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I'm trying to write a resumé, but I have no relevant experience?!?

I'm applying for an administrative assistant at a newspaper, and despite the fact that I have pretty much no experience in this field, I feel like I possess all the qualifications/qualities they're looking for in a candidate. The problems are, that I have a year to go on my international relations degree and the extent of my "relevant experience" was working as an assistant for my aunt's real estate business for a summer and volunteering as a secretary for my dad's church. Other than that, all of my jobs have been retail/food service jobs.

How do I create a resumé that reflects that I am qualified for this position? What should I include in the cover letter? Any additional tips are welcomed.

Thank you! :)

1 Answer

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer


    I wrote an article on this aw while ago, the most important tip is to be yourself and not lie as you will always get caught here is a link to the article with many tips.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Well that's a tough one. Just be honest and write whatever little experience you have. List the jobs and the main thing you learnt from the jobs. for example if you work as an assisstant it means you had to do a lot of writing and multi tasking. So maybe you can emphasize those and show how they would make you a suitable candidate for the job. Also, if you are interested in an another opportunity to make feel free to email me. My address is

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