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Can I have my piercer change my lip ring to a retainer?

I got my lip pierced with a CBR 12 days ago. I've been taking care of it religiously, but I cashier and turns out my one boss was DEFINITELY wrong about my being able to leave it in during my shift. Can I go to the piercer tomorrow, have them change it out for like a glass/bioflex retainer, and be good to go? I know it's not great to f*ck with during the healing, but I don't know what to do. :/

1 Answer

  • Beery
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yeah, you should be able to. Not like you have much choice anyway, right?

    I wish employers/managers were a little more flexible with this stuff. After all, it's really no different than an earring.

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