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Why is the latest consensus that the Republican party is washed up and dissolving?

It seems to me that they still have a mojority in the House of Representatives (where tax bills originate), not that much of a ratio of Republican vs Democrats in the Senate, and on the State and local level they are still in the majority.

13 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    Actually, there is no consensus, but there are trends. Many prognosticators said the Republican Party was washed up after Barry Goldwater's defeat in 1964--look at the literature of the times.

    But this time there are trends, statistics that do not lie. More and more voters are independent, and the fastest growing religion is atheism. These are indicators that the voting public is growing weary of being blind followers. In their recent strategy, Republicans have capitalized on fear and unquestioning following of the leadership (for the good of the country or the good of children), more than the Democrats have who tend to have more suspicious followers.

    But the followers are growing weary of following. The two-party system may not last, and expect it to be replaced by something that moves from representative government to more direct forms of participatory democracy (With appropriate protection for minorities). And about the only thing that would reverse that trend is an invasion of aliens from a distant star.

  • Calvin
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    I don't think anyone is seriously arguing that the Republican Party is completely "washed up". It looks actually very good for Republicans as to House and Senate seats into the future (very little has changed in that regard....and is not likely to change anytime soon)....I would have to say that it does not look good for the next 12 years or so on the national election stage however (Presidential races....which do have some effect on House and Senate races in some states).

    Hillary Clinton is going to be very tough to beat in 2016 if she runs (I don't think the Republicans have anyone as yet that can complete with her).

    I have to also say that there is a bit or a fight going on in the Republican Party between neo-cons, and the more paleo-conservative groups (especially the more libertarian elements). That also diminishes the Republican chances in national elections until that is hammered out. I really do not think we will ever see another neo-con President or anything that remotely resembles such. If they keep getting nominated and the party does not see liberty as its chief will have a very long walk through the wilderness until they finally do so (and that will be VERY costly to this nation and western civilization itself). Even if one is a raging Democrat I imagine one can see the serious problems this nation will likely endure if there is no real political competition on the national stage for a very long period.

  • Because their economic "philosophy" doesn't work and their social ideas are morally bankrupt. The only reason they still have the House is because all the gerrymandering of districts they did in states they controlled after 2010. They lost the popular vote in the House this year. Unless they change their immoral policies, they will lose the House in 2014.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    With so many addicted to living off other people's money, it's no wonder they're voting to keep getting money they don't have to pay back. Once the country folds and can't pay for everyone's free ride, the majority of Americans will see the error of their ways and start making their fortunes on their own and not waiting on the government to make them rich.

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Let's hope that left-wingers someday wake up from their shared wet-dreams.

    At the moment they're celebrating and mentally ejaculating over their pyrrhic victory.

    But should they ever awake, they'll discover that the ones who were f**ked

    were themselves and America at large.

    This awakening to a limp, impotent erection will be brought about by

    the economic calamity awaiting ALL AMERICANS when the

    economic sh*t finally hits the fan.

    PS: Sorry to awaken so many of you!...;-)

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    The faster they get washed up and get dissolved the better.

  • 9 years ago

    bwaaaah haaaah...typical liberal comment. and next youll tell me that the 1.5 percent obama popular vote edge is some type of mandate...yeah right.

  • Sam
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    They are so far out of touch I could never vote for them.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    They are becoming old and senile.

    Extinction is just around the corner.


  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    they will push harder to the right to try and regroup...

    And that house advantage is due to gerrymandering. They lost the popular vote.

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