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Lucky #7 asked in Social SciencePsychology · 8 years ago

Why am I crying all the time?!?

No chance I'm pregnant, and there's no way PMS has been a two week process. But it seems like everything has been making me cry these past two weeks--movies, music, a documentary, anything.

A boy in my Model UN class died two months ago, and even though we weren't really close, it hit me pretty hard. I thought I'd be over it by now, but I guess not.

I'm pretty happy in general, just sometimes the slightest thing will set me off. It doesn't seem like the loss of a classmate would manifest itself in crying about a documentary of the unemployed kids in Greece.

I just don't know what to do. I hate crying. My mom was diagnosed with depression, but I'm in my 20s and have never felt like those people in the commercials. What is the cause of this? Is it all my classmate? How do I get over it? Please help. :/


Definitely NOT pregnant. :)

3 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Are you positively pregnant?

    What do you think and feel about that?

    In my opinion, crying is the highest level of emotion. Sometimes we cry because not even a word can describe what you feel. So, i think it's not wrong to cry, even i am a boy.. It's not normal when you feel nothing in the sad condition, right? Cry is one of evidence that you are human-being :)

    The problem is how to cope our problem.. How to move on from the bad condition.. or maybe you just a person who very sensitive so it's easy to you to cry in any condition..

    I think i should know more information about you.. If you want to share your problem with me privately, contact my e-mail: Or you can simply share your problem to your best friend, parents, psychologist, or someone that you trust..

    May peace be with you..

    God Bless you :)

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Well, it could be the loss of your classmate? Is this the first time you've lost anyone even remotely close to you? The reason I ask is, if it is and you've never really grieved over anyone or anything, you may be just now figuring out how you grieve. I wouldn't think you're depressed. And, sometimes when we are grieving over something, other things can and will set us off crying. We're all different and it depends on the person. Me personally, when I'm grieving a loss of some kind, I am liable to cry over any and everything at any given moment. That's just the way I am wired. I'm not sure there is any way to get over it. Especially if it is that you're grieving. Grieving is a process, and, depending on the person, it can be a long or a relatively short process. For me, it's relatively short but usually pretty intense. You may just need to allow yourself to cry when the urge strikes and you may find that in time, the urges get fewer and further between. I hope this helps. Feel free to email me if you want or need to talk further about this or anything else.


  • 8 years ago

    It is form of depression! A nervous breakdown starts with "fringed nerves", "easy tears", dis-socialization etc. Not saying you are in that category, but if your mom was diagnosed with depression for no apparent reason (ie. circumstances in her life), then it may be genetic. Age in that case has little or no bearing on whether you are prone to depression or not. Go see a med. doctor, he would give you a test, and then you would know for sure whether you have a problem or not. What can it hurt?

    good luck!

    Source(s): life
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