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I'm angry with my instructor?

Well I'm leasing a horse from my instructor, she is calm on the flat so she uses her for the 10-11 year olds. I come out 4-5 times a week, I would ride her every day. But now she is used for lesson twice a week so now I can oly ride her 2-3 days a week. But my instructor said I could ride her other horse for free so I thought it was no big deal. Well then she wouldn't let me ride her other horse. I was kind of angry because we were paying for her shoes, feed and vaccinations. Well now she haad to talk to me about putting away the tack. I use her bridle and saddle but one night I was in a hurry so my friend said she would put away my bridle, helmet and half chaps but she didn't. So after that one time she thought I was irresponsibel. She said it has happened alot but honestly that was the only time. She nags me about not cleaning the bit, WTF! I scrub that bit with my finger nails! It is one of the girls who takes lessons on her that leaves out the bridle and breastplate! I don't even use a breastplate! She talks about leasing my ease to the other girl, a shared lease but I'm still really pissed because that means I could only ride like 2 times a week! I feel like im not being trated very well but there are like no other barns near me! I'm confused and I just feel like crying becaause an immature 10 year old tells me I do everything wrong! Not at all, she is horribe with horses but thinks she is amazing! I cant ride my favorite horse very much anymore, I want to just end the lease but that means I cant do shows with her or ride her more that once a week. Please help me decide what to do. Should I go barn searching some more or something else?

Thanks in advance

6 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Do you have a written lease agreement? Does it clarify your rights to the horse you are leasing (are you supposed to have free access, be the sole rider/caretaker? She cant change any part of a lease without you're written consent because it is a binding contract. If it does not specify the conditions, there is room for her to manipulate the conditions of the lease as she sees fit. But that works both ways. You need to complain to your parents as I assume they are the ones paying the lease, and if they cant sort this out with your instructor, then you need to use her nonspecific lease against her and find a weakness that will allow you out of it. Then you need to find a new barn with professionals who have some sort of business ethics as they seem to be lacking in this case.

    Well put Burdfour

  • 8 years ago

    Talk to your instructor calmly and maturely, and tell her what you told us. Explain that you feel like you are getting the short end of the stick and it isn't fair. Explain what happened that one time with the bridle and the half chaps not being put away.

    If she doesn't listen at all after talking to her, then try to go barn searching, look online and maybe you'll see some ads at a tack shop or feed store, even vet offices have ads sometimes. So just look around and maybe you'll find a better place. You can lease horses from people even if they don't have a public boarding barn or lessons, some people still offer a lease at their own private place. Just keep looking.

    Try websites such as:

    Equine Now


    Horse licks

    Equine Hits

    You may find a horse on there that is for lease.

    Best of luck!

  • 8 years ago

    Was your lease agreement in writing? If so, is it a full or part lease? If it was not in writing, you (and your parents?) made a mistake there.

    Like another poster said, you need to sit down and talk to your instructor, and hash this out. Make notes, and refer to them during your discussion.

    1. How often am I allowed to ride? May I ride on lesson days?

    2. I thought that I was putting up the tack I used, I'll be sure and be more careful to double check it.

    3. Am I supposed to be doing what (the 10 year old) tells me to do? I didn't really think so, but she really bugs me ordering me around, can you help me with this?

    4. I guess I'm not cleaning the bit right, would you show me again how you want it done?

    5. I hope you don't part-lease (horse) out, I would really like to ride more, not there anything I can do to secure a full lease on him?

    Notice that in my examples, I wasn't complaining, I was asking for clarification and instructions. Don't worry about what other students are doing, just do right yourself. In my opinion, a healthy horse should be able to stand an hour lesson with 10-11 years olds, and being ridden by you on the same day, as long as you ride her reasonably.

    Good luck.

  • 8 years ago

    I would talk to your trainer. You need to sit down and talk to her. I know it might be uncomfortable. But it isn't right to have someone treat you like that, especially when you pay for so much.

    I would also try to search for a few more barns. Look at the options. If you can't find any other barns at all, then you'll have to deal with this with a mature attitude.

    The best way to deal with this situation, is calmly and maturely. If you don't you're only going to make matters worse, and just seem more and more like an immature child to your instructor.

    Good luck hope it works out!

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  • purter
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

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  • 8 years ago

    Tell her exactly what is going on, how you feel

    And then to F. Off.

    And go and find yourself a far better horse.

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