rectify it?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Why am I crying all the time?!?

    No chance I'm pregnant, and there's no way PMS has been a two week process. But it seems like everything has been making me cry these past two weeks--movies, music, a documentary, anything.

    A boy in my Model UN class died two months ago, and even though we weren't really close, it hit me pretty hard. I thought I'd be over it by now, but I guess not.

    I'm pretty happy in general, just sometimes the slightest thing will set me off. It doesn't seem like the loss of a classmate would manifest itself in crying about a documentary of the unemployed kids in Greece.

    I just don't know what to do. I hate crying. My mom was diagnosed with depression, but I'm in my 20s and have never felt like those people in the commercials. What is the cause of this? Is it all my classmate? How do I get over it? Please help. :/

    3 AnswersPsychology8 years ago
  • I'm trying to write a resumé, but I have no relevant experience?!?

    I'm applying for an administrative assistant at a newspaper, and despite the fact that I have pretty much no experience in this field, I feel like I possess all the qualifications/qualities they're looking for in a candidate. The problems are, that I have a year to go on my international relations degree and the extent of my "relevant experience" was working as an assistant for my aunt's real estate business for a summer and volunteering as a secretary for my dad's church. Other than that, all of my jobs have been retail/food service jobs.

    How do I create a resumé that reflects that I am qualified for this position? What should I include in the cover letter? Any additional tips are welcomed.

    Thank you! :)

    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment8 years ago
  • He's not my type...?

    There's this guy and we've been hanging out pretty consistently for the last week or two. We connect pretty well on an intellectual and emotional level, but physically (for me, at least) the physical attraction just isn't there. Additionally, he's 3 years younger (we're both in college, btw) and our hometowns are nowhere near to each other. How do I deal with this situation? :/ He's a nice guy and I like hanging out with him, but I really don't see it going anywhere.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Lost the ball off my new lip ring?

    I got my lip pierced 3 weeks ago Friday with a cbr, which I had to have changed for a stud after two weeks b/c of work. The ball came off somewhere today, and I'm not really sure what I'm supposed to do. Can someone please help? Thanks :)

    1 AnswerOther - Skin & Body8 years ago
  • New Lip Piercing, do I have to take it out?

    I got my lip pierced 12 days ago, one of my bosses having told me it wouldn't be a problem at my job. Turns out it is, and I need to either find a way to hide it (which would be tough, it's a ring), take it out entirely and get it repierced in the future, or get a retainer. Obviously I want to be able to keep it, is there any way?

    2 AnswersOther - Skin & Body8 years ago
  • Can I have my piercer change my lip ring to a retainer?

    I got my lip pierced with a CBR 12 days ago. I've been taking care of it religiously, but I cashier and turns out my one boss was DEFINITELY wrong about my being able to leave it in during my shift. Can I go to the piercer tomorrow, have them change it out for like a glass/bioflex retainer, and be good to go? I know it's not great to f*ck with during the healing, but I don't know what to do. :/

    1 AnswerOther - Skin & Body8 years ago
  • What jobs can I get with a lip piercing?

    Currently, I work at the market on my college campus. Obviously, I'll want to change jobs soon--I'm 23 and hopefully graduating in December. I'm an International Relations major with no intent on working for the government. My town is pretty small, but I'm planning on moving in with my Dad, who lives in a town with a lot more options. I have barista and call center experience (among others) but I won't want to be stuck at. Minimum wage job forever. Ideas?

    3 AnswersOther - Skin & Body8 years ago
  • Could I change the piercing?

    Ok. I got a lip piercing March 1st (Friday). I have a Model UN conference on the 16th, and the dress code consists of "western business attire." F*ck that, right? Anyway, supposedly I can use a "clear plug," which I suppose I'd have to leave in for the entire conference (16-22nd of March). [Let me know if you think it'd be ok to change it in/out every night when we go out and put the clear thing in the morning?)

    So would I be able to take out the ring, and sub in the plastic thing without the hole closing or getting an infection? Thanks. :)

    PS: there hasn't been any swelling, bleeding or pain thus far, and I'm taking care of it pretty religiously, which I would continue to do during the conference.

    1 AnswerOther - Skin & Body8 years ago
  • How do I moisturizer my new lip piercing?

    I got my lip pierced day before yesterday. I've been cleaning it 3x/day, soaking it in saline solution on the outside and using diluted alcohol-free mouthwash for the inside. But it's starting to feel really dry. Should I clean it less? I know you shouldn't use neosporin or the like, but the only other suggestion I've seen is aloe, which I don't have. Please help?

    1 AnswerOther - Skin & Body8 years ago
  • How can I moisturize my new lip piercing?

    I got my lip pierced day before yesterday. I've been cleaning it like 3x/day with saline solution and using diluted alcohol-free mouthwash. But the outside of my mouth is starting to feel really dry. I heard that you shouldn't use neosporin or moisturizer, but what CAN I use? I don't have any aloe sitting around the house :/

    1 AnswerMakeup8 years ago
  • Are we "just friends?" This one has me so confused...?

    We're both in college, we have the same morning class together Tuesdays/Thursdays. I stayed over his place a few times, he's stayed over here once or twice. After class we'll walk and talk for about an hour, before my next class, but other than that we don't talk or text [he doesn't like texting really, he called a few times over break]. I can't figure out what he's thinking. Part of me just doesn't give a f*ck if I seem annoying, and the other part of me is stubbornly saying that if he cared, he'd text first. Yes, I know this is SO stupid but I'm really torn here. Thanks one and all. :)

    1 AnswerFriends8 years ago
  • People tell me I look angry all the time?

    People constantly tell me I look angry, but I'm only staring off into space or really deep in thought. I have trouble smiling unless I'm truly happy or in a situation when I feel smiling is warranted. I would like to randomly smile at people on the street and 'emit that aura' of a positive disposition, but it just seems awkward. Advice?

    1 AnswerOther - Social Science8 years ago
  • Breathing exercises.....?

    I'm thinking of a breathing technique that I believe is Hindu or Yogic. It's about focusing breathing on 5 or six areas of your body, starting at your chest and moving to your groin area for like, 5 minutes at each stage, and it's depicted by someone sitting in the Lotus pose, with a circle on each area of the chest you're supposed to focus your breathing on. Can anyone help me out on the name? Thanks. :)

    1 AnswerReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Vegetarians: am I experiencing an allergic reation?

    I've been a vegetarian for a little over a year now. Tonight, I had like, 5 roll-up things that I thought were just cheese and egg, but I'm not sure. I feel like I haven't been a vegetarian long enough/that wouldn't have been enough meat to cause a reaction, but my forehead is SO itchy and I feel like I'm burning up. Please help?

    5 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan8 years ago