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How should I interpret his behavior?

I'm an American and I really like this guy from Saudi. We're both in college. I don't know for sure that he's Muslim, but I have little evidence to the contrary. He's a genuinely nice guy and I would really like to date him--we have a lot in common and he has an amazing ability to make me feel better about life every time I talk with him or see him. But from what I understand, Muslims can't date or even spend time alone with a member of the opposite sex before marriage (we have spent time alone together, studying). How should I approach this situation? One time he mentioned getting laid at a club, and asked me to go to Florida with him this past summer break (I couldn't-we're going to Mexico over winter break) but he abstains from alcohol and is generally a huggy person. I don't want to just ASK if he's a Muslim, but I don't know how to bring it up in conversation. Advice? Is it a lost cause? Would my being American matter that much? Thanks! :)

*Note: I was raised Christian, but am currently an agnostic with no desire or intent to convert.

3 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Every Saudi is a Muslim. Therefore no doubt about his Religion:)

    Most (not all, expemtions exist) Saudi students have a good time in the USA while studying. There they can do what's not possible in their own country which is strictly gender segregated.

    But - most of the time these Saudi students will return back home one day without the American girlfriend because they can't get permission from the Govt. to marry a foreigner, because they don't want to loose their scholarship, because they family won't agree or simply because it's a difficult and long procedure to bring a foreign wife into the Kingdom.

    Please be aware of the mentioned above before getting to involved emotionally in a relationship with a Saudi guy.

    Source(s): me
  • Nazia
    Lv 6
    8 years ago


    Forget him.

    Instead marry a rich Jew. Arabs and Jews both have a lot of moola.

    btw, your boyfriend is a just a muslim on PAPER.

    90% muslims are just muslims in theory. on paper.

    He is a lost cause.

    Good Luck

  • 8 years ago

    Wouldn't be wise.

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