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Could I change the piercing?

Ok. I got a lip piercing March 1st (Friday). I have a Model UN conference on the 16th, and the dress code consists of "western business attire." F*ck that, right? Anyway, supposedly I can use a "clear plug," which I suppose I'd have to leave in for the entire conference (16-22nd of March). [Let me know if you think it'd be ok to change it in/out every night when we go out and put the clear thing in the morning?)

So would I be able to take out the ring, and sub in the plastic thing without the hole closing or getting an infection? Thanks. :)

PS: there hasn't been any swelling, bleeding or pain thus far, and I'm taking care of it pretty religiously, which I would continue to do during the conference.


[there hasn't been any "crusting," either]

Update 2:

Hi Dizzykins! Thanks for the response. :) I've been cleaning it with 1/4 tsp sea salt to 1 cup of warm water twice a day, sometimes more. I got a new soft-bristled toothbrush, which I've been keeping in a half peroxide: half warm water solution (will that harm or hurt the process?) and using a 50% diluted alcohol-free mouthwash twice a day and every time I eat.

There is some discharge now, but very, very little; not enough to form a crust.

1 Answer

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Would love to know how you're cleaning it, as no crusting is not always a good thing. If you're using anything other then 1/4tsp sea salt and 1 cup of hot water 2x daily, its most likely not helping, but prolonging healing.

    On to the question though. Use a clear labret bar, usually made from bioplast. It's also known as a retainer. Only change it in, dont change it over and over, your piercing needs time to heal, best thing to do is just leave it for the entire conference. You'd rather not agitate it, as usually I wouldnt recommend changing a piercing over before 6-8 weeks, but if it needs to be done, it needs to be done.

    Change it in a couple of days before the conference as well, just in case it does decide to swell up from the agitation. Ensure you continue cleaning it as well during the conference.

    If you're worried about it closing up with you changing it, get your piercer to change it for you. And it's also a good idea to get a spare retainer, just in case you swallow it, as I know many of my clients do.

    I hope this helps! Good luck!

    Source(s): Professional Body Piercer
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